A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

After all, space-time storms simply weren't phenomena that the average Profound Heavenly Treasure replica could create, so Bao Hua had to have unleashed this ability using a secret technique that harmed the Starfall Flag.

After stowing the two treasures away, Bao Hua said, "Rest assured, fellow daoists, the self-detonating stemborers have been wiped out."

After that, she slowly descended toward the giant ark.

Han Li and the other Grand Ascension Stage beings also returned to the ark shortly thereafter.

Upon returning to the hall, Bao Hua sat down in a corner with her legs crossed.

Meanwhile, all of the other Grand Ascension Stage beings were discussing the powers that had just been displayed by the pair of treasures.

As for Han Li, he merely returned to his seat and sat down with a faint smile.

Without the impediment of the self-detonating stemborers and high-grade stemborers, the group was able to continue onward without a hitch.

Close to half a day later, they finally emerged from the stemborer swarm and caught sight of the original sealed site in the distance.

At this point, most of the elite devilish warriors had perished, and only just over 10,000 remained as the giant ark arrived at the original sealed site.

Han Li and the Grand Ascension Stage beings emerged from the giant ark and began to inspect their surroundings with curiosity in their eyes.

The edge of this original sealed site was a barren mountain range, and littered between these mountains was the occasional building. However, the entire place was completely silent, and there was not a single person to be seen.

Strangely enough, as soon as the stemborer swarm reached this area, they immediately drew to an abrupt halt outside the mountain range, as if there were something extremely fearsome in their eyes up ahead, and they didn't dare to continue any further, even as Han Li and the others continued onward.

"This is the power of the ancient seal. As expected, it really is able to suppress these stemborers. Let's keep everyone else here to keep an eye on the stemborer swarm while we head deeper into this place," Old Man Copper Crow suggested.

Bao Hua nodded in agreement, and said, "Fellow Daoist Que, Brother Feng, you two will stay here to repair some of the restrictions on the outskirts as we planned earlier. These restrictions are directly connected to the ancient seal, so if you can repair some of them, it'll greatly benefit the recovery of the ancient seal."

Chapter 2228: Underground Palace

A pair of Sacred Ancestors immediately gave affirmative responses, while the other Grand Ascension Stage beings and their disciples continued deeper into the original sealed site.

There was clearly an extremely powerful flight restriction in this area, as evidenced by the fact that even all of the Grand Ascension Stage beings could only fly slowly onward at low altitudes.

Of course, this was only relative to their normal speed; in the eyes of normal people, they were still extraordinarily fast.

Around an hour later, the group had already covered a distance of close to 10,000 kilometers.

All of a sudden, an extremely long canyon appeared up ahead, from within which clouds of thin purple mist were emerging before drifting up into the heavens.

What was rather concerning was that there was a rank odor being released from the mist that struck one with a sense of dizziness and also made one's spiritual sense very sluggish.

All of the Grand Ascension Stage beings swept their spiritual sense toward the purple mist, upon which all of their expressions changed slightly.

"Take care not to come into contact with too much of this stuff, fellow daoists. This is a manifestation of the Stemborer Queen's aura, and this is what's transformed the devilish insects of our holy realm into stemborers," Bao Hua cautioned.

All of the Grand Ascension Stage beings' hearts jolted upon hearing this, and some immediately bolstered the protective spiritual light around them, while others even went as far as to summon a few protective treasures.

However, the majority of the Grand Ascension Stage beings seemed to be quite confident in their own powers and didn't display any reaction.

Finally, everyone arrived in the air above the canyon, and they all drew a sharp breath at the sight that greeted them down below.

The canyon was immeasurably deep, and gusts of bone-chilling winds were surging out of it alongside the purple mist.

"Is this the place where the ancient seal is situated?" Han Li asked.

Bao Hua smiled, and replied, "The ancient seal is indeed located deep underground here. Back in ancient times, our holy race constructed a massive underground palace that encompasses the entire area with a radius of thousands of kilometers around this place. On top of that, a series of profound restrictions were set up, and the Stemborer Queen is situated right at the center of the underground palace. Due to the fact that a part of the ancient seal's power is now under the Stemborer Queen's control, we had been unable to enter the underground palace.

"However, this just so happens to be a period of time that comes around cyclically where there's a massive eruption of the world's origin Qi. As a result, the power of the ancient seal is quite unstable, and we'll be able to enter the underground palace. Otherwise, we'd still be able to force our way into the underground palace, but that would definitely awaken the Stemborer Queen.

"Is the Stemborer Queen really that alert and receptive? According to my knowledge, it's very difficult for the vast majority of insects to awaken from hibernation for recovery purposes; the only exception would be if someone approached them and tried to take their lives," an elderly man in a set of daoist robes said with furrowed brows.

Bao Hua cast her gaze toward the elderly man, and replied, "You may be renowned for your understanding of insects, but don't forget that Stemborer Queen is no ordinary insect, so there are some conventions that simply don't apply to it, Fellow Daoist Gu."

"Hmph, I'll take your word for it then," the elderly man harrumphed coldly, seemingly unconvinced by Bao Hua's words.

Bao Hua didn't seem to be very fond of him, either, and her expression immediately darkened as she replied, "If you don't believe me, you can go on ahead and see for yourself." She then cast her gaze deep into the canyon, seemingly waiting for something.

The elderly man's expression changed slightly upon hearing this, and a hint of fury flashed through his eyes, but he remained silent in the end, and of course, he certainly wasn't going to recklessly venture into the canyon on his own.

Han Li couldn't help but cast an intrigued gaze toward this elderly man.

He clearly knew that Bao Hua was no ordinary Grand Ascension Stage being, yet he still dared to speak to her in such a rude manner; it was clear that he was no slouch, either.

All of a sudden, Bao Hua transmitted her voice to Han Li. "Fellow Daoist Han, this Daoist Gong has a very abrasive personality, and he specializes in poison abilities that pose a huge headache even to me. I'd advise you not to get involved with him."

Han Li merely nodded in response, but remained silent.

Perhaps it was due to the purple mist or the power of the ancient seal, but as soon as one's spiritual sense descended more than 1,000 feet into the canyon, it would involuntarily scatter, making it impossible to glean the contents of the canyon.

As such, everyone could only look on with wary expressions.

Right at this moment, Bao Hua suddenly produced a shimmering silver formation plate, which she cast a string of incantation seals onto.

The silver formation plate began to fluctuate in brightness as if it had suddenly attained sentience, and after a short while, bright silver light radiated from the formation plate alongside countless silver runes.

"This is it! It's time to go in, fellow daoists," Bao Hua said with an elated expression as she flew toward the canyon as a ball of pink light while holding the silver plate in her hand.

The other Grand Ascension Stage beings immediately followed along.