Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Artemis shut down the holographic projection. So, were on our own. We need to steal that final charge and detonate it harmlessly above the parallel stretch. Not only that, but we need to expose Opal so she cannot simply put her plan into action all over again. Obviously, to do this we need to find Opals shuttle.


Mulch was suddenly uncomfortable. Youre going after Koboi? Again? Well, best of luck. You can just drop me off at the next corner.


Holly ignored him. How long do we have?


There was a calculator on the plasma screen, but Artemis didnt need it. The orebody is sinking at a rate of five metres per second. Thats eleven miles per hour. At that speed it would take approximately nine and a half hours to reach the parallel stretch.


Nine hours from now?


No, Artemis corrected her. Nine hours from detonation, which was almost two hours ago.


Holly walked rapidly into the cockpit, strapping herself into the pilots chair. Seven and a half hours to save the world. Isnt there some law that says we get at least twenty-four?


Artemis strapped himself into the co-pilots chair. I dont think Opal bothers with laws, he said. Now. Can you talk while you fly? There are a few things I need to know about shuttles and charges.




* * *






Chapter 10: Horse Sense






Eeverybody in Police Plaza was all talk about the Zito probe. In truth, it was a bit of a distraction from recent events. The LEP didnt lose many officers in the field. And now two in the same shift. Foaly was taking it hard, especially the loss of Holly Short. It was one thing to lose a friend in the line of duty, but for that friend to be falsely accused of murder was unbearable. Foaly could not stand the idea that the People would forever remember Holly as a cold-blooded killer. Captain Short was innocent. Whats more, she was a decorated hero, and she deserved to be remembered as such.


A com screen flickered into life on his wall; it was one of his technical assistants in the outer office. The elfs pointed ears were quivering with excitement.


The probe is down to sixty-two miles. I cant believe the humans have gotten this far.


Foaly couldnt believe it either. In theory, it should have been decades before humans developed a laser sophisticated enough to puncture the crust without frying half a continent. Obviously, Giovanni Zito had gone right ahead and developed the laser without worrying about Foalys projections for his species.


Foaly almost regretted having to shut Zitos project down. The Sicilian was one of the brightest hopes for the human race. His plan to harness the power of the outer core was a good one, but the cost was fairy exposure, and that was too high a price to pay.


Keep a close eye on it, he said, trying to sound interested. Especially when it runs parallel to E7. I dont anticipate any trouble, but eyes peeled, just in case.


Yes, sir. Oh, and we have Captain Verbil on line two, from the surface.


A tiny spark of interest lit the centaurs eyes. Verbil? The sprite had allowed Mulch Diggums to steal an LEP shuttle. Mulch escaped on the very day his friends on the force had been killed. Coincidence? Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Foaly opened a window to the surface. In it he could see Verbils chest.


Foaly sighed. Chix! Youre hovering. Come down where I can see you.


Sorry, said Chix, alighting on the floor. Im a bit emotional. Commander Kelp gave me a real grilling.


What do you want, Chix? A hug and a kiss? I have things on my mind here.


Verbils wings flared up behind him. It was a real effort to stay on the ground. I have a message for you, from Mulch Diggums.


Foaly fought the urge to whinny. No doubt Mulch would have some choice words for him.


Go on, then. Tell me what our foul-mouthed friend thinks of me.


This is between us, right? I dont want to be pensioned off on the grounds that Im unstable.


Yes, Chix, its between us. Everyone has a right to be temporarily unstable. Today of all days.


Its ridiculous, really. I dont believe it for a minute. Chix attempted a confident chuckle.


Foaly snapped. Whats ridiculous? What dont you believe? Tell me, Chix, or Ill reach down this com link and drag it out of you.


Are we secure?


Yes! the centaur screeched. Were secure. Tell me. Give me Mulchs message.


Chix took a deep breath, saying the words as he let it out. Opal Koboi is back.


Foalys laughter started somewhere around his hooves and grew in volume and intensity until it burst out of his mouth. Opal is back! Koboi is back! I get it now. Mulch conned you into letting him steal the shuttle. He played on your fear of Opal waking up, and you bought it. Opal is back, dont make me laugh.


Thats what he said, said Chix sulkily. Theres no need to laugh so hard. Youre spitting on the screen. I have feelings, you know.


Foalys laughter petered out. It wasnt real laughter anyway, it was just an outburst of emotion. Mostly sadness, with some frustration mixed in.


OK, Chix. I dont blame you. Mulch has fooled smarter sprites than you.


It took Chix a moment to realize that he was being insulted.


It could be true, he said, miffed. You could be wrong. It is possible, you know. Maybe Opal Koboi conned you.


Eoin Colfer's books