Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“Of course he is, my son only rolls with the good criminals,” she said smartly, the corners of her mouth curved for a second before her face grew serious. “Stay out of trouble Anthony, whether you’re aware or not, you have a family to take care of. That woman and her little boy need you in their life,” she stated, making herself very clear.

I wondered when my mother had started to think of Adrianna and Luca as my family. She was right, they were my family, and they needed me. I didn’t want to let them down or hurt them in any way. It’s strange how someone can want something so badly they can taste it, but at the same time be so scared. I’m not a man who frightens easily but taking that leap, claiming them as my own, scared the fuck out of me. I had told myself I’d only allow them to be mine if I could do right by them, if I could assure them and myself that I was the right man for them, that I deserved them. What made a man deserving of a family? Was it what he could provide for them? Financial security and safety should matter but was it everything? If it was a question of love I had that in spades to give, I was sure that no one would ever love Adrianna or Luca the way I did. I wasn’t sure it was enough though.

Victor cleared his throat entering the kitchen and looked between my mother and me, finally setting his gaze on me.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but I have to get on the road and I wanted to have a word with you before I left,” he requested, glancing over my shoulder at my mother. I watched as her eyes found his, held them, and seemed to have exchanged words without speaking. She patted my hand and rose from her seat.

“Go ahead, I’m going to tell Adrianna that I’ll be leaving,” she said, before looking at Victor. “It’s about time you did the right thing,” she murmured as she walked passed him and out of the kitchen.

“How is she?” I asked once my mother was out of sight.

Victor sighed, running his hands over his face tiredly, finally setting his eyes on me.

“Not good, but that’s nothing new is it? She’s been hurting for quite some time,” he acknowledged, shaking his head in understanding. “What happened last night was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.”

“Do you even know what happened last night?” I asked.

“I know that rat bastard was working Nikki this whole damn time. I should’ve seen it, I should’ve been able to point him out,” he growled shrugging his shoulders. “He wasn’t even on my radar.”

I couldn’t argue with him, because I felt the same way he did. One of us should’ve been able to figure Rico was no good. The only one who had any kind of suspicion was Mike and we all had dismissed his concerns thinking he was just jealous and wanted Nikki for himself.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell Adrianna but before I came out here I went to see Nikki and Michael. I’m sending them to my sister’s in Florida for the time being. I don’t know who Rico was working with but I’m sure whoever it is knows too much about Nicole. If they were using her to get to me before – then they’ll do it again. Especially since Rico’s out of the picture, she’s their last link.”

“What are we going to do about Rico?” I asked as I crossed my arms against my chest, my stare drilling into him.

He squinted, peering at me suspiciously. “What are you asking me? We’re not going to give him a proper funeral and buy a fancy casket. He’s dead let him be somebody else’s problem.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it. There’s no hiding the body, pretending like it never happened. Someone’s going to pay for all the bodies decorating the floor of your club.”

“Someone’s going to pay for a lot more than just bodies,” Victor mumbled. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Vic, she’s not going down for this,” I said, gravely. “If the cops get wind that Adrianna was the one who pulled the trigger, I’m confessing,” I cocked my head to the side. “Shouldn’t be hard for you to wrap your head around that. It’s not like I haven’t done it before and at least this time it would be worth it.”

Victor leaned across the kitchen table, his eyes harsh as they pierced mine. “Let’s get it all out there boy, once and for all before Adrianna was your woman, she was my daughter. From the first breath she took, until the last one I take, she will always be my daughter and my responsibility. Now I know you love her and I respect that. I didn’t always, if we’re being honest and laying it all out there, I didn’t respect your love for her until recently. I saw you try to do the selfless thing, staying away from her even though you wanted nothing more than to get back with her.”