Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Cara loves to dance.” Sam pointed out, wondering if her parents were seeing what really was transpiring before them.

Luke brought her body back to slide against his. She let her hands travel up his chest to his face, finally combing her fingers through his hair. She held on by the ends of his hair, her forehead pressed against the tip of his nose. She peered down at their bodies and how their legs moved between each other’s, their pelvis grinding in fluid motions imitating the act they had yet to experience together. Sure, she had thoughts about having sex with Luke, most of the time she blocked them out of her head. Tonight she didn’t dare push those thoughts out of her head. She wanted him. She needed him. She couldn’t wait any longer. The woman in her reborn

Cara closed her eyes and felt his hands travel up her body until he cupped her face in his hands. She suddenly forgot the wedding, the family, the people that were standing around watching them. It was just him and her in this moment, a moment she wanted to hold on to. The song began to come to an end and she forced herself to open her eyes and stare into his.

“Luke…” She whispered, breathless, her fingers still buried in his hair.

“I know I promised to be patient.” He said gruffly. “I can’t wait any longer Cara. I physically can’t wait anymore.” He leaned into her and with the sexiest voice she had ever heard he all but purred his plea into her ear. “I need to be buried deep inside of you…”

Holy hell! She pulled back, trying not to give away the fact that her panties were drenched as an instant reaction to his words. She searched his face taking in the dark pools of desire in his eyes.

“Say yes.” He demanded as his thumbs caressing her cheeks.

She swallowed the intensity of his stare, the proof of his longing still pressed firmly against her, how could she deny either of them that?

“Yes…” She whispered and pulled her hands away from him. Her eyes promising him, he wouldn’t have to wait anymore.

He dropped his hands to his sides and let go of her. She said yes. He breathed a sigh of relief as Ava came running onto the dance floor.

“Daddy! Can you dance with me?” She grinned widely at Luke.

Cara watched as Luke’s eyes met Ava’s and he smiled bending down to lift her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as a song began to play. Cara’s heart was racing and she tried desperately to compose herself, smoothing her hands over her dress. She took a step back and then turned to walk off the dance floor. She lifted her head and her eyes settled on Deb and Joe. Their expressions were blank and she wondered if they saw right through her. She felt a strong hand grip her arm and she looked over her shoulder at Luke.

“Tonight.” He reminded her before letting go of her to continue to dance with his daughter.

Chapter Twenty One

After the wedding reception was over Cara found herself alone in her hotel room, staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her cheeks were flushed and it wasn’t from all the dancing, but rather from Luke’s words, that played over and over in her mind. She tried to enjoy the rest of the wedding, but all she could picture was Luke’s naked body moving over hers. Their limbs tangled together with the sheets as they found pleasure in one another. Before she left the tent, he grabbed her arm and in that gruff tone of his he whispered into her ear to keep her phone near. She suspected he would call her once Ava was asleep. There was no doubt that one way or another Luke was claiming her body tonight. The feral look in his eyes told her so.

That look caused an eruption deep inside of her and she tried her hardest to avoid meeting his gaze for the rest of the reception, fearing the state of her panties. Well, that and if someone else caught her looking at him. She was sure she was a dead giveaway of a woman lusting over a man, and not just any man. Luke. How would they ever explain what was going on between them to everyone? She didn’t have the answer because she, herself couldn’t explain what it was between them. One thing she knew for sure, whatever it was, was bigger than anything she ever imagined having in her life again.