Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

The probe is functioning at one hundred per cent, said a technician.


Zito breathed out. That was our big worry. Even though the probe is designed for exactly these conditions, the world has never seen this kind of explosion before. He turned to another lab worker. Any movement?


The man hesitated before answering. Yes, Doctor Zito. We have vertical movement. Five metres per second. Exactly as you hypothesized.


Below the Earths crust, a behemoth of iron and rock began its painstaking descent towards the Earths core. It chugged and churned, bubbling and hissing, prising apart the mantle below it. Inside the molten mass, a grapefruit-sized probe continued to broadcast data.


Spontaneous euphoria erupted in the laboratory. Men and women hugged each other. Cigars were lit and champagne corks popped. Someone even pulled out a violin.


We are on our way, shouted a jubilant Zito, lighting the reporters cigar. Man is going to the centre of the Earth. Look out below!


In the stolen LEP shuttle, Holly froze the picture. Zitos triumphant features were spread across the screen.


Look out below, she repeated glumly. Man is coming to the centre of the Earth.


The moods in the shuttle ranged from glum to desolate. Holly was taking it especially hard. The entire fairy civilization was under threat yet again, and this time Commander Root wasnt around to meet the challenge. Not only that, but, since the LEP pursuit pods had blown out their communications, there was no way to warn Foaly about the probe.


I have no doubt he already knows, said Artemis. That centaur monitors all the human news channels.


But he doesnt know that Opal Koboi is giving Zito the benefit of her fairy knowledge. Holly pointed at Giovannis image on the screen. Look at his eyes. The poor man has been mesmerized so many times, his pupils are actually ragged.


Artemis stroked his chin thoughtfully. If I know Foaly, hes been monitoring this project since its initiation. He probably already has a contingency plan.


Im sure he has. A contingency plan for a crackpot scheme in ten years time that will probably never work.


Of course, agreed Artemis. As opposed to a scientifically viable scheme, right now, that has every chance of succeeding.


Holly headed for the cockpit. I have to turn myself in, even if I am a murder suspect. There is more at stake here than my future.


Steady on, objected Mulch. I broke out of prison for you. I have no desire to be shoved back in again.


Artemis stepped in front of her. Wait a minute, Holly. Think about what will happen if you do turn yourself in.


Artemis is right, added Butler. You should think about this. If the LEP is anything like human police forces, fugitives are not exactly welcomed with open arms. Open cell doors maybe.


Holly forced herself to stop and think, but it was difficult. Every second she waited was another second for the giant iron slug to eat its way through the mantle.


If I give myself up to Internal Affairs, I will be taken into custody. As an LEP officer, I can be held for seventy-two hours without counsel. As a murder suspect, I can be held for up to a week. Even if someone did believe that I was completely innocent and that Opal Koboi was behind all this, it would still take at least eight hours to get clearance for an operation. But in all likelihood my claims would be dismissed as the standard protests of the guilty. Especially with you three backing up my story. No offence.


None taken, said Mulch.


Holly sat down, cradling her head in her hands. My world is utterly gone. I keep thinking there will be a way back, but things just spin further and further out of control.


Artemis placed a hand on her shoulder. Courage, Captain. Ask yourself, what would the commander do?


Holly took three deep breaths, then sprang from her seat, her back stiff with determination.


Dont you try to manipulate me, Artemis Fowl. I make my own decisions. Even so, Julius would take care of Opal Koboi himself. So thats what were going to do.


Excellent, said Artemis. In that case we will need a strategy.


Right. Ill fly the shuttle. You put that brain of yours to work and come up with a plan.


Each to his own, said the boy. He sat in one of the shuttles chairs, gently massaged his temples with his fingertips and began to think.




* * *






Chapter 9: Daddys Girl






Opals plan to bring the human and fairy worlds together was one of simplicity in its execution, but genius in its conception. She simply made it easier for a human to do what he was already thinking of doing. Almost every major energy company in the world had a Core Probe file, but they were all hypothetical as regards the amount of explosives needed to blast through the crust and the iron necessary to get the probe through the mantle.


Eoin Colfer's books