Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

I didn’t bother answering her as I hurried across the busy avenue, not paying much attention to the cars honking at me as I crossed in the middle of the street.

“Watch where you’re going girl!” An angry driver shouted out his window. I was creating a scene on 18th Avenue but I didn’t care. I was determined to get Anthony to admit what we both knew.

Anthony lifted his head to see what all the commotion was about and found me stalking towards him. His eyes widened as he gripped the box in his hands and looked at me blankly. He jumped off the truck about to ignore me and turned around to carry the box into the café.

“Hey Bianci,” I shouted, taking the final steps towards him closing the space between us. He turned around to face me and lifted one eyebrow.

Without so much as a second thought I lifted my hands to his face, standing on tip toe and grabbed him, pulling him towards me sealing my mouth over his. I cradled his face as my lips worked his, softly but firmly, as I got a feel for his mouth. My tongue sneaked along the seam of his lips, demanding he invite me inside. The butterflies in my stomach exploded into a frenzy when his lips parted for me, my tongue slipping between his delicious lips for that first taste of him. I wasn’t highly experienced, I had never even had a serious boyfriend. I could count on one hand how many guys I had kissed, you know with tongue. It didn’t matter though, kissing Anthony was second nature. He could probably tell how inexperienced I was but for me that kiss was everything. It had exceeded any expectations I had. It was perfect.

I’d never forget about our first kiss, a few things would always linger in my mind. The first was how he tasted, just like Big Red gum, my favorite. The second was he didn’t back away. It didn’t matter that my father or one of his associates could see what we were doing, he kept kissing me. The third was that he dropped the heavy box he was carrying right on my foot.

“Ouch!” I cried against his mouth, pulling away regretfully.

“Shit,” he grunted, moving the box from my foot and placing it beside me. His eyes lifted to mine, his lips glistened from our kiss. “Are you all right?”

I probably broke a toe but I wasn’t about to tell him that. I lifted my fingertips to my lips, a little shocked I had the balls to do that, loving every minute of the fact I had.

He was looking at me waiting for me to answer him. I couldn’t find my voice and was afraid if I did I’d sound like a frog was in my throat so I nodded that I was fine even though my foot was throbbing.

“Good,” he said huskily, before threading his fingers through my hair. I stared at him wide-eyed wondering what he was about to do, his eyes turning cerulean blue as he fisted my hair. His eyes zeroed in on my mouth and I felt my breath hitch as he pressed against the back of my head. He muttered something I couldn’t comprehend before his mouth came crashing down over mine.

If I thought I was in control, I was sadly mistaken, because the moment his mouth took mine there was no doubt who had the upper hand. He claimed my mouth like a man capturing his prey. I wrapped one hand around his neck while my other hand grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling his body as close to mine as I could get it.

I had never been kissed like this; none of the boys my age had ever made me feel so sexy before in my life. Anthony made me feel things I hadn’t known existed, and all by the touch of his mouth. I couldn’t even fathom what sort of feelings the rest of his body would conjure in me. His tongue glided over my lower lip where his teeth had grazed before, sliding back inside my mouth and kissing me as if his life depended on it.

If I didn’t know by the way he kissed me that he was attracted to me, I sure as hell knew from the way his dick felt pressed against my stomach. Anthony Bianci wanted me for sure. It was a good thing too because I decided I was playing for keeps.

He pulled away slowly breaking our kiss, his hands dropping to his sides as he stared at me. He blew out a breath, shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe what we had just done.

A mischievous grin spread across my swollen mouth and I reached up and pressed my lips to his cheek just as he took a step backward. I knew he’d retreat once the moment had ended between us but I didn’t get discouraged. He could hide his feelings, try to bury them all he wanted, but he’d give in eventually. I took a step back and smiled at him.

“See you around, Bianci,” I said, before turning on my heel and walking away from him. I crossed the street making my way back to my friends who were staring with their mouths open, knowing all the while that I had Anthony’s undivided attention.

Chapter Seven: 2013

I was sweating from head to toe, adrenaline coursing through my veins, the gloves on my hands tight as I hit the heavy bag. My fist moving through the air connecting with the leather bag, the chain it was suspended from spinning around in circles from the impact.