Hitched (Hitched #1)

"He said he knew he couldn't live without a heart, but he was okay with that. He'd had a longer life, he argued. And he wanted his sister to have that too."

I lay my hand on hers, and she squeezes it and half-smiles at me. "Of course our hearts broke at this, and we had to tell him that's not how it worked, that people who are still alive and healthy can't donate organs they need to survive. You should have seen his face when he realized he couldn't save Clara. I cried myself to sleep that night, for all of our children. But the next day, we received our miracle. They found a donor for Clara."

Someone else had to die to give up that heart. I'm sure that's a thought that weighs on Clara and her family. What a blessing that person and their family gave to save the life of a stranger.

"When Clara came home the first night with her new heart, Sebastian insisted we get him a stethoscope so he could listen to it. Again, with his very serious little boy face, he put it on and held it up to her heart. After a few moments, he took it off and smiled. ‘Her heart is strong,’ he said. ‘She's going to be okay.’"

"Sebastian never told me any of this," I say, picturing it all so clearly in my mind.

"I'm not surprised. He's very private with some things in his life. That was a challenging time for all of us, something we don't often revisit."

"How did you manage it all?" I ask. "Three kids, one of whom was so sick, a husband, and such an intense career."

"The way you handle anything," she says. "Every day I made choices about how to prioritize my time. There were times, when Clara was the most sick, that my work took second place to being with my children. But there were also times when work drove me. I didn't always do it well, the work or the family stuff, but I did the best I could with what I had. My husband has always been very supportive, both as a husband and a father, and he knew when he married me that my career mattered a lot, and I would need time and attention to build it."

"Did he mind? That you had this career that ended up making more than he does?"

She laughs. "Not in the least. He's never been one to care much about money. He was just glad we didn't go broke from the medical bills. He's always appreciated the privileges my career has given us, even if it's not something he would have sought for himself."

"Do you think Sebastian is like his father in that way?"

She smiles knowingly and pats my hand. "If you're worried that Sebastian will put his career before yours, don't. I know my son, and he would want the woman he marries to have her own life, her own dreams and hopes and aspirations. And I also know that he's hoping that woman is you."

Chapter 29

Leap of Faith

You have a date tomorrow night

I reply to Sebastian's text, knowing I should be working, but unable to resist a short break. It's been two days since we returned from his parent's house, and two days since I've seen him.

Really? Who's the lucky guy?

His text comes almost instantly.

My cock.

I laugh, and Tate gives me the evil eye. "I'm no cock block," he says, "but shit needs to get done. Or did you forget we're jumping out of an airplane tomorrow?"

Yeah, right. Forgetting would be a blessing. Joey's latest party is our craziest yet, and I've been going over safety rules all day. The last thing our business needs is someone turning into a pancake because they can't open their parachute. "I'll finish up and confirm the reservations." I give him my own evil eye. "Cock block."

He gives me the finger and gets back to work at his desk.

I text Sebastian.

I'm sorry, but your cock will have to reschedule. I have a party tomorrow night.

Can we come?

I type away, as Tate sighs at me.

Who the heck is we?

My cock and I.

I giggle, then bite my lip as thoughts of Sebastian inside me fill my mind.

No, sorry. But I'll see you next week. And then, I promise you will come.

We're looking forward to it.

After a brief pause, I get another text.

My parents really liked you.

I smile.

I really liked them too. Now stop texting me. You're distracting me from working, and you're turning my brother into a cock block, which is something he swore he'd never become.

Okay. I'll stop, but my cock wants me to remind you we have a date next week.

I'll put it on my schedule.

I try to get back to work, searching for the phone number of the restaurant we booked, but my thoughts keep going to Sebastian and his family. His mother balanced a time consuming career and a family. Am I ready for that?

Despite the memory of Sebastian and I horseback riding—and his fingers—I manage to get my work done and spend the evening watching skydiving videos on YouTube. I'm still stressed when I fall asleep.

The party at the hotel room, the restaurant, goes off without a hitch. But as Joey and the groom get ready to jump out of an airplane, I'm biting my nails.

"Don't worry," says Tate, his arm around me because I insisted we stay close. "If you die, I promise I'll keep the business running."