Wicked Ride

She’d thought she’d lost it as well . . . until now. Until being held by a man with power and gentleness. If she had a hundred years, she’d probably not be able to plumb the depths of Kell. But they didn’t have that time. They had now and now only. Either he was lying and she’d end up shooting or arresting him, or he’d succeed in his mission and return to his home across the globe.

“I hope you’re the good guy in this,” she whispered. Yeah, she might need a little more reassurance.

He clasped a hand over his heart. “I’m not a good guy, but I’m not the criminal you seek. On my word, I’m working with you to take the drug off the street.”

“And the weapons?”

“If I find another man-made weapon that shoots plasma fire, I’ll hand it over to you instead of sending it to my people.”

Odd wording. What other weapon could there be? But she believed him, or at least, she wanted to. He’d saved her life, not once, but twice. If he was truly working against her, he wouldn’t have saved her.

Her body vibrated with so much need, her brain just wanted to shut down so she could feel. “What the hell.” She softened against him, her lips tipping.

She expected a grin or some sort of triumph to glimmer in his eyes. What she got was pure intent and male satisfaction. Enough to make her insides quiver.

He gently pushed the shirt off her shoulder, and his lips enclosed her flesh. He bit. Not hard, but with enough snap to send an electric shock zapping to her abdomen. She gasped and writhed against him. His muscles shifted, and she landed on her feet. Their gazes remained connected, and he ripped open her shirt, scattering buttons across the room. The torn material followed.

The air washed over her bare skin, and she shivered. Doubt crept in. The man was perfection and had probably been with a lot of women. She was short, hardly busty, and bruised. It had been at least a year since she’d taken the time to be with a man. And Kellach Dunne was all man.

He cupped her chin. “Second thoughts?”

She swallowed. “No.”

“Good.” His hands caressed over her shoulders to cover her breasts. “Absolutely exquisite.”

The compliment bolstered her, and she reached for the hem of his T-shirt to pull it over his head. He ducked his head to help her. An intricate tattoo wound over his left shoulder and partially down his arm. A myriad of complex, Celtic lines with a barely discernible C9E combined in the middle. She fingered the jagged edges. “Beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Her hand flattened over the dark ink. “What does it mean?”

He glanced down at the tattoo. “It’s a military designation from home. It means, well, everything.” His Irish brogue rolled the words into a sound of dedication. Of love.

She swallowed. The design appeared old, and his voice lowered when he spoke of it. What would he sound like with a woman? One who meant as much to him as whatever he’d vowed to protect? “I don’t know a thing about you, do I?”

He covered her hand over the tattoo. “You know more than almost anybody who isn’t family.” His mouth sought hers, instantly possessing her with warmth and passion. His palms burned across her breasts, and he rolled both nipples between his fingers.

Her knees weakened, and she reached for his belt buckle. Trembles weakened her fingers, but she managed to disengage the belt and release his zipper. His mouth continued to overwhelm hers as he kicked out of the worn jeans, leaving them both nude. She blinked twice. He was fully erect, long and thick. No wonder he seemed so confident in everything. She grinned.

Suddenly, both his hands clamped her ass, and he tossed her back on the bed, following to stretch out on top of her. The air whooshed out of her lungs. His mouth didn’t release hers once.

How was he so strong? The thought instantly spiraled away as he kissed along her jaw, down her throat, and licked her collarbone.

She gyrated against him, and he groaned as he moved lower and closed his lips over one nipple. Raw heat streaked to her core. She traced his ribcage around to his back, tugging him more solidly against her. He nipped and sucked—sensations exploded through her. Need, want, and even lust combusted as every pull on her nipple rode down and seemed to engulf her clit.

He moved to the other nipple, stimulating to the point of erotic torture. Finally, he freed her. “You’re stunning, Alexandra.” Tapping long fingers down her torso, he grinned at her sharp intake of breath.

She’d never felt like this. Worshiped and taken all at once. He was completely into the moment, completely into her. The knowledge went to her head, and she caressed down to his truly fine ass.

He pressed his fingers between her thighs, brushing across her clit. “So hot and wet.”

She needed him and now. Crossing around his hip, she stroked his cock.

He stilled. “Slow, Alexandra.”

“No.” She smiled and tightened her grip. “Fast this time. Slow later.”

Levering up, he pressed his forehead to hers. “We can go fast to take the edge off, but baby, I’m gonna play my fill afterward.”

An electric thrill ran through her, and her entire body shuddered. “If you think you’re able.”

He grabbed her hip and brushed her mouth with his. “Aye. I’m able.”