Baby, Come Back

“Is that why you started it?” she asked.


“I guess,” Raoul said. “We’d had it with the army after we thought you were dead. We were fed up with obeying stupid orders, playing by the rules when the scumbags got away with just about anything and everything. We decided to level the playing field and now we get a ton of work from the military, who don’t want to be seen to wash their dirty linen in public,” Raoul expelled a mirthless chuckle. “How’s that for irony?”


“I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here,” Cantara said. “Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it wasn’t Levi who spilled the beans. Who else knew we were married, Raoul?”


“Pool,” Raoul and Zeke said together.


“I never liked the jerk,” Raoul added alone, “and wouldn’t put anything past him.”


“He was very anxious to talk to Cantara at Andrews,” Zeke said. “And since he’s now riding a desk, I don’t see why he needed to. Unless he was worried that she might have heard his name mentioned while in captivity.”


“We need to take a closer look at him,” Raoul agreed. “Should have done it before now.”


“Yeah, well.” Zeke stretched his arms above his head. “Hindsight’s a damned irritating bastard.”


“They keep ringing, Pool and Parker, to see if they can come and talk to you, Cantara,” Raoul explained. “But I think we’ll hold them off for a while longer yet, until we’ve done more digging of our own and know who to trust.”


“Whatever you think best,” she replied. “I’m in no hurry to talk to them.”


“The only other person who could possibly have known about the marriage was Pool’s adjutant, Romney,” Raoul said. “It’s not in writing anywhere but adjutants know everything, even the things they aren’t officially supposed to know. It’s the only way they can perform efficiently.”


“Someone else to look at, then,” Zeke said. “Or, we could just let it go. We’ve got Cantara back and that’s all that really matters.”


“No.” Cantara and Raoul spoke together.


“No,” she repeated alone. “I lost three years of my life and I need to know who to blame for that. And, knowing you two as well as I do, I suspect neither of you will be completely comfortable unless you get some answers, too. Why else would you turn yourselves into vigilantes-cum-detectives?”


“Gotta hand it to our gal,” Zeke said, swooping in for a kiss. “She knows us pretty damned well.”


“It’s been eating away at us,” Raoul agreed. “So yeah, if you don’t think it will set your recovery back, let’s do some in depth digging.”


“How do you feel, darlin’?” Zeke asked. “Now that you remember it all.”


“Better,” Cantara said, because it was true. The shock, the disgust, even the guilt at what she had led the guys into, had worn off quicker than it should have done. “Talking to you about it, knowing you understand and forgive me, has saved you the cost of a shrink.”


Raoul and Zeke shot her identically surprised looks. “We didn’t say anything about you needing a shrink.”


“I heard you talking about it one night when I couldn’t sleep. In your position, I would have been thinking about engaging one as well, but I’m glad you don’t have to. I’d much rather bare everything to you guys. In all respects.” She leaned up to gently kiss Raoul’s lips, then leaned forward so she could repeat the process with Zeke. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”


“Darlin’, nothing’s too much trouble for you.” Raoul ran the fingers of one hand across her nape. “We love you. Don’t you get that part yet?”


“We’re nothing without you, babe,” Zeke added, resuming her foot massage. “And as for Washington here, he’s been like a bear with a three-year sore head.”


“Oh, and you’ve been all peace and goodwill?”


“Stop it, you two.” Cantara laughed at their banter. “Don’t make me pick sides.”


“That we would never do,” Raoul replied, his grin fading. “In case you’ve forgotten, and if you have we’d be happy to remind you, that we like to share you.” His eyes smoldered with wicked intent as he raked her body with a slow, sexy gaze. “We like it a lot.”


Cantara moistened her lips, wondering how they could have gotten so dry without her realizing it. “I have vague recollections,” she mused. “But what with my memory still being so spotty, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go on a refresher course.”


Zeke roared with laughter. “We’ve got our baby back, bud, no question.”


“So it seems.” Raoul expelled an exaggerated sigh. “Looks like we’re gonna have our work cut out keeping her in line. No way is she ready to play rough with us again yet. She needs to get her strength back first.”


“Does she get to have any say in the matter?”


“No,” Raoul and Zeke replied together.


Cantara pouted. “Spoil sports!”


“We ought to get back and start thinking about how we’re gonna nail Levi, or whoever it was who gave away our secret,” Raoul said, chuckling at her disgruntled expression.


They stood up, and Cantara was treated to full frontal views of her naked decadent gods. All taut flesh over hard muscle, plenty of natural definition, plenty more raw animal vitality that made her salivate with anticipation. Despite what Raoul might think, she knew she wouldn’t have much trouble getting them to resume normal activities of a sexual nature, and that was precisely what she planned to do when they got back to the ranch. Now that she had her memory back, she needed to take control of her life again. If she behaved like a damaged wilting violet then Salim would have won, which was not an option. She needed to be in charge of her own destiny and appreciate this second chance she’d been given.


“Planning to ride home like that, boys?” she asked, cutting them a wicked grin.