Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

At this moment, Li Qingshan’s heart skipped a beat. He would develop a slight connection with the ground as long as he was standing on it, and at that moment, he could feel something emerging from underground.

Hua Chenglu held the Daemon Searching compass and moved through the streets and alleyways with Yu Zijian and everyone else, searching for traces of daemons. The needle on the compass would turn from time to time, sensing the residual daemon qi that daemons had left behind before reverting to its original position.

They continued searching until they reached a busy street. Originally, people flowed to and fro on the street, bustling with activity, but with their arrival, it immediately fell silent. The pedestrians all stopped and stared at them, while the bosses and shopkeepers in the stores by the street stopped too, making their way out to take a look. The existence of cultivators was not exactly a secret to them, but women as beautiful as them were not common.

Hua Chenglu had already grown accustomed to gazes like that, so she was completely unfazed. She just stared at the compass in her hand. Seeing how the needle refused to budge, she raised her head and said, “Looks like there’s nothing this time.”

“That’s good too. We can go rest.” Yu Zijian raised her head and looked at the sky, searching for the blue bird.

However, in complete silence, everyone’s gazes towards them changed.

Cultivators are all indomitable existences. With my status, all I can do is look at beauties like them. They’ll just end up in the arms of other men in the future. I hate this. Since I can’t obtain her, they can just go die. A spark of danger suddenly rose up in a waiter in front of a restaurant.

What beautiful women they are. Why must they be so beautiful? I’ve heard cultivators all possess eternal youth. This is completely unfair. I want to rip off their faces. Let’s see whether they can still smile like that. A middle-aged woman in a brothel ground her teeth enviously. Vicious thoughts emerged one by one.

Old Li next door has borrowed my money, but he still hasn’t returned it, even now. That’s completely unforgivable. This bastard is better off dead. An old man carrying a bird cage suddenly thought.

“Stop hitting me! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” A child who had been pressed against a chair, viciously spanked by his mother, suddenly roared out furiously. He put up a desperate struggle as his eyes became blood-red.

Thoughts emerged. Killing intent bloomed.

In that instant, everyone’s eyes became filled with malice and killing intent.

Hua Chenglu checked the compass in her hand, and it began to spin wildly like a windmill. It spun faster and faster. “Everyone, be careful. There’s daemon qi approaching. It’s tremendous and very dangerous.”

Rumble! The ground shook gently, and wild laughter appeared from underground.

“Hahahahaha! Kill! Kill! Kill to your hearts’ content!”

Chapter 452: Running Across Each Other's Better than Actively Seeking Out | Legend of the Great Sage

The ground cracked, and a huge boulder burst out from the earth. An invisible, terrifying power swept through the entire city in an instant. In everyone’s eyes, even the sky turned blood-red, but what was dyed red was not the sky, but their eyes. Regardless of their age or gender, their eyes all glowed red due to being filled with blood.

In the busy streets, everyone became frenzied, growling as they lunged at the people beside them. Their eyes were filled with hatred as they ground their teeth; it was like they were facing their mortal enemies.

“Oh no, the rock demon is slaughtering the city!” Sun Yi’s face changed drastically and cut down the people who lunged towards him. It was rumored that people would kill one another in madness wherever the rock demon went. He could slaughter an entire city without doing anything.

“Let’s go!” Hua Chenglu felt herself become restless and ingested a Pill of Soothing as she spoke anxiously.

Before she had even finished speaking, a voice rang out from beneath her, “To where?”

The ground began to ripple like water, and Strongboulder emerged. He stared at them with a vicious smile, like he was staring at a group of puppets. He had no intention of fighting. Killing them was easy, but Strongboulder wanted to rile up their killing intent and malice before he killed them so that he could feed off them.

Sun Yi was filled with fear, but under Strongboulder’s gaze, his fear turned into hysteric hatred and killing intent very soon. He charged towards Strongboulder.

Strongboulder threw his fist gently, and with a thud, Sun Yi’s head exploded like a watermelon, and pulp of red and white sprayed over Strongboulder. He let out a laugh. The two remaining Qi Practitioners could not withstand it any longer either and rushed over. They were ripped apart like dolls as the ground became covered by their slippery organs.

Strongboulder licked the blood on his hand and admired the slaughter that was everywhere. Only a moment had passed, but tens of thousand people had already killed one another.

In that moment, Jiaping city turned into a blood-soaked purgatory as malice radiated into the air. Strongboulder took in a deep breath and sucked in this malice, converting it into daemon qi and making his power as a Rock of Slaughter even greater.

Suddenly, Strongboulder sensed something and gazed in the direction of the district government’s office. There were still other Qi Practitioners! His hand expanded violently and plunged into the ground. A crack stretched into the distance.


How could Li Qingshan not recognise this familiar daemon qi? He said to Zhou Wenbin, “Run!” before shooting off in the direction of the daemon qi. Soon after he had taken off, a crack stretched over from afar, reaching deep into the government office. A huge hand of rock, several meters long, suddenly extended out from the ground, grabbing Zhou Wenbin who had tried to flee. He called towards Li Qingshan from between the cracks, “Save…”

However, before he could finish, the huge hand closed around him and crushed Zhou Wenbin to pulp with ease. Succeeding with the attack, the huge hand collapsed and shattered, only leaving behind a bloody mess.

Li Qingshan found this situation to be extremely troublesome; it was not because he feared Strongboulder’s power, but because protecting two Qi Practitioners in the face of this power was anything but easy. Even if he transformed, it would still be difficult, let alone under the current circumstances.

However, he could not afford to think too much about it. The streets and buildings receded around him rapidly, and he arrived on the busy street in the blink of an eye. The street was no longer noisy. It was deathly silent now. Blood formed streams as corpses were scattered everywhere. It was a chilling sight.

Only when Li Qingshan saw how Yu Zijian and Hua Chenglu were still alive did he let out a sigh of relief. He hid his aura even more carefully and slowly approached them.

Hua Chenglu continued to hold on arduously through the power of the Pill of Soothing, resisting the invading killing intent. However, she knew she was probably done for this time. Who knew how many times she had heard of the infamous rock demon already. Even Foundation Establishment cultivators could not necessarily survive before him. Zijian, looks like we’re really going to be going out on the same day.

As for Yu Zijian, she seemed to have become frightened out of her wits by the sight around her. She stood still like a statue, without moving at all.

Strongboulder let out a soft expression of surprise and looked at Yu Zijian’s face. She had not been infected by the Rock of Slaughter’s power, becoming a bloodthirsty, frenzied madman. She did not even give off a hint of murderousness or malice.