Wicked Ride

Garrett lifted one dark eyebrow and met the shrug with one of his own. “We like bikes.”

Oh, whatever. Lex glanced toward Logan. “Are you related to Garrett or King?”

“The king,” Logan said slowly. “Garrett is my new brother because his sister married my brother. That means I’m related to the king, too. Family is family.”

Garrett nodded solemnly and reached for more waffles. “Damn straight.” He flushed and glanced at her. “Begging your pardon, ma’am.”

What the hell? “You two are a bit polite to be Fire prospects.” She took a sip of orange juice.

“Just around ladies.” Garrett leaned back and patted his flat belly. “My mom is fierce, you know? We don’t swear around her.” He rubbed his already whiskered chin. “Or my aunts. Or, well, any of them.”

Logan nodded solemnly. “Yep. My mom’s a demon if we swear.”

Garrett burst into laughter, his body moving with humor. “Good one.”

Lex frowned as the kids continued to laugh way out of proportion to the small insult. She glanced at Kellach. “I think I missed the joke.”

Kell sipped on his juice. “Family joke, I’m afraid. Felicity is one hell of a demonness if she’s riled.”

For some reason, that sent the boys into more gales of rolling laughter.

Finally, Logan wiped his eyes. “We’re sorry, Alexandra. Sometimes family jokes are just funny if you were there, you know. We didn’t mean to leave you out.”

Garrett instantly sobered. “Shoot. Do you feel left out? I’m sorry.”

She shook her head, more confusion dawning. They were so damn sweet, how could they be prospects for a club she just knew was running drugs and guns? “Do your mothers know you’re here?”

“Yes,” the boys said in unison.

“We were on a beach on the other side of the world,” Logan said, his gaze forlorn.

Lex shook her head. “Why didn’t you stay there?” They had to be safer on a beach with bikini bunnies than in Seattle with the drug war going on.

“Ask Logan,” Garrett muttered.

“Me?” Logan shoved back from the table. “You were the one with the blonde. Hell, the two blondes whose dads showed up.”

Garrett flushed. “You were with a redhead and a brunette.”

Logan grinned. “Yeah, but their daddies didn’t show up with shotguns and bust up the hotel.”

Kellach cleared his throat. “Enough. Clear your plates.”

The boys instantly stood and began clearing the table.

Lex pushed away, and Garrett shook his head. “We’ve got it, ma’am. Sit and relax.”

She instantly shot Kell a hard look. Something weird was going on, and she didn’t like it one damn bit. Her foot tapped as the boys quickly cleaned up, obviously having done so before.

Kellach just looked at her, no expression on his hard face.

Oh yeah? Fine. She turned to face the kitchen. “You boys don’t know of any weapons that throw fire, do you?” she asked.

Garrett glanced up from wiping down a counter. “Man-made?”

Why the hell did everyone keep making that distinction? “Of course,” she said.

“Nope.” Logan finished loading the dishwasher and shut the door. “I guess there are flame throwers like in the movies, but I’m sure that’s not what you mean.”

She shook her head. “Why did you ask if I meant man-made weapons?”

The boys stilled and both faced her, losing all expression.

A shiver trickled down her spine. That quickly, they’d gone from boys to predators. “Gentlemen?”

Kell stood. “You’re welcome for breakfast. Now head on over to Simone’s and help her put up the shelving system she wants. Don’t tick her off.”

Sighing in what sounded like relief, the boys launched themselves toward the doorway with mumbled good-byes. As the door closed behind them, a sense of peace filtered through the penthouse. She hadn’t realized the energy the kids had added to the very atmosphere until they’d left.

She turned toward Kell and pressed her hands to her hips. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“Family stuff.” He lifted her right out of her chair, boots and all, and crossed to sit in an oversized chair. “How are you today?”

“Fine.” She smoothed her hands down the skirt and tried to settle herself on his lap. Raised without a father, unmarried, and more comfortable with work than people, she’d never spent much time cuddling on a man’s lap. Any man’s. Her face heated. “Are these Simone’s clothes?”

“Yes. The skirt is a mini on her, but she has small feet, so I figured the boots would fit.” He rubbed her back and then his voice rumbled sexy low. “The bra didn’t fit, I take it?”

Her nipples flared to life, as did her girly parts. “Those boys aren’t prospects, Kell. Please tell me what’s going on.”

He glanced down at her lips and then nodded. “Fine. They got in some trouble at the beach, and they were sent here as punishment and to help me figure out about Apollo.”