A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

"It's not my intention to waste anyone's time; I simply want to provide some background information so everyone can understand my plan," Bao Hua replied.

"Fine, keep going then," Old Man Copper Crow prompted in a disgruntled manner.

Bao Hua smiled as she continued, "During my last trip into the original sealed site, I discovered that the Stemborer Queen is situated in a different part of the seal from the place where our fellow daoists have been trapped. Regardless of which side we enter, it'll inevitably alert the Stemborer Queen, so my original plan was for everyone to combine their powers to reseal the Stemborer Queen, then save Fellow Daoist Yuan Yan and the others. Of course, doing so could enrage the Stemborer Queen, prompting it to use the power of the seal under its control to lash out at our trapped fellow daoists.

"If that were to happen, Fellow Daoist Yuan Yan and the others could be plunged into grave peril. However, after discovering that the ancient seal possesses a certain level of sentience, I theorized that it could be possible to help the ancient seal regain control over the portion of its power currently under the Stemborer Queen's control. If we can do that, not only will we be able to free our trapped fellow daoists, the Stemborer Queen will have to face the complete power of the ancient seal, and we may not even have to expend that much power to reseal the Stemborer Queen."

All of the Grand Ascension Stage beings in the hall displayed different reactions upon hearing this, and Han Li was also stroking his own chin in a contemplative manner.

Right at this moment, Old Man Copper Crow suddenly broke the silence. "Your plan seems to be quite feasible, but I have a question, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua."

"Go ahead, Fellow Daoist," Bao Hua prompted with a smile.

"Even if the ancient seal really is sentient, how confident are you that we can make it work with us? Without the assistance of the ancient seal, there would be no way we can recover the portion of the seal's power under the Stemborer Queen's control. Even the true immortals were unable to kill the Stemborer Queen; if your plan were to go awry we could be plunged into severe peril. If we get trapped in the original sealed site as well, the other realms most likely won't be sending any more reinforcements," Old Man Copper Crow said.

"Rest assured, Brother Copper Crow, I have a way to communicate with the ancient seal, which is why I hatched this plan in the first place. Back when I was one of the devilish patriarchs, I had once guarded the original sealed site for tens of thousands of years. In terms of understanding of the ancient seal, even Yuan Yan and Nie Pan can't compare with me," Bao Hua replied in a confident manner.

"I trust in your judgment, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua. I'm just here to save my descendant, and your plan doesn't conflict with that goal, so I have no objections," Old Man Copper Crow said with a smile.

Bao Hua nodded before turning to the other Grand Ascension Stage beings present. "Does anyone else have any questions? If not, let's move on to the more specific details. I already have a rough plan, but I'll need everyone's help to flesh it out."

A burst of hushed chatter rang out within the hall, and a few Grand Ascension Stage beings raised some questions about the ancient seal, all of which were answered by Bao Hua in a calm manner.

It was clear that Bao Hua had thought long and hard about this plan, and everyone was very pleased to see this.

Thus, everyone began to discuss the specific details of the plan.

The plan was ultimately finalized after a day and a night of debate and negotiation, and it was decided that everyone would set off in around half a month.

After that, the meeting concluded, and countless streaks of light flew out of the golden palace before quickly vanishing into the distance.

Han Li's trio had also departed from the palace, and he was searching for a mountain in the desert to stay in.

However, shortly after departing from the earthen city, Han Li's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he stopped in mid-air before casting his gaze off to the side. "Come on out, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua; why are you hiding and sneaking around like this?"

Silvermoon's heart jolted upon hearing this, while Daoist Xie stopped behind Han Li in an expressionless manner.

A pleasant voice rang out from the direction that Han Li was casting his gaze toward.

"I didn't think that you would progress to the Grand Ascension Stage in such a short time, Fellow Daoist Han. On top of that, I can sense that you're already far more powerful than the average Grand Ascension Stage being; looks like Yuan Yan was right to be wary of you."

As soon as the voice trailed off, spatial fluctuations erupted, and a massive pink flower projection appeared alongside Bao Hua and Hei'e.

Bao Hua was currently appraising Han Li with a calm yet intrigued expression.

"Why have you come to see me? Are you regretting your decision from last time?" Han Li asked.

"Perhaps, but if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have been able to recover so quickly. On top of that, with your inclusion in this operation, I'm even more confident that we'll succeed," Bao Hua said with a smile.

"Surely you jest, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua. I'm just a rookie Grand Ascension Stage being; how will I possibly be of any significance? Did you stop me just to tease me?" Han Li asked as he appraised Bao Hua with a meaningful gaze.

Chapter 2225: Setting Off

"Why are you being so cold, Fellow Daoist Han? We've met on multiple occasions, so we're already acquaintances, are we not? I came to see you because I want to make another deal with you; are you interested?" Bao Hua asked with a smile.

"Another deal? Sure, go ahead," Han Li prompted in a calm manner.

Bao Hua took a glance at Daoist Xie and Silvermoon, then suggested, "How about we speak in private?"

"Alright," Han Li agreed, then turned and said something to Silvermoon and Daoist Xie in a low voice before flying with Bao Hua toward a certain direction.

Moments later, Bao Hua and Han Li were situated on a small sand dune with only around 50 feet separating the two of them.

Bao Hua gently pointed her finger into the air a few times, and several pink threads instantly shot forth before vanishing in a flash.

The entire area around the sand dune was instantly enshrouded under an invisible restriction.

"Alright, let's hear what you have to say," Han Li prompted.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Fellow Daoist Han? I obtained some rare Sandalwood Fruits not too long ago; why don't we sample them together? Please take a seat," Bao Hua said with a smile, then swept a sleeve toward the ground, upon which countless grains of sand rose up before manifesting two stone chairs and a stone table that was several tens of feet in length.

A burst of pink light swept forth, and a pair of purple spirit fruits, a flagon of spirit wine, and two translucent jade cups appeared on the table.

Han Li swept his spiritual sense toward the spirit fruits on the table, and his expression changed ever so slightly.

After a brief moment of hesitation, he took a seat on one of the stone chairs.

Bao Hua sat down across from him, and only after they had sampled the spirit fruits and spirit wine did Bao Hua finally cut to the chase.

"The deal I want to make with you is very simple: I want you to keep someone occupied at a set time in the near future so I can do something that I've been plotting for a very long time."

"Don't you think you should be more specific, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua? Someone that even you're wary of must be very powerful," Han Li said with a faint smile.

"Indeed. Truth be told, even I don't want to face that person directly in battle. However, I'm only asking you to stall them for a while, not to engage in a battle of life and death; I'm sure that's not too difficult. If you can do this for me, I'll owe you a massive favor, and if you have any use for me in the future, I definitely won't refuse. What do you think, Brother Han?" Bao Hua asked.