Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

Li Qingshan could feel his mood improve greatly. He walked for a little longer. Right when he was about to reach the end of the valley, he stopped instead, raising his head and looking at the tall tower on the mountain. Five pairs of eyes looked back at him from afar.

The spiritual qi in the air became even denser. This region located at the bottom of the valley also happened to be the centre of Savage mountain, where spiritual qi and the beauty of the place gathered. The dwellings of the eight cave masters were established here too. Regular disciples and lackeys could only construct their dwellings to the two sides of the mountain peak.

This was like the bottom of the pocket, the end of the traps. Regardless of the quality, scale, or the powers they could unleash, the formations cast down here could not be compared to the formations in the city. Even if they did not fight, they could still trap a second heavenly layer cultivator or a Daemon Commander.

The five cave masters were all waiting for Li Qingshan to take another step forward. Then it would be his death!

A great battle was on the brink of erupting!

But Li Qingshan refused to budge. He simply stood there with a smile stretched over his face.

“Esteemed guest, why don’t you come up the mountain for a talk so that you can tell us your intentions?” The Gentleman of Heavenly Blubber’s voice rang out from the tower.

Li Qingshan finally moved, but not forwards. He made a turn and headed towards the left.

It was a building that stood around thirty meters tall called “Drunken No Return”. It was a fancy place with carved beams, painted rafters, overhanging eaves, and protruding corners. With a gentle breeze, the wind chimes sang. It was so delicate and magnificent that it did not seem like a creation of the south. Moreover, they clearly knew about Li Qingshan’s arrival, but the restaurant was bold enough to remain open.

“Sir, bring me some alcohol!”

Li Qingshan stepped through the door. There was not a single person in the restaurant, but many of the tables still had alcohol and food. Only a girl around sixteen or seventeen stood behind the counter, click-clacking away with her abacus. She struck it a few more times before finally raising her head as if she had reached a satisfying result. She smiled. “There are no sirs here, only a ma’am. Sir, can’t you tell the difference between a man and a woman?”

She was pretty, bold, and feisty. With a shake of her head, the silver jewelry on her head jingled. She made her way out from behind the counter. She was dressed in a green, embroidered top and a patterned skirt.

“I don’t care whether you’re a man or a woman. I only care if your alcohol is any good or not. If it’s no good, I’ll tear your place down!”

Li Qingshan arrived at the central table and sat down. He thought, The Lair of Demons really is filled with masters. I just killed one and here comes another. Of course, if they weren’t capable of something, they’d never have the courage to face me. Though, she probably isn’t as young as she looks!

“How vicious of you, sir! I have plenty of fine alcohol here, enough to guarantee you’ll go home drunk. Though, you’re not seeing our cave masters, but coming to drink in my humble store instead. Don’t tell me you're afraid and want to muster up some courage?” The boss of the store smiled. She seemed very innocent and curious.

As long as it was a man, they would hate it when someone called them cowardly and afraid, especially when it came from a beautiful woman!

Li Qingshan also happened to be a man. He shook his head. “You can’t say that. It’s not that I’m afraid of your cave masters. Your cave masters are afraid of me!”

“How come?” The boss of the restaurant moved her hips and made her way over, directly sitting down in front of Li Qingshan and leaning over.

“I’m the guest. They’re the host. There’s one of me and eight of them. I’m sitting in the main room of their home right now, yet they’re afraid to come out of their bedrooms to see me. They’re shy and timid like little girls. Tell me, just who’s afraid of who?”

Li Qingshan smiled.

“Oh you, I really can’t beat you in an argument, can I? If you want to drink then drink, but let’s settle the bill first!” The boss leaned forward and arrived before Li Qingshan, talking gently and showing off the gully on her chest.

“I’ve only just sat down. I haven’t even touched a cup of tea, so where did the bill come from?”

“My place was originally filled with people. It was exactly your arrival that drove them away suddenly. None of them have paid for their alcohol and dishes. Tell me, aren’t you supposed to pay this bill?”

Li Qingshan smiled. “I’ve come to dine and dash. I won’t even be paying my own bill, let alone theirs.”

The woman’s face changed. “There still hasn’t been anyone bold enough to go without paying my bills here!”

Chapter 765: Drinking Poison | Legend of the Great Sage

“Oh, how bold of you. When I want to dine and dash, there really aren’t a lot of people who are brave enough to make me pay.”

Li Qingshan’s eyes narrowed, but he continued to smile, which made the owner of the restaurant shiver. She felt like it was not a human right in front of her, but a huge, vicious beast toying around with the prey it was about to eat. Even though there was no killing intent, the pressure that came from the top of the food chain was still suffocating.

“How vicious! If you want to drink, I’ll treat you to it. Why’re you looking at me like that?” The boss of the restaurant shoved Li Qingshan on the shoulder and flirted, except her expression and movements were rather stiff and unnatural.

“Don’t be afraid. If the alcohol is fine and the dishes are delicious, I’ll pay the bills that I have to pay. Perhaps I might even pay a lot more!” Li Qingshan sat up straight as the smile remained on his bronze face.

“Who’s afraid? You won’t be able to find another restaurant that can match my alcohol and dishes. Just don’t get drunk!” The lady raised her voice.

“If I fall drunk, I’m not going to blame you. I’m only going to blame you if I don’t fall drunk. Isn’t your store called Drunken No Return? Let’s not return home until we’re drunk today then. I’ll give your cave masters some time to muster up their courage. Let’s see whether they’re bold enough to come down and drink with me!”

The female boss glanced deeply at Li Qingshan. This man was anything but simple. He was already brave for barging into Savage mountain, and on top of that, he manoeuvred around with grace, handling the entire situation with ease. It did not seem like he had ventured into a monster’s den at all. Instead, it seemed like he was the monster who had returned to his own den. He viewed the eight cave masters like his own wives and viewed the several thousand demonic cultivators as nothing.

He had overwhelmed the might of the entire Lair of Demons with this valiance. There actually was not a single man she had seen in her life that could compare to him!

The female boss went off to retrieve the alcohol. Her buttocks within her short skirt were round and perky, which was quite a sight as they swayed about.

Li Qingshan chuckled. He loved it when others were trying to charm him, but after considering how Xiao An was in the surroundings right now, he could only look away in some pity.

“Cook, an esteemed guest has come. Light the stove and get cooking. If it doesn’t taste nice, you better be careful because I might just slap you!” The owner called out and made her way to the cellar.

The chef at the back answered, “Alrighty, ma’am!”

A while later, the female owner returned with a jar of alcohol. She removed the clay seal, and the fragrance of alcohol pervaded the surroundings. A faint, green liquid poured into a large, porcelain bowl, filling it to the brim.

Li Qingshan glanced at it. “There shouldn’t be any poison in the alcohol, right?”