Wicked Ride

She smiled and arched against his dick. “Condoms?” Sighing, she glanced at the bedtable.

He stiffened and raised his head. “Ah, no. I won’t get you pregnant.”

She blinked, her body on fire, her mind awakening. “I’m not worried about pregnancy.” She released him to focus on his desire-filled eyes. “You don’t have condoms?”

“No. I’m clean, I promise. Just had a physical.” He brushed her nose with a kiss.

“I’m clean too, and I’m smart. No condoms, no sex.” God, she wanted him. Her entire body thrummed, and wetness, more than ever before, coated her parted thighs. She blinked as vulnerability joined desire. Nude and beneath him probably wasn’t the safest place to be. “Without condoms, it isn’t going to happen.”

He scrutinized her, an unreadable series of expressions crossing his rugged face. Finally, he nodded. “Okay.” He kissed her again and moved away, gentleness curving his lips. Regret filtered through his eyes, and his massive chest exhaled slowly. “I’ll visit a drugstore first thing in the morning. For now, I guess I get to play.” He kissed her throat, nuzzled down her neck, and licked her already sensitive nipples.

His kiss engulfed her, and he chuckled while scorching a path from her breasts, across her abdomen, right to her aching core. All grace, he scooted off the bed and onto his knees. His strong hands spread her legs wider, clamped around her thighs, and yanked her until her legs were over his wide shoulders. He held her exposed and open, his breath heating her inner thighs.

She gasped and tried to hold still. What kind of virile male didn’t have condoms? The thought spiraled away as her body took over.

His teeth sank into one thigh, and she gasped, arching toward his mouth. His hum tickled her skin right before he licked right through her folds. Electricity rocketed through her, and she gasped, her eyes closing and her head digging into the pillow. He licked again, his fingers digging into her legs, and within seconds, she began to thrash uncontrollably against him.

He played, setting up rhythms only to change them, inserting one finger and then two inside her. Moving in and out with a new rhythm, and then altering again. Minutes, many minutes later, she began to whisper incoherently, her body gyrating, right on the edge to the point of pain. He paused, and the whole fucking world held its breath.

“Say my name,” he murmured, poised right above her clit.

“Kellach,” she blurted out, her body undulating.

He closed his lips over her pulsating clit and sucked hard. Her body detonated, and shock waves reverberated through her core, under her abdomen, right to her breasts. She cried out, arching, flashes of light shooting behind her closed eyelids.

He worked her over, prolonging the orgasm until she went boneless with a satisfied mumble.

Gently, he slipped her legs down his arms, grasped her waist, and lifted her to yank aside the bedclothes and tuck her in.

Darkness shrouded his face, and she glanced up at his large form. “What about you?”

He grinned and slid into bed, turning her to spoon against his granite-hard shaft. “Sleep. You can make me happy tomorrow after I buy condoms.”

Her eyelids dropped and she snuggled into him, guilt rising. “What kind of guy doesn’t have condoms?”

He breathed evenly against her, his chest a hard wall. “I’m still moving in and hadn’t thought I’d need them.”

Sweet. Definitely sweet. The orgasm had been spectacular, and she couldn’t leave him like this. Plus, although she’d climaxed like there was no tomorrow, a hollowness echoed deep within her. If he was feeling even a percentage of that, she couldn’t leave him hard and wanting. “I could do the same for you.”

“No.” He tucked a solid arm around her waist. “The first time I come with you, I want to be looking in those amazing eyes and feeling your entire body on fire around me. Trust me.” He kissed the top of her head. “Go to sleep, Alexandra. I’ll keep you safe tonight.”

His warmth surrounded her, and for the first time in so long, she actually felt safe. She’d figure out the rest tomorrow.

Chapter 13

Lex awoke with a startle, sitting upright in bed . . . in 1600-thread-count sheets, surrounded by the scent of male. Clutching the sheet to her chest, she glanced around the quiet room. A set of woman’s clothing lay on an antique chair by the master bathroom. Soft clunks sounded from what were probably pans in the kitchen. Swallowing, her head spinning, her body way too relaxed, she slipped from the bed and padded barefoot to the clothes.

A slim black skirt, red blouse, panty and bra set still in the tissue paper, socks, and black leather boots that actually made her sigh. Then she grinned. The guy saw her as a dominatrix. Chuckling, she took the clothing into the bath to jump into the many nozzled shower, moaning in pure bliss.