Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Opal had picked Giovanni Zito from her list of prospective puppets because of two things: Zito had a large fortune and he had land directly above a huge, high-grade haematite orebody.


Giovanni Zito was a Sicilian engineer and a pioneer in the field of alternative power sources. A committed environmentalist, Zito developed ways of generating electricity without stripping the land or destroying the environment. The invention that had made his fortune was the Zito solar-mill, a windmill with solar panels for blades, making it many times more efficient than conventional mills.


Six weeks earlier, Zito had returned from an environmental summit in Geneva, where he had delivered the keynote address to ministers of the European Union. By the time he reached his villa overlooking the Strait of Messina, the sunset was dropping orange blobs in the water, and Zito was exhausted. Talking to politicians was difficult. Even the ones who were genuinely interested in the environment were hamstrung by those in the pay of big business. The polluticians, as the media had nicknamed them.


Zito ran himself a bath. The water was heated by solar panels on his roof. In fact, the entire villa was self-sufficient when it came to power. There was enough juice in the solar batteries to keep the house hot and lit for six months. All with zero emissions.


After his bath, Zito wrapped himself in a towelling dressing gown and poured a glass of Bordeaux, settling into his favourite armchair.


Zito took a long draught of wine, willing the days tension to evaporate. He cast his eyes over the familiar row of framed photographs on the wall. Most were magazine covers celebrating his technological innovations, but his favourite one, the one that had made him famous, was the Time magazine cover that showed a younger Giovanni Zito astride a humpback whale, with a whaling ship looming over them both. The unfortunate creature had strayed into shallow waters and could not dive, so Zito had leaped from a conservationists dinghy on to the creatures back, thus shielding it from the whalers harpoons. Someone on the dinghy had snapped a photo, and that photo had become one of the most famous media images of the last century.


Zito smiled. Heady days. He was about to close his eyes for a quick nap before dinner when something moved in the shadows in the corner of the room. Something small, barely the height of the table.


Zito sat straight up in his chair. Whats that? Is somebody there?


A lamp flicked on to reveal a small girl perched on a log stool. She held the lamp cord in her hand and seemed not in the least afraid or upset in any way. In fact, the girl was calm and composed, regarding Zito as if he were the intruder.


Giovanni stood.


Who are you, little one? Why are you here?


The girl fixed him with the most incredible eyes. Deep brown eyes. Deep as a vat of chocolate.


I am here for you, Giovanni, she said in a voice as beautiful as her eyes. In fact, everything about the girl was beautiful: her porcelain features and those eyes. They would not let him go.


Zito fought her spell. For me? What do you mean? Is your mother nearby?


The girl smiled. Not nearby, no. You are my family now.


Giovanni tried to make sense of this simple sentence, but he could not. Was it really important? Those eyes, and that voice. So melodic. Layers of crystal tinkling.


Humans react differently to the fairy mesmer. Most immediately fall under its hypnotic spell, but there are those with strong minds who need to be pushed a little. And the more they are pushed, the greater the risk of brain damage.


I am your family now? said Zito slowly, as though he were searching each word for its meaning.


Yes, human, snapped Opal impatiently, pushing harder. My family. I am your daughter, Belinda. You adopted me last month, secretly. The papers are in your bureau.


Zitos eyes lost their focus. Adopted? Bureau?


Opal drummed her tiny fingers on the base of the lamp. She had forgotten how dull some humans could be, especially under the mesmer. And this one was supposed to be a genius.


Yes. Adopted. Bureau. You love me more than life, remember? You would do absolutely anything for your darling Belinda.


A tear pooled on Zitos eyelid. Belinda. My little girl. Id do anything for you, dear, anything.


Yes, yes, yes, said Opal impatiently. Of course. I said that. Just because youre mesmerized doesnt mean you have to repeat everything I say. That is so tiresome.


Zito noticed two small creatures in the corner. Creatures with pointed ears. This fact penetrated the mesmers fugue.


I see. Over there. Are thev human?


Opal glowered at the Brill brothers. They were supposed to stay out of sight. Mesmerizing a strong mind such as Zitos was a delicate enough operation without distractions.


She added another layer to her voice. You cannot see those figures. You will never see them.


Zito was relieved. Of course. Good. Nothing at all. Mind playing tricks.


Opal scowled. What was it about humans and grammar? At the first sign of stress it went out of the window. Mind playing tricks. Really.


Now, Giovanni, Daddy. I think we need to talk about your next project.


Eoin Colfer's books