A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

Bao Hua cast her gaze toward Old Man Copper Crow, and said, "I've heard much about you, Fellow Daoist Copper Crow. Do you have any proposals for how we should proceed?"

"I'm only here to save my descendant. As for those self-detonating stemborers and that Stemborer Queen, I won't pay them any heed as long as they don't get in my way," Old Man Copper Crow replied in an expressionless manner.

His statement immediately created quite a stir in the hall, and Bao Hua didn't seem to be very surprised to hear this, but her brows furrowed slightly as she said, "Is that really appropriate, Brother Copper Crow?"

Old Man Copper Crow harrumphed coldly in response. "Hmph, why not? I only have one direct lineal descendant, and I expended countless efforts to nurture him into a Grand Ascension Stage being, yet he's been trapped while assisting your Elder Devil Realm. I don't care if that Stemborer Queen really does possess the ability to destroy entire realms; as long as it doesn't come to our Heavenly Crow Realm, it can do whatever it wants as far as I'm concerned."

Everyone's expressions darkened slightly upon hearing this.

The Grand Ascension Stage being by the name of Lü Shi said with furrowed brows, "Aren't you being too selfish, Fellow Daoist?"

"Selfish? So what? I've always been this way. Are you going to teach me a lesson?" Old Man Copper Crow countered as he cast a cold gaze toward Lü Shi.

As soon as their eyes met, Lü Shi couldn't help but shudder, and he felt as if all of his internal organs had been instantly frozen.

His expression darkened significantly, but he decided to remain silent in the end.

The other Grand Ascension Stage beings didn't dare to interject, but most of them were also quite displeased.

However, there were a few Grand Ascension Stage beings that had come to the Elder Devil Realm for the same objective as Old Man Copper Crow, and they were quite elated by this turn of events.

With the vastly renowned Old Man Copper Crow leading the way, their plight to save their brethren would undoubtedly encounter far less resistance.

Han Li was taking advantage of this opportunity to inspect Old Man Copper Crow.

From the beginning, he had immediately sensed that this Old Man Copper Crow's spiritual sense was far more powerful than that of the average Grand Ascension Stage being; he was perhaps even superior in this regard to the likes of the three devilish patriarchs.

Of course, he still couldn't compare with Han Li, who had encountered many miraculous opportunities and cultivated multiple spiritual sense secret techniques, thereby elevating his spiritual sense to become several times as powerful as that of the average Grand Ascension Stage being.

Even so, this was already a testament to just how fearsome Old Man Copper Crow was compared to the average Grand Ascension Stage being, and it seemed that his status as one of the four great birds wasn't unfounded.

"Fellow Daoist Copper Crow, we all understand your urge to save your descendant, but don't let your emotions get the better of yourself. I never said that the two objectives couldn't be simultaneously achieved," Bao Hua said in a calm manner.

She was the only one present who could speak on equal terms with Old Man Copper Crow.

Old Man Copper Crow faltered slightly upon hearing this before turning to Bao Hua with a cold expression. "What do you mean by that? You're not trying to trick me, are you?"

"I wouldn't dare to do that; you think far too highly of me, Fellow Daoist," Bao Hua chuckled.

"Hmph, I wouldn't be so sure of that; everyone knows that you were always the most wily and cunning of the three devilish patriarchs," Old Man Copper Crow chuckled coldly.

Bao Hua's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this, but a smile then suddenly appeared on her face as she began to communicate directly with Old Man Copper Crow through voice transmission.

Initially, Old Man Copper Crow maintained his cold expression, but moments later, his pupils suddenly contracted drastically, and he asked, "Is that true? If you're lying to me..."

"Take a look at this and you'll be able to see whether I'm telling the truth." Bao Hua raised a hand as she spoke, releasing a streak of light that landed in Old Man Copper Crow's grasp in a flash.

Chapter 2224: Ancient Seal

Old Man Copper Crow parted his fingers to reveal a translucent crimson feather that looked as if it had been carved out of crystal.

He stared at the feather for a short while with a hesitant expression, then suddenly tossed it back to Bao Hua before taking a deep breath. "I didn't think that you would be fortunate enough to meet that senior, Bao Hua. In that case, I'll place my trust in you just this once. Tell us your plan."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist; I'd be more than happy to share my plan. Does anyone else have any objections?" Bao Hua asked with a smile.

"We would all like to hear your plan, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua."

"Indeed, I'm sure that a plan proposed by Fellow Daoist Bao Hua would be a reliable one."

The other Grand Ascension Stage beings were quite relieved to see that Old Man Copper Crow was willing to compromise, and they were all eager to hear what Bao Hua had to say.

"Thank you for your kind words, everyone. Truth be told, I ventured into the original sealed site on a second occasion around half a year ago." All of the Grand Ascension Stage beings present were stunned to hear this.

"What? You ventured into the original sealed site again? How is that possible? How did you do that?"

Not only were the foreign Grand Ascension Stage beings astonished by this revelation, even the Sacred Ancestors present were completely dumbstruck, having clearly not heard about this in advance.

"There's no need to be alarmed, fellow daoists. I was able to do this as I've cultivated several profound concealment abilities, and also because I had the Faux Illusion Sky Mirror to assist me. Using that treasure, I was able to avoid alerting those stemborers, and once I entered the original sealed site, I discovered that some new developments had transpired, and those developments convinced me that it was possible to achieve both objectives simultaneously," Bao Hua explained.

"What did you see that made you change your mind, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua?" a Grand Ascension Stage being couldn't help but ask.

"Due to the power of the seal, I was unable to venture deep into the original sealed site and could only inspect the site from the outskirts. During my inspection though, I discovered that some changes seemed to have taken place in the ancient seal," Bao Hua revealed.

"What are those changes, Fellow Daoist?" another Grand Ascension Stage being asked with a serious expression.

"There's no need to be concerned. In a sense, these changes are a good thing. What I discovered was that the ancient seal seems to be in the process of repairing itself. Even though the process is extremely slow, the ancient seal is definitely more powerful than it was on the last occasion I ventured into the original sealed site, and it seems that seal possesses some level of sentience," Bao Hua replied with a smile.

All of the Grand Ascension Stage beings present couldn't help but exchange bewildered glances upon hearing this.

"I'm sure your appraisal is accurate, Fellow Daoist Bao Hua, but didn't you say that the power of the seal has already been controlled by the Stemborer Queen? How is it a good thing that the seal has become more powerful?" It was Jin Chai posing the question on this occasion.

"It seems that there's been a misunderstanding. The portion of the seal's power that has been enhanced is the portion still under the seal's control, not the portion that has been controlled by the Stemborer Queen. Even though this enhancement is quite insignificant compared to the overall power of the ancient seal, it's still something that we can take advantage of," Bao Hua replied.

"So how does that make it possible to achieve both objectives simultaneously? Hurry up and tell us your plan," Old Man Copper Crow said in an impatient manner.