A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

The rune was shimmering with golden light, and it descended silently like a shooting star.

"What are you doing? Wait, this is a talisman from the True Immortal Realm!" the true immortal exclaimed as he sensed what was happening within the glacial peak.

However, before he had a chance to do anything, the giant golden rune plunged into the formation down below in a flash.

A resounding boom rang out, and the true immortal's voice was abruptly cut off. The white-robed elderly man was completely unsurprised by this, and he began to chant with even greater urgency.

In the next instant, the entire glacial peak tremored, and golden patterns erupted out of it in a frenzy, forming a gigantic rune that was imprinted on one of the smooth faces of the glacial peak.

Hints of blue light immediately became intermingled in the white light emanating from the glacial peak, and the glacial Qi being released also became significantly denser.

Only then did the white-robed elderly man's chanting cease, and his expression also eased slightly.

If one could see through the underside of the glacial peak, they'd discover an unconscious golden-robed young man with runed chains and layers of translucent ice all over his entire body.

Imprinted on his glabella was a golden pattern that was completely identical to the rune on the face of the glacial peak, and the white-robed elderly man was ecstatic upon discovering this with his spiritual sense, and he immediately plunged into the glacial peak, vanishing into it in a flash.

Unbeknownst to him, in the instant that the golden-robed young man had fallen unconscious, a daoist priest with a dark complexion suddenly opened his eyes in another realm. The daoist priest was seated under an enormous tree, and he murmured to himself, "What happened? Why is the true soul badge displaying such a strong reaction?"

The daoist priest swept a sleeve through the air as he spoke, and a miniature pagoda that was several inches tall flew out of his sleeve amid a flash of green light, then swelled to over 100 feet tall in an instant.

The daoist priest then strode into the pavilion in an unhurried manner, and in the hall on the first level of the pavilion were hundreds of pristine jade tables, each of which had around a dozen identical yellow wooden badges placed upon them.

The badges had silver patterns running all over their surfaces, and after sweeping his gaze over all of the jade tables, a hint of surprise appeared in the daoist priest's eyes as he suddenly raised a hand before waving it toward a huge rusty cauldron in a corner of the hall.

There was a yellow wooden badge in the cauldron as well, and it immediately flew out before landing in the daoist priest's grasp.

The daoist priest stared at the wooden badge with a hint of a surprise in his eyes for a moment before his expression darkened slightly. "So it's his soul that's in peril. In that case, this isn't something I can ignore; I have to find him!"


Han Li was hovering high up in the air with 72 streaks of azure light flashing around him. These were none other than his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, and they were tearing through the inky-black devilish beasts pouncing toward him.

However, there seemed to be no end to these devilish beasts, all of which had backs that were covered in scales and a single horn on each of their heads.

The streaks of azure sword Qi swept forth before blooming into azure lotus flowers, and all of the devilish beasts in their wave were instantly sliced in half.

The Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords were far too powerful for these low-grade devilish beasts to oppose, and the pungent odor of blood and gore had filled the entire surrounding area.

However, these devilish beasts seemed to have no regard for their own lives and continued to pounce toward Han Li with single-minded ferocity.

Han Li could only heave a faint resigned sign upon seeing this.

Chapter 2027: Grassland Beast Tide

As he continued to control his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, Han Li cast his gaze behind himself, where the Long Family patriarch and the others were also busy slaying other devilish beasts.

The woman from the Ye Family was flicking her fingers through the air, releasing streaks of silver light that shot forth like a torrential storm, felling hordes of devilish beasts around her.

The man from the Lin Family had summoned a translucent crimson jade ruler, which was releasing scorching fireballs in all directions to incinerate the devilish beasts around him into nothingness.

The Long Family patriarch's hands had transformed into a pair of giant golden dragon claws, and they were sweeping through the air with unstoppable might. He was accompanied by Elder Hui, who was releasing bursts of green Qi out of his sleeves.

All of the devilish beasts that reached within a radius of 1,000 meters from the duo were either instantly torn into countless shreds, or poisoned to death on the spot.

As for the Holy Spirits, Zang Xing had summoned an antiquated azure lamp that had released several tens of purple fireballs to encompass an area that was around an acre in size.

All of the devilish beasts that came into contact with the purple fireballs were instantly reduced to plumes of smoke.

Bai Qi was merely drifting along within his usual layer of protective white spiritual light, but all of the devilish beasts around him were being dismembered as if they were being ravaged by countless invisible blades.

Jin Gu had summoned a gong-like treasure that wasn't emitting a very loud sound, but all of the oncoming devilish beasts immediately began to sway unsteadily as if they were inebriated as soon as they approached the treasure, then fell to the ground and didn't get up again.

Zhi Shui had donned a suit of silver armor that had encapsulated his entire body without leaving even a single sliver of skin exposed, and he had plunged into a horde of beasts up ahead as a tornado.

All of the devilish beasts around him were being torn limb from limb, presenting a very gruesome and violent sight to behold.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as he took in the situation unfolding around him. Perhaps they were experiencing rotten luck or had simply entered this grassland at the wrong time, but they were only around half a month into their journey, and they had already encountered this enormous beast tide.

Han Li and the others had all experienced the horrors of the beast tides in the Spirit Realm, so they naturally immediately tried to avoid this beast tide, but they had still underestimated it in the end.

There was seemingly no end to the devilish beasts pouring out of the grassland, and all of them were the same type of wolf-like devilish beast.

Most of these devilish beasts were only at the Foundation Establishment Stage or Core Formation Stage, and even the most powerful ones among them were only comparable in power to Deity Transformation cultivators, but their sheer numbers alone would be enough to strike despair into the heart of the average cultivator.

As such, Han Li and the others had all unleashed powerful abilities from the get to wipe out over 1,000,000 of these devilish wolves, but they were still forcibly swept up by the beast tide in the end.

These devilish beasts surrounded Han Li and the others in unrelenting waves, and no matter how many of them were killed, there was always more to take their place.

Under these circumstances, everyone could only band together and join forces to plow their way through the beast tide.

However, these devilish wolves seemed to be determined to hunt them down, launching constant suicide attacks day and night without affording them any opportunity for rest and respite.

They had been slaughtering these devilish wolves for two days and two nights thus far, yet there were still no signs indicating that they were about to reach the other side.