A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

At this point, the verbal altercation had become very heated, and both of the auras being released were becoming more and more formidable, but for some reason, neither of them escalated this into a physical altercation.

At this moment, a bystander who seemed to be familiar with both of the devilish beings stepped in with a smile. "Hehe, it's just a piece of Foreign Devilish Metal; there's really no need to fight over something like this. If one of you were to be wounded or even killed during such a trivial altercation, it would simply not be worth it."

The blue-skinned devilish being's expression eased slightly as he cupped his fist in a salute. "Brother Tan, it's not that I'm intentionally raising the price to target him; it's just that this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal is imbued with foreign devilish Qi that's far more special than what can be found in other pieces of such metal. After discovering this, I realized that the price I proposed yesterday was too low, and that's why he insists on buying this particular piece of Foreign Devilish Metal. Otherwise, he could easily buy a piece of the same material from another stall."

"Bullsh*t! If I hadn't been interested in this particular piece of Foreign Devilish Metal, why would I have been willing to pay such a high deposit? You clearly raised the price intentionally, knowing full well in the first place that this is a special piece of Foreign Devilish Metal! Only you Blue Hog beings could do something as unscrupulous as this!" the burly devilish beings objected in a furious voice.

"How dare you insult our Blue Hog Race? I'll make you pay with an arm!" An abnormal flush appeared on the blue-skinned devilish being's face upon hearing this, and a hint of insanity surfaced in his eyes.

He then swept a sleeve through the air, and a streak of light shot forth directly toward the burly devilish being's arm like lightning.

However, the burly devilish being was already prepared for this, and he immediately flipped a hand over to produce a white bone shield.

Just as the streak of light was about to strike the shield, a humanoid figure abruptly appeared in front of the burly devilish being, then reached out with a golden palm to grab onto the streak of light.

"Are you two planning to force the guards of the city to step in? I'm interested in that piece of Foreign Devilish Metal as well; let me take a look at it."

The humanoid figure was none other than Han Li, and he was currently releasing a powerful Spatial Tempering Stage aura, causing all of the expressions on the faces of the surrounding devilish beings to change drastically.

The burly devilish being faltered slightly upon hearing this before interjecting in an indignant manner, "Senior, I was the one who..."

Han Li released a burst of fearsome spiritual pressure toward the burly devilish being without even turning around. "Oh? Do you want to fight with me over this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal?"

The burly devilish being was immediately forced back several steps in succession, and his face turned dark purple as he blurted out an alarmed apology before quickly scurrying away with his tail between his legs.

As for the other onlooking devilish beings, they also dispersed in the face of Han Li's threatening gaze.

Meanwhile, the ferocious look had already completely faded from the blue-skinned devilish being's eyes, and he could only force a smile onto his face as he offered the piece of Foreign Devilish Metal to Han Li. "Do you want this piece of devilish metal as well, Senior? In that case, you can have it for the original price of 10 devil stones."

"Hmph, why are you so scared? Are you worried that I'm a robber who'll take the item from you without issuing payment?" Han Li harrumphed coldly as he swept a sleeve through the air to draw the piece of metal into his hand for closer inspection.

"I wouldn't dare to think that!" The blue-skinned devilish being immediately shook his head in response.

With the fearsome power that Han Li had just displayed, it would be a simple matter for him to kill this stall owner. As such, the blue-skinned devilish being would rather give this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal to Han Li for free than risk offending a Spatial Tempering Stage powerful being.

Han Li ignored the blue-skinned devilish being as he examined the piece of Foreign Devilish Metal over and over again, yet his expression remained completely unchanged, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

After a full 10 minutes had passed, azure light flashed from Han Li's hand, and the piece of Foreign Devilish Metal vanished, only to be replaced by a small black sword, which Han Li tossed toward the blue-skinned devilish being as he said, "This flying sword is a top-grade devilish treasure; it should be more than enough to exchange for this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal, but you have to tell me where you got this metal from."

Chapter 2033: Ball of Light and Green Qi

This flying sword was a treasure that Han Li had obtained from one of the devilish lords he had slain in the Spirit Realm.

The blue-skinned devilish being accepted the flying sword before sweeping his spiritual sense over it, upon which an elated look immediately appeared on his face. "Thank you, Senior! I exchanged for this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal from someone else, and it seemed to have changed hands several times already before that, so I'm afraid I don't know where it originally came from."

He had been asking for too lofty a price when he had requested a top-grade devilish treasure from that Bird Hoof being, so he was naturally ecstatic that he had actually obtained what he had asked for.

For a Deity Transformation Stage being like him, a top-grade treasure was very difficult to come by.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as he said, "I see. In any case, this piece of Foreign Devilish Metal should be enough for me anyway."

After that, he turned to leave. The blue-skinned devil had intended to try and curry some favor with Han Li, but he didn't dare to say anything further and could only make a respectful farewell gesture.

After finding that piece of Foreign Devilish Metal, Han Li naturally no longer had any intention of leaving right away.

During the next four hours, he carefully examined everything on the remaining stalls on this street, and he really did manage to find two types of spirit medicines that couldn't be found in the Spirit Realm, with which he could refine a type of pill that could calm his heart and mind.

When consumed while cultivating an ability, the pill could slightly improve the rate of progress made during cultivation, so in the long term, it would be very useful to him.

Han Li already possessed the recipe for the pill, and the only thing that was stopping him from refining it were those two types of spirit medicines that were extinct in the Spirit Realm.

After that, Han Li left the street and went to some nearby large shops in high spirits.

Unfortunately, almost all of the items sold in these shops were meant for devilish beings, and he didn't discover anything else of value.

At this point, it was already getting rather late, and the number of people on the streets was beginning to dwindle, while the shops were closing one after another for the night.

Han Li rented an independent secret chamber at an inn and stayed there for now.

He set up several layers of restrictions in the secret chamber, and only then did he bring out that piece of Foreign Devilish Metal before appraising it in silence.

The piece of metal was gleaming with a metallic light, but its surface was extremely bumpy and uneven.

Strangely enough, not only was this object releasing dense devilish Qi, the devilish Qi was also interspersed with wisps of spiritual Qi.

This was a rare material that contained both spiritual Qi and devilish Qi.

However, Han Li hadn't just bought this piece of metal for that alone. After appraising it in silence for a long while, he suddenly tossed it forward, and it hovered in mid-air before him as he swept a finger toward it.