Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Ah, shit.” Joe said as he let go of his son. “I forgot about the dance. The dance is going to kill me.”

“I feel you on that too.” Luke said and sighed heavily as Nick and Sam’s song came to a close. His big debut was drawing near, and Luke was about to lose it. He grabbed the shots that were placed in front of Mallory and Phillip and downed one at a time, praying that would do the trick.

He ignored Mallory and Phillip’s gaping stares and turned back around and scanned the room. The music changed to a Doo-Wop medley of mixed songs. He watched his father make his way over to Cara, who was sitting at a table next to his mother. Her chin was propped up by her hands as she kept her elbows on the table. She was looking aimlessly onto the dance floor, her head a million miles away.

She was gorgeous he thought as he watched her head cock to the side in deep thought. Joe stood in front of her and he watched her face light up as he offered her his hand. The sound of her laughter reached his gut as she took his father’s hand and let him lead her to the dance floor. The thoughts that saddened her beautiful face were a memory as, Joe lead her to the crowded floor. Luke walked over to the table, they were sitting at, but stopped mid stride when a hand closed around his arm. He turned and looked at his smiling sister. Her veil was gone and she had bustled up her dress making her more comfortable.

“You’re next big brother.” She said with a grin. Nick wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist.

“What?” Nick asked and looked at Luke. “You’ve been holding out on me?”

Sam elbowed Nick and giggled. “Nick, I meant his dance.” She looked at Luke. “You’re not going to back out are you?”

Luke looked over at Cara, her eyes found his and she winked at him while she let Joe spin her around the dance floor. She smiled at him, and that was all the courage he needed. The shots helped, he wasn’t going to lie, but her smile sealed the deal. He looked back at his sister. “I’m not going to back out.”

“I can’t wait to see what you got.” Sam said encouragingly and Luke rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath and gripped the back of the chair for a moment before he looked out onto the floor. Joe and Cara had a crowd around them as they danced. It was nice to see Cara enjoying herself. Luke shrugged his jacket off and draped it over the back of the chair that he had a death grip on. He took a deep breath before he loosened the knot in his tie. The music bled from the Doo-Wop to a slow song, Joe and Cara continued to dance, swaying to the beat. Luke glanced over at Sam and she eyed him, letting him know the song after this would be his and Cara’s. He reached behind him, cupping the back of his neck, wondering why the fuck he agreed to any of this in the first place.

He strode across the dance floor and tapped his father on the shoulder. He met Cara’s gaze as Joe looked over his shoulder.

“Mind if I cut in, Pop?” Luke asked, keeping his eyes steady on Cara’s.

Joe studied his son for a moment before he smiled. He looked at Cara. “I suppose it was only a matter of time, before someone else wanted to dance with this beautiful lady.” He winked at Cara and she kissed his cheek. Joe patted his son as he walked off the dance floor. Cara wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck and stared up at him.

“If you’re going to dance with me, you’re going to have to touch me.” She said with a hint of amusement. She watched something flash in his eyes before he wrapped his arms around her and let them lay on the small of her back.

“Are you having a good time?” Luke said in a strangled tone, desperately fighting the urge to move his hands up and down her back. The silk dress she wore acted like a second skin, molding to her flesh, rounding all her curves.

“Yes of course I am. I love weddings.” She lied with a smile on her face. Luke nodded slowly and looked around the dance floor, noticing people, some of them family some of them friends, watching them, probably wondering what the fuck he was doing.

She surprised him by leaning her head against his shoulder as they swayed to the slow tempo of the music. He glanced down and suppressed the urge to press his lips to the top of her head. Instead, he let his hand travel up the smooth silk that covered her back, and then back down to rest right above the swell of her ass. Christ, he wanted her. He needed her. Like, yesterday.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He whispered against her hair, forcing himself not to kiss her.

“At the altar you did.” She whispered.

“You’re beautiful.” He repeated and then lifted his gaze to see Sam staring at them, along with his parents. He tore his eyes from them as the music died down. Cara lifted her head from his shoulder as she unraveled her arms from around his neck. He licked his lips in anticipation before his hands took hold of her hips.

“Where you going?” He said gruffly.

She looked up at him, sure she heard him wrong. “What?”