Hitched (Hitched #1)

I elbow him in the stomach. "Asshole. I'm writing you out of my will."

The groom jumps out, followed by Joey, and I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Oh shit," says Tate softly. "They didn't make it."

"Fuck you, motherfucker," I say, because of course they made it. Right?

"Okay, you're next," says our instructor as he waves me to the door. I move fast, because it's the only way I'll be able to get through this. I could have chosen to stay on the ground, but I believe you should try most things at least once. Ever since I started Hitched, I've tried many things I never thought I would. And as I stand on the edge, I realize there's something else I'm ready to try.

I'm ready to try balancing Hitched and Sebastian.

And I jump.

Chapter 30

Bitch Charming

"I'm officially divorced," I say, holding the annulment papers that arrived this morning.

Tate walks out of the kitchen, morning coffee in hand, smirking. "And I thought you two were so happy together."

I slide the papers into a black box I purchased a few days ago. "We're happy, but not ready for marriage. At least, I'm not."

"So are you breaking it off?"

I shake my head, drop my wedding ring into the box and cover it with a handwritten note.

I hope to wear this again, when I'm ready. But for now, I have a date with Dr. Sexy.

Tate snickers over my shoulder. Bastard must have read the note.

I shut the box and turn on him, frowning. "What?"

"You're going to end up with this guy. You're practically dying to have his babies."

"No. I'm not." At least not yet. I always liked the name Jason for a boy… I stop thinking about what may never happen and wrap the box with a white ribbon.

"You're a bad liar," says Tate. "Just promise me one thing."

"I might. What is it?"

"Invite me to the wedding this time, okay?"

We both laugh as I grab my shoes and purse, the black box wrapped under my arm. As Tate turns on the morning news, I walk out the door and drive to Sebastian's house. I have a note to deliver.


As I pull up in driveway, my cellphone rings. "Yes?"

"Hello, I need to schedule a bachelor party." His voice is excited, and I don't recognize it.

It's a new client. I would squeal if he couldn't hear me. "Sure, what day do you have in mind?"

"This Wednesday. I know it's a little last minute, but we just couldn't wait to get married, you know?"

"All too well," I say, still shocked I married a one-night stand. But of course, that one-night stand was Sebastian, so normal rules don't apply, right?

"Great, so can you schedule it?"

I glance over my mental calendar. Shit. Sebastian and I planned to go to Le Reve on Wednesday. He's already bought the tickets, and they aren't cheap. But I can't ask this guy to reschedule his wedding. We'll just have to go later, and I'll buy new tickets from the money I get from this job. "No problem," I say. "I'll call you back tomorrow to discuss the details."

"Thank you."

Excited about my new client and holding the black box behind my back, I head for Sebastian's door. I ring the bell, once, twice, three times, but he doesn't answer. Is he not home?

I could text him, but I don't want to spoil my surprise visit, so I check around the house, hoping he's in the back. I hear splashing. Bingo. I look over the fence, and see Sebastian stepping out of the pool, water dripping down his muscled back. Here's the man I'm considering spending the rest of my life with.

And he's walking straight toward Celene.

Chapter 31

Fall Out

What is the fucking bitch doing at his house? I'm about to call out, when Sebastian reaches for Celene. HUGS. HER. What the fuck?

Celene has tears streaming down her face. Great. She's so happy she's fucking crying. What the fuck is going on?

I want to confront both of them, yell at them, but no words come to my mouth. My throat feels swollen, and my mouth too dry.

Maybe they're getting back together. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding things.

I'm ready to punch her. To punch them.

But then I look closer. I see how they fit together. How they share something he and I will never share. I remember her words that day in the hospital. Will I ever be the person Sebastian really needs? Will I ever truly be a part of the most important thing in his life? His medicine.

I thought I could. But looking at them now... I am kidding myself. We were playing house in a make-believe world. None of it was real.

What I'm looking at now, that's real. They've got history. They made a fucking child together. They have everything he and I will never have.

Celene is perfect for Sebastian. Or at least, she's better than me. She's a doctor, and she's ready for marriage. I'm struggling to build a business and may not be ready to marry for years. Fuck her. Fuck both of them.