Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

I found myself thinking about that conversation a lot and the more I did, the more I wished I could’ve been around to see you finally happy and with a family. But then my plan would’ve gone to shit and it’s a really good plan. Like the plan of all plans. I’m so fucking proud I came up with it. I’m grinning right now as I write this because I finally can give you something back. I can pay you back for always being my hero. I’m leaving you my most prized possession. I’m giving you your missing piece.

Did you figure it out yet? Maybe you didn’t. Maybe you read this letter sooner than you should have. Or maybe you held onto it. Either way you need to listen. This is the part where you’re supposed to really pay attention. I’m going to ask you one more favor. When I know all my chances are shot to hell and that I’m knocking on heaven’s door, I’m going to ask you to look after Cara. I’m going to make you promise me that you’ll take care of her, to see that my girl gets a fair shot at a good life. I want her to be happy, Luke. I want her to have all the things I can’t give her. I want her to get married one day, because she wants her own family more than anything. I want her to have a fleet of kids, because, well, she deserves to be a mom. She’ll be a good mom too. You’ll see. She’ll be awesome with Ava and you’ll just want to keep having babies with her because what kid shouldn’t have a mom like Cara. They’ll be really cute too, and you’ll find it your mission in life to populate Riverdale with cute hazel eyed kids that are polite and take care of one another because well, they’ll have you for a dad.

So this is the part where I calm you down, because either you’re freaking out because you’ve read this letter too soon or you’re freaking out because she’s already wormed her way into your heart. I hope it’s the latter because I can coach you through the falling in love with Cara. She’s a handful and has been dealt a real shit hand in life. I mean picture not having mom and dad? We’d be fucked. She had no one, but she had me. Once I’m gone, she’s going to be a mess. She’s been so strong for me this whole time. I can count on one hand how many times she’s broken down. I’m sorry, but be the patient man I know you are and you will see the treasure that is all Cara. I promise. She’s a catch, bro! She has a few quirky things about her, but by now you’re probably finding them endearing. She rambles when she’s nervous, and she is absolutely obsessed with Christmas. Give her good Christmases, and her face will be the best present you ever receive. I promise that too. Her eyes man, you’ll look into them and see forever. It will be scary as shit at first, but then they’ll become your saving grace.

I can go on and on about her, and share all the things that made me fall in love with her but it’s your turn now. It’s your turn to discover all that she is and all that she will be to you. It’s your turn to fall in love and it’s your turn to be happy. I’ll be happy too, bro. I’ll be happy because you are and she’ll be too, and knowing that maybe I had a hand in that, well, that’s enough for me to be able to rest peacefully. Be good to her. Be good to each other. And don’t for one moment feel guilty because once again you’re giving me another gift. You’re giving me peace of mind knowing that two people I worry the most about will be happy and living life to the fullest.

I love you brother and you’ll always be my hero,


The tears poured down Luke’s cheeks and not for one moment did he care. He bowed his head and wept like a little boy. He cried for his brother, he cried for the guilt he felt, he cried for the words that his brother had written, and he cried because he would never be able to say thank you. Jake would never know that somehow he had become the hero in their brotherhood, and that made him cry more. He folded the letter and placed it back inside the envelope, blinking back his tears so he could see what he was doing. He handled that letter as if it was a fine piece of China. He brought it to his heart and looked up at Jake’s stone.

“Thank you.” He said through a sob. “I can live up to my promise. I will live up to my promise, Jake. Rest in peace my brother.” He said hoarsely and patted the envelope that rested over his heart. “And just so you know, you’re the real hero.”


Ava’s eyes traveled along the counter that was full of a variety of freshly baked cookies. She placed her hands on her hips and looked up at Cara.

“Which do you think he will like the best?” She asked.

Cara bit her lip as she looked at the dozens of cookies that they had been baking since they woke up this morning. They may have gone a little overboard, considering they had nothing to eat now but cookies.

“How about we leave him one of each?” Cara said as she pondered if they could freeze the rest of these.

“Maybe he can bring some back to the elves at the North Pole.” Ava said hopefully.