A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

Bolts of lightning rained down from the lightning net before instantly exploding violently, forming a sea of lightning in the air down below.

What was incredible was that the two devilish beings remained completely unscathed and weren't struck by so much as a single bolt of lightning, even though they were situated right in the midst of the sea of lightning. A dense lightning barrier had appeared around them as a shield, while most of the surrounding devilish beasts were reduced to dust by the powerful lightning strikes.

Finally, after the lightning faded, only around 10% to 20% of the high-grade devilish beasts remained, and even they had been completely charred black.

Following that devastating rain of lightning, the remaining devilish beasts no longer had the courage to oppose Han Li, and they all fled amid horrified howls.

The burly devilish man was ecstatic to see this, but a thought then suddenly occurred to him, and he hurriedly yelled, "Senior, kill those Silver-necked Beasts before they get away! If you can do that, this beast tide will immediately fall apart, and no new beast monarch will be born for over 100 years in this pack!"

"Silver-necked Beasts?" Han LI's eyes narrowed slightly upon hearing this, and he cast his spiritual sense toward the dozen or so wounded silver beasts that had already fled into the distance.

Those were clearly the Silver-necked Beasts that the burly devilish man was referring to, and all of them had managed to survive that round of lightning strikes with their early-Spatial Tempering Stage powers.

After tracking them down, Han Li immediately sprang into action again, quickly making a hand seal, upon which a golden projection with three heads and six arms appeared behind him.

As soon as the projection appeared, it swelled to over 100 feet tall, then opened all six of its golden eyes in unison.

Chapter 2029: Butterfly Tail Beasts

Around a dozen pillars of golden light erupted forth one after another out of the projection's six eyes, and each pillar of light struck a fleeing silver beast with unerring accuracy.

These silver beasts only had a chance to howl with anguish before their bodies were reduced to nothingness within the golden light.

The two devilish beings knew that Han Li's powers were definitely far superior to theirs upon seeing this, and their expressions changed drastically.

They had faced the silver beasts in person, so they were well aware of how powerful those beasts were. However, this senior had destroyed all of the silver beasts with ease; it was quite clear that his powers were completely unfathomable to them.

After all of the silver beasts were eradicated, all of the other devilish beasts instantly scattered under the leadership of the green beasts. All of the devilish beasts quickly fled deep into the grassland like the receding tide, and the surrounding space was emptied in the blink of an eye.

Han Li had no intention of pursuing the devilish beasts any further. Instead, he cast his spiritual sense even further into the distance, and he discovered that all of the devilish beasts there were also fleeing for their lives.

Thus, the terrifying beast tide had been completely scattered.

Han Li's expression eased slightly as he heaved a faint sigh of relief upon sensing this.

The burly devilish man briefly examined the wound on his own shoulder before flying toward Han Li with the elderly man. He looked at the Provenance True Devil Projection with a hint of awe and veneration in his eyes, and said, "Thank you for saving us, Senior. If it weren't for you, the two of us would've perished to those Luminous Wolf Beasts for sure."

"It's alright, it was only a simple task for me, and I only saved you as you agreed to do something for me in return," Han Li replied as he made a hand seal, upon which the golden projection vanished in a flash.

"How may we be of service to you, Senior?" the elderly devilish man asked in a respectful manner.

"Tell me who you are and how you ended up here," Han Li instructed in an implacable voice.

"We are both guards of Blood Crow City, and we were sent here by the city lord to kill the Luminous Wolf Beast Monarch in order to scatter this beast tide. Unfortunately, a mishap occurred at the end, and we almost perished here," the burly devilish man replied.

Even though they were unable to sense Han Li's exact cultivation base, they knew that he had to be an extremely powerful devilish lord, so they naturally didn't dare to display any disrespect toward him.

"I'm sure that Luminous Wolf Beast Monarch's powers wouldn't have been inferior to yours; how were you two able to venture so deep into this beast tide and kill the beast monarch? Also, where is this Blood Crow City? Is it located somewhere near here?" Han Li asked with a puzzled look in his eyes.

He had developed some understanding of the Elder Devil Realm through the information he had gathered and the jade slip given to him by the Long Family patriarch, but he naturally couldn't be aware of all of the cities in the entire realm.

Considering this Blood Crow City hadn't been mentioned in any of the information he had obtained, it was most likely not a very large city.

"You must've come here from another area, Senior. We were able to venture into this beast tide and kill the beast monarch as we had a few special treasures at our disposal. Otherwise, we certainly wouldn't have dared to enter this beast tide. As for Blood Crow City, it's a small nearby city, but it's decently renowned in this area, and City Lord Bing of our city is a devilish lord as well," the elderly devilish man replied.

Han Li was rather taken aback to hear this. "Oh? So there's a devilish lord overseeing this Blood Crow City? It must be quite a prosperous city, then; is there anything special about it?"

"Blood Crow City was built on a Bloodlight Crystal mine. The Bloodlight Crystal it produces are extremely important for those cultivating blood-related devilish arts, and our city lord just so happens to be using the renowned Blood River Cultivation Art. Otherwise, there's no way he would've been willing to take on the role of city lord in such a small and secluded city like ours. On top of that, Blood Crow City is the only city within a radius of millions of kilometers, so all fellow daoists looking to enter the grassland to hunt for devilish beasts would stay in the city for a few days. If you don't mind, you can come with us to rest in the city as well, Senior. Our city is going to be holding a small auction soon; perhaps there could be some auction items that could catch your eye," the elderly devilish man said in a careful manner.

"An auction? I'm interested, but I have no time to waste here; I have to be on my way soon," Han Li refused with a shake of his head.

A hint of disappointment appeared in the elderly devilish man's eyes upon hearing this.

"Are you traveling to the plains, senior?" the burly devilish man asked in a hesitant voice.

Han Li's expression immediately darkened upon hearing this, and a burst of terrifying spiritual pressure erupted from his body. "How did you know that?"

The burly devilish man's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly explained, "Please don't misunderstand, Senior! Anyone traveling through this area is either here to hunt for devilish beasts on this grassland or is on their way to the plains. Aside from that, I can't think of any other place where you would want to go."

"Oh? Does that mean I'll have to pass through your Blood Crow City if I want to travel to the plains?" Han Li asked in a cold voice.

On this occasion, it was the elderly devilish man who hurriedly interjected, "Of course not, but if you want to travel to the plains, you'll most likely have to stay in our city for around half a month first, Senior."