Hitched (Hitched #1)

Soon we are both naked, the soft grass under us, shaded from the worst of the sun as water laps near our feet and birds sing, the only sounds are of nature and our breathing as he places his cock at the entrance of my pussy.

I love how he feels when he first enters me. That sensation of being stretched and filled, of his hard cock pushing into me until we are one.

And then he pulls me up and onto his lap, both of us sitting up, our chests pressed together, faces inches apart as I ride him, his hips moving in rhythm to mine, and he is so deep I can feel him everywhere. His hands explore my back and hips, tug on my hair, cover my body.

My nails dig into his shoulders. I know he'll have marks later, but I don't care. I can't stop. Everything is building again. It's almost too much. I don't know how my body can contain these feelings, both physical and emotional, as he locks eyes with me, his cobalt blue gaze piercing me as we come together in the shade of his childhood tree.


That night I gladly join in, helping to set up tables, decorate and get things ready for the rehearsal dinner on the grand pack porch. It feels good to be doing something familiar. Setting up for parties is my job, after all.

We finish in plenty of time and are enjoying a glass of wine as the sun sets, and guests begin to show up.

And I finally get to meet the elusive Matt.

He arrives just before his uncle and future aunt, wearing torn jeans, a black leather jacket and carrying a motorcycle helmet. He's just as handsome as his brother, with the same blue penetrating eyes, but he carries himself differently, more like he's ready to get into a bar fight at the first opportunity.

When Sebastian introduces us, Matt's eyes wander up and down my body before landing on my eyes. "Nice to meet you," he says, smirking.

I squeeze his hand too hard and smile. "I'd say the same, but I prefer meeting people who don't blatantly disrespect me by deliberately ogling my body before making eye contact."

Clara chokes on the sip of wine she's taking, and Sebastian can't hold in a laugh as his brother drops my hand and frowns for a moment before smiling again. "You're right. That was rude of me. I apologize. It's good to see my brother has found a woman his equal."

I'm surprised by his change of tone, as is everyone else by the looks of it, but Matt ignores us all and pours himself a glass of something decidedly stronger than wine.

"When's the party starting?" he asks.

Sylvia checks her watch. "Within the next ten minutes. You're just in time. I'm glad you could make it."

I'm surprised she doesn't lay on more guilt than that, but then, she doesn't seem the type to use emotional manipulation to get her way. Whatever Matt's issues are, his family seems to have learned to accept him as he is. Warts and all.


The dinner is a blur. I meet too many people to remember everyone's names, and though Sebastian’s uncle and his fiancée greet me, they are monopolized by nearly everyone there, so I hang back, not wanting to intrude on their time with family and friends. I don't mind though; it's nice to see Sebastian relaxed around his family. I like watching him laugh at someone's joke or tell a story about something that happened long ago.

The night is magical for me in some unnamable way. There's something about being around this kind of family, the kind of family that loves unconditionally and can laugh together and enjoy spending time with each other. I wish Tate were here to be a part of this, to know that this is even possible.

It's not that our family life was awful. We weren't abused. Our parents loved us and still do. I think the challenge for us both was growing up knowing we didn't fit in at all with the rural Ohio life and the values our family cherished. We never established roots because we both knew from the earliest age that we wouldn't stay. And we didn't. The moment we graduated high school we were out of there, and we haven't gone back for more than the briefest visits.

Our parents didn't pay for our education or any of our expenses. We took out loans, worked our asses off, and lived on ramen noodles and power bars for entire semesters, just to make it to our dreams.

And that's fine. I'm a stronger person because of that journey. But I've never felt as at ease with my own family as I do right now with Sebastian's, and that makes me feel equal parts joy and sadness.

As the dinner winds down, and everyone has memorized where they're supposed to be tomorrow, Sebastian comes over to me, slipping an arm around my shoulder. "Everything okay? You seem quiet."

I rest my head against his chest. "I'm great, actually. Just enjoying this beautiful night. You're lucky you know, to grow up here."

"It's a nice house," he says.

I shake my head. "That's not what I mean. Here, with these people, in this love and joy. Not everyone gets that."

He lifts my chin with his finger and looks into my eyes. "You will always have that with me, Kacie."