A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

"Surely not! The last restriction was cast not long ago; how is it coming undone already?" the figure enshrouded within white light asked.

"I'm not sure; it's most likely because we're situated in the Elder Devil Realm. As you're aware, this thing's origins stem from the Elder Devil Realm in the first place, and the vast amount of devilish Qi in this realm seems to be impacting it quite significantly," Holy Maiden Thousand Autumns sighed in response.

"Zhi Shui is our trump card, so we have to make sure that no issues arise with him. We'll find some lodging right away and keep a lookout while you fortify the seal," the figure within the white light immediately replied without any hesitation.

"That would be best." Holy Maiden Thousand Autumns nodded, and the group made their way along the street for a while longer before turning into an alleyway up ahead.

At the end of the alley was a tall building that resembled an inn, and they strode into the building one after another.


In a crimson devilish shop, the woman from the Ye Family was accepting an unknown piece of green ore from a pale-skinned devilish being.

The devilish being was delivering a long spiel about this piece of ore, while the woman was injecting her spiritual sense into the piece of ore with a smile on her face.


Meanwhile, Han Li was walking along a narrow street, on either side of which were all types of stalls of different sizes.

Behind each stall sat or stood a devilish being, and there were many devilish beings with powerful auras walking along the same street.

Some of them were engaged in heated arguments with the owners of the stalls, and a faint smile appeared on Han Li's face at the sight of this familiar scene.

Chapter 2032: Foreign Devilish Metal

The scene unfolding before his eyes made him recall the markets he had visited in the human world and Spirit Realm.

Most of the wares being sold by the stalls were only low-grade materials and treasures, but there were some precious items among them. The more precious items were obviously quite rare as not all devilish beings were willing to sell their items to these streetside vendors at low prices.

However, this was a special period of time during which many devilish beings were forced to remain in Blood Crow City, so there definitely had to be many of them who were looking to take advantage of this opportunity to sell some of the precious items in their collection.

Han Li strolled along the street while rapidly sweeping his spiritual sense over the stalls on either side of him.

Many of the wares being sold were similar to items that could be found in the Spirit Realm, except they contained devilish Qi as opposed to spiritual Qi. Of course, there were some materials that were imbued with spiritual Qi as well, but there were clearly far less of those than the ones that contained devilish Qi.

Han Li didn't pay any heed to these materials, choosing to focus most of his attention on the peculiar items that he had never seen before instead. Those were most likely things that could only be found in the Elder Devil Realm.

As for the treasures being sold, those were quickly glossed over by his spiritual sense as well. With his current wealth of treasures, the average top-grade treasure was simply no longer attractive to him.

As for spirit treasures, the chances of finding such treasures in a place like this was virtually negligible, so Han Li certainly wasn't going to be holding his breath.

The street wasn't very long, and there were only around 200 to 300 stalls on either side of it.

After just a short while, he had scanned his spiritual sense over most of the stalls, and barely anything had caught his attention. There were a few items that he examined in person, but he merely set them back down with a shake of his head in the end.

The devilish beings standing behind the stalls were all extremely menacing in appearance, but they immediately offered respectful smiles upon sensing Han Li's Spatial Tempering Stage cultivation base, not daring to display any sign of discontent.

Han Li slowly walked onward, and he was becoming more and more disappointed.

He had discovered several types of materials that didn't exist in the Spirit Realm, but for a being of his caliber, none of them were all that useful. Just as he was contemplating whether he should leave this street and visit the large shops nearby, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from a certain stall, and an enraged roar rang out at the same time.

"I'm taking it whether you like it or not! Here are the devil stones you asked for; hurry up and hand it over!"

"I already told you that I've raised the price. Unless you can offer me a top-grade devilish treasure or 10 top-grade devil stones, don't even think about it!" A cold voice rang out in response.

"I already paid the deposit yesterday, and I went to great lengths to gather these devil stones, yet you're raising the price on me? Are you trying to make a fool out of me?" The first voice had become even more enraged.

"Hehe, it's mine, so I can set whatever price I want for it. Here's your deposit from yesterday; if you don't have a top-grade devilish treasure or 10 top-grade devil stones, then piss off!" The second voice wasn't backing down in the slightest, either.

"Do you know who I am? You think you can make a fool out of me and get away with it? If you don't sell it to me, I'm going to break all of your bones!" the owner of the first voice threatened in a menacing manner.

"Break all of my bones? Haha, I can't even remember the last time someone dared to say something like this to me! If you think you have what it takes, then you're welcome to try!" the owner of the second jeered.

At the same time, another powerful aura erupted from the same stall.

Such a loud commotion naturally attracted a lot of attention, and many devilish beings had gathered to watch the unfolding spectacle.

"Isn't that Hai Fei of the Blue Hog Race and Niu Li of the Bird Hoof Race? What's gotten them so mad?"

"Hehe, we're in for a good show! Both of them are quite powerful; it's hard to say who's going to win between them!"

All of the onlookers immediately burst into spirited chatter, and it seemed that the two devilish beings were both quite renowned in Blood Crow City.

Blue light flashed through Han Li's eyes as he quickly assessed the situation over at the stall.

The stall had been surrounded by around a dozen devilish bystanders, and the two devilish beings locked in the altercation consisted of a menacing 30-feet-tall devilish being with several curved horns on his head, and a blue-skinned short and stubby devilish being, the latter of which was the stall owner.

Both of them were at the Deity Transformation Stage, with one of them at the early-Deity Transformation Stage, while the other was at the mid-Deity Transformation Stage.

The burly horned devilish being's cultivation base was slightly inferior, but his powerful-looking body suggested that he was quite adept in the art of body refinement, so it was indeed difficult to say who would come out on top in a fight.

Of course, two Deity Transformation Stage devilish beings weren't enough to pique Han Li's interest; he merely took a casual glance at them before preparing to move on. However, as his gaze passed over the item that the blue-skinned stall owner was holding, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he made his way over to the stall.

After just a few flashes, he had inserted himself into the group of devilish beings standing around the stall, and he stared intently at the item in the blue-skinned devilish being's hand.

This was a fist-sized piece of black and white ore that was flashing with a cold light. Han Li swept his spiritual sense toward the item, and his pupils immediately contracted as an elated look appeared on his face.