Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Dance with me.” He repeated and held out his hand to her.

She laughed. “Luke, you don’t dance.”

“You’re right, I don’t.” He held her gaze, giving her his best charming smile.

“Dance with me Spunky.”

“But…” She stopped, curiosity getting the best of her, she placed her hand in his. “You don’t have to dance with me, Luke.” He ignored her and listened for it, waited for it. The beat started, the music making those who danced, instantly want to. Bailando. That was the name, Luke remembered. The Spanish flirty music that filtered the tent, and she wanted to dance. She looked at Luke. It wasn’t a slow song, poor guy, he’d do anything to make her smile.

She looked around and noticed they were alone on the dance floor. All eyes were on them. She could feel them. She stood still for a moment and just watched him. He placed one hand on her hip, his fingers digging in. His eyes were directly on hers as he took one of her hands, bringing it around his neck. She couldn’t tear her eyes from his, noticing that there was something lurking in the depths of those dark brown eyes, something she had never seen before. He took her free hand in his and nudged her feet apart with his.

Suddenly she didn’t know what to do with herself. She had been dancing for years. She took her lead from Jake each and every time. They hadn’t been a couple when they went dancing either, it was just something they did and they did it well. She felt Luke’s leg slide between hers. She tried her best to focus, to listen to the music and willed her feet to move, but it was Luke who moved first. He gripped her hip tighter and then blew her hair away from her ear as he dipped his head.

“Can’t do it all by myself, Spunky.” He whispered huskily. “Move those hips of yours. Show me what they can do…” Oh my God! Cara felt her cheeks redden and then she was spun under his arm and forced to abide by his demand. Her hips sashayed from side to side as she closed in on him. He moved fluidly, his feet gliding around the wooden floor effortlessly. It was natural or so it seemed to her. He brought her closer and she tried to focus on the words of the song, finding it damn near impossible. Enrique Inglesias was singing that he couldn’t wait any longer. And by the looks of it, neither could Luke. He spun her under their arms, once, twice, three times before bringing her body close to his. His hips rotated and he thrust them into hers. He was all hard lines and the hardest part of him was pressed against her thigh.

She swallowed and peered at him from under the fringe of her lashes. She bit down on her lip and tried to block out the stares that seemed to be burning right through her. She grabbed onto the tie that hung loosely around his neck and began to move her hips slowly, tantalizingly to the beat of the music. She heard the sharp intake of breath he took and then she turned around, still holding onto his tie as she continued to tease him with her hips. Forgetting herself for a moment and just enjoying him she ground her ass into his crotch, feeling his every desire press against her.

That perfect ass dug right into him, fitting against him perfectly. He forgot about counting steps and just held onto her hips, letting her curves be his guide and together they moved to the sultry beat. He wasn’t a dancer. He may never dance again, but the dance that he was doing with Cara, would be burned into his memory.

She turned around her head ducking underneath his tie and she grinned back at him, dragging him around the dance floor by the strip of silk that he was beginning to think wasn’t such a bad thing to wear. In fact, he wondered what other ways he could use that tie of his. Their pace quickened as they made their way around the wooden floor, a blur of legs moving between one another. Luke took her hand and spun her under their arms again and then again.

Nick whistled through his teeth. “My man’s got the moves!” He said with a grin.

“How good is he?” Sam beamed beside him before turning to look at her parents who were standing alongside the dance floor with Ava. Ava was smiling from ear to ear clapping her hands while Deb remained with her mouth slightly ajar. Joe blinked a few times before elbowing Deb.

“You knew he could dance?” He said scratching the top of his head wondering how much he had to drink.

“He hates to dance.” Deb said just as confused.