Baby, Come Back

Raoul swatted her backside as he pulled on his jeans. “Glad to see you feeling so much better, hon,” he said, blowing her a kiss.


Once they were dressed, Zeke rounded up the horses and this time she mounted up without needing their help. As they cantered back to the ranch side by side, Cantara reveled in the feel of the wind blowing through her hair, of the simple joy of life, of the even greater joy of having Raoul and Zeke all to herself. She glanced from one of them to the other, aware from their grim expressions that they had vengeance on their minds.


Cantara, on the other hand, had sex games on hers.






Chapter Twelve



Raoul looked up from his laptop and frowned. “Cantara’s been gone a long time. You think she’s all right?”


They had finished dinner and she’d excused herself for a moment. Wrapped up in reading the latest findings on Levi, supplied thanks to some creative hacking on the part of Mark and Karl, Raoul hadn’t noticed the time passing.


“I’ll go check on her.”


Zeke left his own computer and sauntered down to the yellow room. “Hey, babe, you okay?” He paused and Raoul heard his sharp intake of breath. “Holy shit! Raoul, get down here. You need to see this.”


In a panic, thinking she’d had a bad reaction to her awakened memories, Raoul flew down the corridor in record time. She had been too calm, too casual, about what she had remembered. Raoul, unsurprised by her a delayed reaction, was ready to comfort and console. When he saw what actually awaited him, he screeched to a halt immediately behind Zeke.


“Fucking hell!”


“Hey, guys, what kept you?”


Cantara lay on the bed wearing a black corset trimmed with scarlet lace, held together at the front by a crisscrossed ribbon. Raoul remembered buying it for her just before they left the States for Israel. She hadn’t gotten around to wearing it—until now. It was pulled so tight that Raoul figured he could have spanned her waist with his two hands. Her tits looked disproportionately large and spilled out of the top of the garment. He could see the edges of her raspberry-pink areolas and the outline of her nipples through the satin material. She wore sheer stockings held up by suspenders, leaving a good six inches of bare upper thigh to be kissed and caressed. Her feet were encased in shoes with four-inch spiky heels. Her knees were bent up, her legs spread to give them an up-close view of her freshly shaved *. But the most extraordinary part of it all was that she had found their handcuffs and attached one wrist to the headboard.


“I couldn’t fix the other one myself,” she said, pouting. “I need your help for that.” She giggled. “Well, that and a few other things.”


“Er, what do you think you’re doing?” Raoul asked, even though it was pretty damned obvious. His cock was standing to attention and taking an active interest in proceedings.


“Don’t you wanna play?” she asked with a sultry smile that said she knew damned well they did.


“Do we ever,” Zeke muttered. “But you’re not strong enough for this yet.”


“Says who?”


“Fuck it!” Raoul breathed.


“That’s kinda the idea,” Cantara replied, her unfettered hand drifting to play with her *, from which her juices were freely flowing.


Raoul and Zeke exchanged a loaded glance. How the fuck were they supposed to resist her when she put on such a provocative display? Raoul’s cock pulsated painfully inside his jeans. If he unzipped and gave it the breathing room it needed, he would be lost. Part of him was delirious with joy because Cantara wanted to rough and tumble with them again so soon after her ordeal. The problem was, he and Zeke liked to play hard, and seriously. Pain was an integral part of their pleasure, and Cantara had had way too much pain over the past three years for them to knowingly inflict more.


“Stop overthinking it, big guy.” Cantara addressed her remark to Raoul. “I remember everything you used to do to me. The spankings, the punishments, both of you fucking me at once.” Her eyes sparkled with a combination of desire and determination. She wouldn’t be easily dissuaded. Whether Raoul actually wanted to dissuade her was open to debate. “I want all that again, and I won’t have you holding back out of some misguided sense of responsibility. I know what I’m asking of you, but you need to understand that it’s real important to me to feel I’m living life to the full again.”


“I guess we can play, bud,” Zeke said. “Doesn’t mean we have to take her too far.”


“Oh no!” Cantara aimed a cool gaze at Zeke. “I want it all. Don’t you dare think about short-changing me. You said it yourselves, I’ve been through a lot. We all have, and we deserve to have some fun. We’ve been given a second chance. Let’s not blow it.”


Raoul shrugged, through with trying to talk himself out of something all three of them wanted pretty damned desperately. “Okay, darlin’, if you’re absolutely sure.”


“Is there something about this outfit that makes you think I’m not?”


Raoul laughed. “I hear you, but first off you need to be punished.”


“At last, they get it,” she replied, rolling her eyes, probably aware that sarcasm would definitely earn her a spanking.


Raoul and Zeke unzipped in unison. Two large erections sprang free from their flies, jutting halfway up their bellies. Cantara glanced at them, widened her eyes in evident appreciation and then giggled.


“Doesn’t look as though you needed too much persuading after all.”


“What do we remember about speaking only when spoken to?” Raoul asked, wagging a finger at her.


Cantara immediately lowered her eyes and lay passively on the bed, legs demurely closed together. “Sorry, Masters.”