Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

Riggs looked at me as if I had asked him what color the sky was. “Madea, Tyler Perry Madea. Oh come on man, there’s more to life than Goodfella’s and Scarface.” He rolled his eyes, reaching for my mother’s hand and started to untie her but paused when she mumbled something.

“Listen here lady, if I untie you … you have to promise you’ll behave,” he gave her a warning glance before looking at me. “She’s got some swing,” he lifted his hand to his black eye. “Hit me with a frying pan.”

I looked at my mother who rolled her eyes and started shouting something inaudible.

“Relax ma,” I said calmly, adjusting Luca in my arms as I looked at Riggs. “Would you untie her and take the fucking gag out of my mother’s mouth?”

“Sure, she’s all yours man but I should warn you she’s not a happy camper.” He untied her wrists and the second she became free she lunged at Riggs, wrapping her hands around his throat.

“Ma!” I shouted, holding Luca with one hand and reaching for her with the other, pulling her off Jack’s prospect before she choked him. I pried her off Riggs and turned her around by her shoulder, pulling the bandana down from her mouth so it hung around her chin.

“You son of a bitch!” She wailed.

“Is that anyway to talk to the guy who helped you and Dennis the Menace over there get to safety? A thank you Riggs, I appreciate you risking your ass for us would be nice!” He shrugged his shoulders, crossing his arms against his chest. “I’m just saying …”

I turned to my mother. “Why did you hit him a frying pan?”

Her eyes widened with fury causing me to take a step back from her.

“Why did I hit him with a frying pan?” She asked incredulously. “I’m sorry what should I have done when a man looking the way he looks, kicks in my door and orders me to pack a bag for me and the kid because he’s taking us away? Should I have put on a pot of coffee and asked him if he liked it black or with a fucking spot of cream?” She reached forward and smacked me upside my head, just like she used to when I was a kid that refused to listen.

“I take my coffee light and sweet,” Riggs added.

I looked over my mother’s shoulder toward Riggs and shook my head. “You better quit while you’re ahead.”

“And you, Anthony Joseph Bianci, better start explaining!” My mother said, causing me to cringe at the use of my full name. She took Luca from my arms and positioned the toddler on her hip. “This poor boy had to be woken in middle of the night by the leather clad joker!”

“I don’t think she likes me very much,” Riggs said, scratching the top of his hat.

“That’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said since you barged into my home!” She spat.

“Can you please keep your voice down?” I said. “Adrianna’s sleeping, and she’s had a rough night.”

I watched my mother’s eyes scan the length of me.

“Yeah, I bet,” she said, her eyes working their way back to my face as they traveled up my bare chest. “Button your fly Anthony.” She rolled her eyes as she walked passed me.

I looked back at Riggs. “Did you bring us clothes?”

“Yeah, I threw whatever I saw lying around into a bag.” He bent down, picked up the duffel bag, and handed it to me. “Well, aren’t you going to invite me in? I could use a cup of coffee and a place to hang my hat.” He questioned, pulling off his baseball hat and shoving it against my chest.

“Thanks, but I’ve got it from here,” I responded, taking the hat and wondering why he was still here to begin with.

“Yeah, I’m sure you do but the Bulldog told me to stay here and keep an eye out until he could come here himself. I’m not looking for another black eye so … how about that cup of coffee?”

I sighed. “Fine, the kitchen is to the left, just go in there, and stay out of my mother’s way.”

“Shit man you don’t have to tell me twice,” he agreed, closing the door behind him and headed towards the kitchen mumbling under his breath. “Crazy ass mobsters and their mama’s, yet bikers are the ones that get a bad rap.”

“I heard that,” I called out to him but he didn’t acknowledge me, instead finding his way to the kitchen. I huffed out a breath stepped into the living room. Adrianna was sitting up, holding Luca tightly to her chest showering his face with kisses.

“Someone missed his mama,” My mom said smiling. The crazy gleam in her eyes seemed to have disappeared as she sat on the couch watching Adrianna interact with her son.

“I missed you so much my boy,” Adrianna murmured against Luca’s forehead. “Was he a good boy?”

“An angel,” she said, staring at Adrianna then diverting her eyes. “You want to tell me what the hell is going on?”

My eyes wandered to Adrianna’s looking for some sort of approval. She nodded her head, giving me permission to enlighten my mother on why she and Luca were here. She slowly stood with the baby in her arms. “I’m going to bring him into one of the bedrooms and put him down.”

“Good idea, he’s exhausted,” my mother agreed.