Baby, Come Back

“That’s better,” Zeke said, reaching over to release the handcuffs.


Raoul rummaged in the cupboard that housed all the toys they’d never thought they would get to use on Cantara. The cupboard where she’d found the handcuffs. She wanted to be spanked and Raoul was willing to oblige, but they needed to take this gently. Hurt her without hurting her. Bring her to life slowly, explore her limits, her desires, her demands. Never had the responsibility of being Doms hung more heavily on their shoulders. Never had it mattered more that they…well, strike the right balance.


“Go and crouch in the corner with your back to the room while we decide upon your punishment, Cantara.”


“Yes, Masters.”


They both watched the sway of her hips as she sauntered across the room in her tarty shoes and slowly crouched down, deliberately sticking her bare ass in the air, the provocative little witch!


“She won’t settle for just your hand, bud,” Zeke said, shaking his head in admiration. “She’s up for the complete deal already. It’s our duty not to disappoint her.”


“But we have a duty of care, also. She’s been through so much. Can she actually take what she’s asking us to dish out?”


“She’s so damned turned on, I reckon she can take a spanking. Don’t reckon we can both fuck her at the same time quite yet, though.”


“Me neither, but there is another way.”


Raoul voiced his suggestion. Zeke grinned and nodded.


“Works for me,” he said.


“I figured it might.” Raoul picked up a horsehair warm-up flogger, the gentlest piece of equipment he owned, and tried it across his hand. It caused a pleasant sting. “That’ll do it,” he said, nodding his approval.


Raoul sat on the edge of the bed with the flogger, while Zeke leaned against the wall, arms folded, ready to watch the show.


“Come here, Cantara,” Raoul said in his deep Dom’s voice.


She elegantly rose to her feet, turned slowly and walked across to him, eyes downcast, but not so low that Raoul didn’t catch the glint of anticipation in them. Their little sub was turned on, big time. Still fully clothed, with only his cock hanging out, Raoul indicated the floor in front of him and Cantara dutifully knelt in front of him.


“Do you have something to say to me?” he asked her.


“Yes, Sir. I’ve been real bad.”


“What did you do that was so bad?”


“I asked you and Master Zeke to fuck me.”


“And why is that wrong?”


“I’m not allowed to say what I want. It’s my job to please you, not the other way around.”


“So it is.” Raoul shared a look with Zeke, glad she remembered her training. “So, what should we do about it?”


“I need to be punished, Master. Please punish me. Beat the badness out of me.”


“I guess you do need to be taught a lesson. Get up and lay across my knees.”


When she had done so, Raoul rested the flogger against her buttocks. “Remember to control your breathing, darlin’. Safe word me if it gets too much.”


Raoul brought the flogger down gently.


“I can’t feel it,” she complained from beneath the curtain of hair covering her face.


Raoul shrugged at Zeke, who shrugged right back. It was apparent Cantara was in no mood to settle for half measures, so Raoul repeated the process with a little more vigor. His efforts were rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from Cantara, then a sigh of contentment. Raoul continued to punish her, at the same time reaching beneath her with the fingers of his other hand and applying them to her swollen clit. She squirmed on his knee, clearly loving what he was doing to her. Raoul’s heart soared at the sight of her cute butt, striped pink from the flogger, and from the enthusiasm of her response.


When Raoul figured she’d taken enough, he threw the flogger aside and told her to get up. She stood before him in her sexy corset, eyes downcast, biting her lip to suppress a rogue smile.


“Do you have something to say to me, Cantara?”


“Yes, Master. Thank you for chastising me. I deserved it.”


“Yeah, you did. Now get back on the bed, on your hands and knees.”


“Yes, Sir.”


Both men paused to admire a view that a few shorts weeks ago they’d only thought ever to see again in their imaginations, then stripped off their clothes. Zeke slid sideways beneath Cantara and applied his attention to her tits, poking provocatively out of the corset. He helped them the rest of the way out and attached his lips to a solidified nipple. Raoul claimed her ass for his own and ran a finger, slick with lube, down her crack. She flinched, but quickly settled again, distracted by Zeke’s gentle torture.


“You remember when we used to fuck your ass, darlin’?”


“Yes, I remember everything.”


“You liked it a lot.”


“Hmm, I did.”


He bent his head and nipped gently at her buttocks. “Want me to do it again?”


“You know I do, Master.”


Zeke would be busy fixing Cantara up with the nipple clamps they’d decided upon. Raoul blindfolded her, knowing her pleasure would be enhanced by the loss of one of her senses.


“I do know it, and while I’m doing that, you think you can give Zeke one of those hum jobs of yours that you used to do so well?”


“I love the taste of Master Zeke’s cock in my mouth,” she breathed.


“Shit!” Zeke muttered.