Hitched (Hitched #1)

His mind is keen, and he doesn't miss much as he watches me study the board. We are both down to a skeleton crew defending our kings. The game will be over in a few more moves.

I think I have him, that I've surely won, but at the last moment he sacrifices everything and manages to not only save his king but puts me in checkmate at the same time.

I look up at him and smile, because that move shows me something about him, something real and deep. It shows me that when he commits to something, he goes all in. He risks it all to win what he wants.

And somehow, for some reason, this man wants me.

Chapter 27

Meet the Parents

Tate laughs at me, and I throw a dirty shirt at his face. "If you're not going to help, then go away."

We're in my bedroom, where I've packed and repacked for my weekend trip with Sebastian about ten times. The weeks have flown by, and now it's time to go meet his family and witness his uncle getting married. When Vi committed me to this, I didn't know how much would happen in the intervening weeks. My grandmother dying. Sebastian coming to Ohio. The forty-eight hours of ick that shall not be discussed.

Everything about our relationship feels so different now, so much more intimate, but still, I'm nervous as hell.

Tate tosses the shirt into the laundry hamper by my closet. "You're only going for a few days. You don't have to pack everything you own."

I assess my suitcase and realize he's right. I've packed almost everything. This is ridiculous. I'm a pro at packing. I can go weeks with just a backpack and some gum. In fact, I did just that in Europe the summer after graduating college. Best summer ever.

But now? I can't figure out which dress to pack for the actual wedding, let alone the dinner rehearsal, or what to wear when I actually arrive there and meet his family for the first time. We've talked a bit about his life growing up. I know he's close to his little sister, and his younger brother is more the black sheep of the family. I know he loves his parents. But I don't know what they're going to think of me. And it scares the shit out of me.

I hold up a blue dress and an off-white skirt suit. "Which one?"

"Depends, do you want to look like someone from the cast of Smurfs or an unmarried crazy cat lady?"

I look down at the choices and then scowl at him. "You have no taste."

He hops off the bed and crosses the room to my closet. In a few moments, he pulls out a tasteful lavender sleeveless dress with lace and pearls. "This one."

I fold it into my bag and find the shoes that match. After tossing all the extra clothes I won't need—including a heavy coat and boots, because where do I think I'm going? Sebastian said his parents live only an hour away. My bag is much lighter and more appropriate for a weekend away.

Just in time, too. The doorbell rings, and I know it's him.

"Will you get that and tell him I'll be right down?"

Tate leaves, and I quickly change into a pale yellow sundress with sandals and twist my hair into a braid.

Sebastian looks casually delicious at the bottom of the staircase as I come down, bag in hand.

"Hello there, darling. You look ravishing."

His voice melts me.

We kiss, and he takes my bag. "Ready to go?"

I nod, waving at Tate who's already flopped on the couch watching something on television. "Call me if you have any problems with the party this weekend," I tell him as I open the front door.

He looks up and smiles. "We got it covered. You go have fun."


It takes about an hour to get to his family's house, and during that time I grill Sebastian about everyone I'm going to meet. I don't want to make any social faux pas the first time I meet them.

He laughs at my nervousness and pats my hand. "You're going to be fine. They'll love you as much as I do."

I gulp. There's that word again. Love. We haven't actually said the words "I love you"—at least not since the night I can't remember—but he has casually tossed it out there, and it makes my heart beat too fast each time.

Do I love him? Is it possible to fall in love this fast? I know I care for him. I know I'm going to miss him dreadfully if this ends. But love? That's such a big word. Such a big commitment. It terrifies me. I've always seen love as something that takes from you the core of who you are. When you love someone, they have power over you. They can hurt you. They can control you, even if subtly. Everything changes, and I don't want that to happen to me.

I look over at Sebastian as he drives. His profile is strong, chiseled, his skin tanned, his eyes so very beautiful. Everything about this man is too good to be true. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. As it always inevitably does.


His family home takes my breath away.


"This is where you grew up?" I ask as we pull onto the property.

"Yes. Home sweet home."