Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“Maria stop!” Adrianna shouted, making her way into the living room. I lifted my head and saw that Adrianna was staring at my mother. “Stop blaming him for what I did.”

“I’m not blaming him, Adrianna. I want him to wake up before it’s too late and I’m sure you want the same thing.” She looked back at me. “All I ever wanted for you is to be happy. I prayed every night you would come home and realize that you were so much better than this life you chose for yourself.”

I kept my eyes on Adrianna as my mother cried beside me. I expected her to look at me with the same look of disappointment my mother’s eyes held but when she finally glanced at me, they were hopeful.

“You should’ve taken that bankbook and run the hell away from New York,” my mother continued, pointing at Adrianna. “And you should’ve forced him to. The three of you could’ve been on your way to a nice, safe, happy life. But no … you needed to stick it to Vic because he forced you into that sentence, and what’s this biker gang that your friends with? One group of criminals wasn’t enough for you, you had to go pick up another?” She threw her hands in the air. “What’s wrong with cops? Firemen? You could hang out at New Utrecht High School, all the garbage men in the neighborhood play basketball on Sundays over there. You should go make some new friends.”

I think it was safe to say all the woman in my life were crying out, in one way or another, begging for me to see the light and change my life. I looked from my mother to Adrianna, debating on whether I should tell them that the decision had already been made. Riggs walked into the living room interrupting my thoughts.

“Hey Cugine, you expecting anyone in a black Escalade?” He asked over his shoulder as he walked straight to the front door, pulling his knife from the utility belt he was wearing.

“Does everyone you know carry a weapon?” My mother asked.

He pulled open the door with one hand, holding the knife with the other and greeted our guest.

“Shit,” he said, putting down his knife as Jimmy stepped inside, aiming a gun at Riggs head. “This gig just keeps getting worse and worse.”

Victor stepped around Jimmy and Riggs and walked into the house, his eyes scanning the room before settling on Adrianna. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God, you’re okay,” he whispered, his haggard body crossed the room and pulled her into his arms.

Adrianna remained quiet, allowing her father to hug her but didn’t return the gesture, just remaining still in his arms. After a few more moments, he pulled back but held onto her hand as he turned and faced me. “Thank you for getting her out of there,” he glanced at my mother and smiled at her. “Maria, always nice to see you.”

“Fuck you Victor.”

“I wouldn’t mess with her Mr. Soprano,” Riggs offered. “She’s not as nice as she looks.” Jimmy hovered over him, pressing the gun to his temple.

“Did I say you could speak?”

“I see you still harbor some hate for me,” Victor said, sighing.

“Hate you? You think I hate you?” My mother asked as she stood up and closed the distance between her and Victor. “I despise you for what you’ve done to our children,” she nodded towards Adrianna. “You didn’t only ruin my sons life, but you ruined own daughter’s life too. How do you live with yourself?”

“Ma, enough!” I shouted. There was no need for this right now, she had years to speak her mind. I diverted my eyes towards Victor. “You going to tell us what the fuck happened last night or what?” I asked impatiently.

“Right now I’m going to ask you all to clear the room so I can have a word with my daughter. You and I will talk but right now the one I’m interested in is Adrianna.”

“You heard the man, everyone clear out,” Jimmy instructed.

I stared at Victor for a moment, it was on the tip of my tongue to tell him he was a little late on playing the role of the doting dad but I kept my mouth shut for the sake of Adrianna.

I walked over to Adrianna, brushed her hair away from her face, and peered down into her eyes. “I’ll be right in the next room,” she nodded, reaching up and pressing her lips to mine.

“I’ll be fine,” she whispered.

I wasn’t so sure of that.

Chapter Thirty: 2015

I sat on the couch silently, twisting the belt of my robe around my fingers as my father stared at me. He sighed, reaching for my hand, causing me to glance down in wonder at our fingers as they laced together. I didn’t remember the last time I held his hand or even what it was like to be comforted by my father. I lifted my head and met his worried gaze.