Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 701-Chapter 833)

However, he let out a gentle sigh. The true game had only just begun!

At this moment, the Bone Eating shaman priest’s sunken, hoarse voice drifted out slowly with the night wind, “Barbarian, you’ve killed so many of our tribesmen, so aren’t you afraid of revenge? Hand over the baby, and we’ll spare your life! Otherwise, we’ll butcher everyone and anything in Goldie fort. Your parents, siblings, wife, children, and clansmen will all die, and they will die in great agony!”

The voice was not loud, but it was extremely distinct in the quiet city. Goldie A’bao’s hearing had become extremely sharp, so his face changed immediately. All of his joy vanished. Although Goldie Fort had a shaman priest, they definitely stood no chance against the entire Bone Eating tribe.

Li Qingshan thought, Sure enough, all the bad people in the world are basically the same. If they can’t deal with you, they’ll use the people around you to threaten you! When Goldie A’bao set foot on the path of opposing the Bone Eating tribe, this was a problem he had to face.

“You don’t need to harm him. He’s very feeble right now, so he’s not your opponent. If you hand him over to us, you don’t have to worry about any revenge. I’ll count down from ten to let you consider. If you don’t reply, we’ll turn around and head to Goldie fort right now. Ten…”

The Bone Eating shaman priest’s tone fluctuated about, filled with an eerie temptation and pressure.

“Sir A’yue… what do I do?” Goldie A’bao asked with difficulty.

Goldie A’bao understood that if he truly possessed the power to kill these Bone Eating shamans, there was no need for him to use sneak attacks at all.

Li Qingshan said calmly, “Right now, there’s nothing you can do. We still don’t have the power for an open confrontation with them. However, you better think through it clearly. You’ve killed their people, so will they really spare you and your clansmen?”

“If it weren’t for you, why would I have…”

“If it weren’t for me, you’d be dead already. It’s not me who wants to kill your clansmen either!”

Li Qingsahn interrupted and shook his head. He was still a merchant after all! If he were a warrior, he would definitely fight until the end and fend off threats with threats. His career as a merchant that spanned several decades made him much shrewder than regular barbarians, knowing how to evaluate trade-offs and go with the flow, but it also made him lose his boldness and courage.

“Sorry, I’ve misspoken!”

Li Qingshan said, “You don’t need to apologise. I understand your difficulties. You have to decide on your path yourself. Even if you betray me, I’m not going to hate you!”

By now, the Bone Eating shaman priest had already reached “five”.

Four, three, two, one!

“Alright, I’ll hand him over to you. Don’t come over here, or I’ll kill him, and you won’t get anything. You need to swear in the name of your ancestors that you won’t harm me or my clansmen!”

Chapter 714: Abandonment | Legend of the Great Sage

“Sir A’yue, I’m sorry. If I were alone, it wouldn’t even matter if I gave you my life, but I have both old and young to take care of. The thousand or so clansmen of Goldie fort can’t die because of me!”

The stars twinkled coldly, unable to illuminate the cluttered alleyway. A’yue’s eyes were wide open, staring at the basket on the ground. Who knew whether he was afraid of being attacked or afraid that he would run away, or a combination of both. There was uneasiness on his face, as well as excitement for some reason.

He had already closely considered the advantages and disadvantages. He was already powerful enough now. It would be no issue for him to become the chieftain once he returned to Goldie fort. He could use the rest of his life to slowly enjoy everything he had gained from this day and night of fleeing and fighting! He had already made a huge profit in this deal, so it was time for him to pull back. If he were too greedy, it would end up costing him instead.

He was not worried that the Bone Eating tribe would suddenly change their mind. The Bone Eating tribe revered their ancestors very much. Whenever the shamans in the tribe were close to dying from age, they would not be cremated or buried. Instead, their flesh would be split up among the tribesmen, basically being passed down through the generations. If they swore an oath in the name of their ancestors, they would never go against it!

“You don’t need to explain anything. I said I can understand.”

Li Qingshan crawled out of the basket, straightened himself out, and walked towards an alleyway on the side.

“You can’t leave!”

Goldie A’bao blocked his way. Li Qingshan was the vital bargaining chip for him to escape from the hands of the Bone Eating tribe alive. Li Qingshan’s composure caused him a deep sense of uneasiness, but he immediately comforted himself as he thought, If he were capable of anything, he would have used it a long time ago. He must just be putting on a front right now. I mustn’t be frightened by him!

“That’s not for you to decide. You can decide on your own path, but you can’t decide on the path of others. Have you noticed? They haven’t answered you!” Li Qingshan stuck out his ear and raised a finger.

A sliver of panic flashed across Goldie A’bao’s face. He called out, “Hurry up and swear the oath, or don’t even think about obtaining him!” He extended his huge hand, reaching towards Li Qingshan before suddenly freezing in the air. He was immobilised.

Goldie A’bao’s eyes bulged, staring straight at Li Qingshan. He wanted to ask, What did you do?

“Did you really think I’d really feed and raise a vicious hound completely unprepared? I personally channeled the life force into your body, so do you think it’ll listen to you or listen to me? Someone once told me in the past that the power someone else bestowed to you will never be your own power! Since you’ve changed your mind, then let’s have everything return to their original trajectory!”

Li Qingshan shook his head with no other option, extending his hand and patting Goldie A’bao’s calf gently.

Goldie A’bao felt his body become hotter and hotter; his blood seemed to be boiling. Power surged out, unbearably painful, yet he was simply unable to move. Pleading filled his eyes.

If he had known Li Qingshan was capable of something like this, he would have never betrayed him. His parents were already old. His wife and children were important, but as long as he survived, he could always remarry and have more children. If he were dead, he would have nothing at all!”

“You’ve already chosen your path. You can’t go back on it. I understand your choice, so you should understand mine too! A person has sold your treasure. You saved their life, yet they’re prepared to betray you at any time. Of course, it won’t feel very nice.”

“Listen up! They’re coming! Once they kill you, they’ll probably spare your clansmen, hopefully! Farewell, A’bao!”

Li Qingshan plucked off a hair and transformed it into a tiny pair of trousers. He placed his hands into his pockets and made his way around Goldie A’bao, waving his hand without even looking back as he ventured deeper into the alleyway. He leapt over a stone wall gracefully and entered someone’s home.

On the other side of the stone wall, the Bone Eating chieftain rushed over in a hurry. He completely failed to realise that only a single wall separated him from his target.

Li Qingshan smiled. His current physique had already surpassed mortals. It was a piece of cake for him to leap over buildings, and with his senses, he could avoid all dangers beforehand. Even if the Bone Eating shamans’ sense of smell was ten times sharper, they would not be able to discover him. Travelling alone no longer posed any danger.