Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Artemis launched a third holographic animation, shutting down the first two. This three-dimensional rendering portrayed Zitos Earth Farm and the underlying crust and mantle.


This is what I think, he said. Zito, with Opals help, liquefies his orebody here. It begins to sink at a rate of five metres per second towards the Earths core, taking accurate readings, thanks to Kobois upgrades. Meanwhile, Foaly thinks his plan is working perfectly. Now, at a depth of one hundred and six miles, the metal mass comes within three miles of this major chute, E7, which emerges in southern Italy. They run parallel for a hundred and eighty-six miles, then diverge again. If Opal were to blow a crack between these two tunnels, then the iron would follow the path of least resistance and flow into the chute.


Holly felt the strength leave her limbs. Into the chute, and straight down to Haven.


Exactly, said Artemis. This particular chute runs in a jagged westerly diagonal for twelve hundred miles, coming within five hundred metres of the city itself. With the speed the orebody will build up in freefall, it will slice off a good half of the city. Everything thats left will be broadcasting signals for the world to hear.


But we have blast walls, objected Holly.


Artemis shrugged. Holly, there isnt a force on Earth or under it powerful enough to stop a hundred million tonnes of molten haematite in freefall. Anything that gets in the way will be obliterated. Most of the iron will curve round and follow the tunnel, but enough will continue straight down to cut right through the blast walls.


The shuttles occupants watched Artemiss computer simulation in which the molten orebody smashed through Haven Citys defences, allowing all the fairy electronic signals to be picked up by the probe.


We are looking at a fifty-eight per cent casualty rate, said Artemis. Possibly more.


How can Opal do this without Foalys sensors picking her up?


Simple, replied Artemis. She simply plants a shaped charge in E7 at a depth of one hundred and six miles, detonating it at the last minute. That way, by the time Foaly detects the explosion it will be too late to either disarm it or do anything about it.


So we need to remove that charge.


Artemis smiled. If only it were that simple. Opal will not take any chances with the charge. If she left it on the chute wall for any amount of time, a tremor could shake it free or one of Foalys sensors could pick it up. Im sure the device is well shielded, but one leak in the plating could have it broadcasting like a satellite. No, Opal will not position the charge until the last minute.


Holly nodded. OK. So we wait until she plants it, then we disarm it.


No. If we wait in the chute, then Foaly will pick us up. If that happens, Opal will not even venture down the chute.


Thats good, isnt it?


Not really. We may delay her for a few hours, but remember Opal has a hundred and eighty-six mile window to plant the charge. She can wait for the LEP to arrest us and still have ample time to complete her mission.


Holly knuckled her eyes. I dont understand this. Surely everyone must know by now that Opal has escaped. Surely Foaly can put this all together.


Artemis closed his fist. Theres the rub. That single point is the essence of this entire situation. Foaly obviously doesnt know that Opal has escaped. She would be the first person checked after the goblin generals escape.


She was checked. I was there. When Scalene escaped, Opal was still catatonic. Theres no way she could have planned it.


And yet she did, mused Artemis. Could that Opal have been a double?


Not possible. They run DNA checks every day.


So the Opal under surveillance had Kobois DNA, but little or no brain activity.


Exactly. Shes been that way for a year.


Artemis thought silently for over a minute. I wonder how far cloning technology has developed underground?


He crossed briskly to the main computer terminal, calling up LEP files on the subject.


The mature clone is identical to the original in every way, except that its brain functions are limited to life support, he read. In greenhouse conditions, it takes one to two years to grow a clone to adulthood. Artemis stepped away from the computer, clapping his hands. Thats it. Thats how she did it. She induced that coma so that her replacement would not be noticed. This is impressive stuff.


Holly pounded a fist into her palm. So even if we did survive the attempts on our lives, all talk of Opals escape would be seen as the ravings of the guilty.


I told Chix Verbil that Opal was back, said Mulch. Thats OK, though, because he already thinks Im raving.


With Opal on the loose, continued the Irish youth, the entire LEP would be on the lookout for a plot of some kind. But with Opal still deep in her coma


There is no cause for alarm. And this probe is simply a surprise, not an emergency.


Eoin Colfer's books