Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“You’re welcome, baby.” He said as he rubbed her back softly, letting her cry it out in his arms. They stood like that a few moments before she pulled back and wiped her eyes.

“I love it.” She said with a small smile. “It’s the best gift I ever got.” She said honestly and looked down at the locket she still held in the palm of her hand. “Will you put it on me?”

“Turn around.” He said with a nod. She turned in his lap and he spread his legs so she could nestle between them comfortably. She lifted her hair with one hand and he reached around her and took the necklace from her hands. He undid the clasp after two tries and brought it around her neck. He couldn’t help himself and pressed his lips against the back of her neck. His lips grazed over her tattoo before he brought the chain around and fastened the clasp.

Cara brought her hand up to the locket that nestled in between her breasts and looked at Luke from over her shoulder.

“I’m never going to take it off.” She whispered through her emotions. Then she remembered her present for him. She jumped up and crawled under the tree and pulled out the box she had for him. “It’s nothing in comparison.” She said as she sat back down and handed it to him.

“I hope its socks. I really needed socks.” He said with a wink and she cocked her head to the side.

“I’ll buy you socks another time.” She said with a smile. He just held the box as he looked at her. “Luke! Open your present!” She said excitedly.

He laughed at her enthusiasm and pulled at the wrapping paper. Each piece he pulled off revealed another piece of a lost treasure. Once all the paper was gone, he looked down at the collector’s edition G.I. Joe. It was the same one he had been given all those years ago. The one he had shared with his brother.

“I know it’s silly. I mean you’re a grown man, and I bought you a toy, but I figured it was more of a memory. Like I was giving you something you shared once with Jake. It’s okay if you don’t like it. We can list it on Ebay. I bet you can make a pretty nifty turn around on it.” She rambled nervously until his eyes found hers again.

“It’s perfect.” He said with a smile. “You’re perfect.” He set the box aside and pulled her back onto his lap. “Thank you.” He said before his mouth came crashing down onto hers. She combed her fingers through his hair, holding the back of his head as he kissed her. Luke gave Cara a piece of her broken heart back that Christmas, and she had done the same for him. Maybe Jake was right. Maybe Cara and Luke could fit all the pieces of their hearts, together.

Chapter Twenty

Nick stood staring out the French doors at the ocean that spanned the beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, a beautiful day to marry the love of his life. Shit, how did that happen? Hell, what did it matter anyway, he wasn’t going to question God’s plan, he was just happy the man upstairs had taken to him. He looked over his shoulder when the door to his suite opened and glanced at his best friend. He took a moment to be thankful for that day he met Luke Lanza outside of the elementary school. He may not be standing where he was today if it wasn’t for him.

Luke was dressed in the light gray suit; Sam insisted he be dressed in. It was ninety degrees and the man who despised ties more than anything, was fiddling with the noose around his neck. He cranked his head from side to side, but didn’t utter a complaint.

“Man, aren’t you cutting it a bit close?” Luke said with a nod towards Nick. He was wearing the charcoal suit pants and nothing else.

“It takes me five minutes to get dressed.” Nick said, sweeping his hand the length of his body. “I’ve got it like that.”

Luke rolled his eyes and looked at the white button down shirt that was freshly pressed hanging over the back of the chair. He walked over to the shirt and lifted it.

“Right, still it’s my duty to get your ass in gear.” He sighed and lifted the shirt for Nick to slide his arms into. .

“Did you see her?”

“Did I see who?” Luke said, playing the clueless card and holding back a smile while he did so. Nick slid one arm at a time into the shirt before turning around and looking at Luke. His eyes held him steady as he maneuvered the buttons with his fingertips. The man knew how to dress, that was certain.

“Don’t play with me, Luke. Did you see her?” He said leaving the top button undone as he began to tuck his shirt into his slacks.

“Yeah, I did.” He said with a smile. “She’s beautiful and I’m not partial because she’s my sister. You got yourself a beautiful bride, brother.”

Nick grinned widely. “I know.”

“I can’t believe you’re about to marry Sam.” Luke said with a quick shake of his head. “Scratch that, I can’t believe I was so blind all these years.”