Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

She pulled the crystal pins from her hair and let her waves cascade down her back before she drew out a deep breath and looked at her reflection. She didn’t look so sad and broken anymore. She brought her hand up to her chest and fingered the gold locket that lay between her breasts, close to her heart. She’d never forget. Her heart wouldn’t allow her too, and she was okay with that. She was struggling with wondering if everyone else would be okay with her moving on, especially since it was Luke she moving on with.

A knock on her door startled her and forced her to break away from her thoughts. She padded barefoot through her hotel room and pulled the door open. Luke stood in front of her, one arm stretched over his head, his hand gripping the door jamb while his other hand was shoved into his pocket. His tie was gone and his shirt that was once tucked into his slacks was now free. The top few buttons undone and a slight dusting of chest hair were visible to Cara’s wandering eyes.

He raised an eyebrow towards her, watching as her eyes roamed his body. “Spunky, you going to ask me in or you want me to kiss your pretty little lips out here in the hallway.”

Her tongue ran along her lower lip and she stepped aside. “Where is Ava?”

“She wanted to stay with my parent’s since she didn’t get to see them for Christmas.” He said as he gripped her hip and walked into her hotel room, forcing her to walk backwards with him. “I like your hair down.” He said nodding to the waves that framed her face.

“Thank you.” She whispered as he closed the door. The sound of the door clicking closed echoed through her. “Do you want something to drink?” She asked suddenly feeling nervous.

Luke glanced at her for a moment, watching her intently as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other while chewing on her lower lip. She was the epitome of nervous. He stepped close to her and placed his hands on her bare shoulders, sliding them down her arms as he leaned in and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Why don’t we sit out on the balcony for a while?” He offered. The last thing he wanted was Cara to be nervous being with him. He didn’t want her to feel obligated. He just wanted her to feel. Feel him and know all the while it was exactly where she wanted to be. He pulled back, lacing his fingers with hers; he led her to the French doors that were open already, the Caribbean breeze washing over them as they stepped onto the balcony. The waves crashing against the shore was the only sound, either of them heard.

Cara gripped the iron railing and gazed out at the darkened beach, the water almost appeared black in the distance. Luke stood just a few steps behind her watching the moonlight illuminate her features. He wanted to move behind her and cage her against the railing with his arms as he nuzzled the sweet spot right behind her ear, but he refrained and instead just let her take her time. He combed his fingers through his hair before he took a seat on one of the chaise lounges.

“Are you going to tell me where you learned to dance like that?” She asked softly, her eyes never leaving the beach.

He leaned his elbows against his knees and looked at her back, the wind blowing through her curls. “Was it that obvious that dancing isn’t a God given talent of mine?”

She turned around and leaned against the railing, her eyes locked on his, she brushed a piece of hair out of her face. “You hate to dance.” She cocked her head to the side. “But you danced with me tonight.”

“I may have taken lessons.” He confessed and glanced down at his feet.

“You took lessons?” She asked, surprised and walked to stand in front of him. She pressed her finger under his chin and lifted it so that his eyes found hers.

“You wanted to dance for a long time, Cara.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I wanted to be the one you danced again with.” The thing was dancing was just the beginning. Luke wanted to be the man she did everything with, the man who she could turn to when she wanted to experience life and all that lay ahead for her.

She let her fingers trail along the stubble that lined his jaw.

“Thank you.” She whispered, dropping her hand from his cheek. She took a step back and reached behind her, bringing her long brown hair over her shoulder so that it fell over her breasts.

“I’d do just about anything for you.” He said softly, keeping his eyes firmly planted on her as she reached behind her and began to tug the zipper of her silk dress down. She had only been able to reach half way down her back, so she stepped forward and looked down at him. His eyes darkened with longing as she turned around. He took his cue and lifted his hands. He gripped her hip, feeling the silk beneath his fingertips, with his free hand; he dragged the zipper down delicately, being careful not to catch the fabric as he did so.