Baby, Come Back

“You and me both, sweetheart.”



He grunted and slammed into her once, and then again. She felt his cock spasm and sperm shoot into her in an endless stream, his body a hot prison over hers, slick with dewy sweat as he continued to work her cunt. Her orgasm reignited and she moved with him until, finally, just when she thought the pleasure would be too much to endure, her body stopped pulsating.


Cantara rolled onto her back and threw an arm over each of her men’s abdomens, laughing and crying tears of joy at the same time.


“Welcome back,” Raoul said, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips.






“There’s only one way to get clean out here, darlin’.” Raoul smiled at Cantara, loving the way she radiated beauty with that just-fucked look in her eye. Then he transferred his glance to the glistening surface of the lake. “Fancy skinny-dipping?”


He stood up and shed his jeans. He was painfully erect, but turned his back to her so she wouldn’t see. The cold water would deal with his woody. No reason for her to feel pressured. She’d already done way more than Raoul would have expected of her today, embracing their needs and her own with unbridled enthusiasm. He heard Zeke and Cantara scrambling to their feet and watched them run hand in hand to the water’s edge, giggling like kids. Cantara shrieked when the water lapped against her toes.


“It’s freezing! I’m not getting in there.”


“It’s only cold because you’re so hot,” Zeke told her.


Hot in every damned way.


“Easy for you to say.” She turned and beckoned to Raoul. “Come on, big guy. This was your idea. No wimping out on us.”


Raoul ran to the bank and dove straight under the water. The cold water had the desired effect and his hard-on withered. What a waste! He surfaced, pushed the wet hair away from his eyes and trod water as he waved them on in.


“Did someone say something about being a wimp?” he asked. “Under normal circumstances, that would be the sort of talk to get a person spanked.”


“Did I say something wrong?” Cantara asked with faux innocence and an exaggerated flutter of her lashes.


Zeke laughed and took the plunge, surfacing next to Raoul. “Come on, babe,” he said. “You’ll be glad you did.”


Cantara shrugged, took a deep breath and pushed elegantly into the water. She dipped her head beneath it, and then surfaced again, spluttering and laughing. “Race you to the other bank,” she said, setting off before they realized what she had planned.


Of course they could have beaten her easily, but they let her win, if only for the pleasure they got from following close behind her cute butt and admiring the way it cut through the water. She was breathless and laughing when she reached the other side.


“You’re right,” she said, rolling onto her back and floating, staring up at the cloudless sky. “It’s invigorating.”


Raoul couldn’t resist. He dove beneath her, came up right under her, and scooped her into his arms.


“Glad to see you having fun, darlin’,” he said, kissing her wet lips.


“I am, thanks to you guys.”


“That’s real good, but there’s just one problem I’ve got.”


“Not again,” she said, with a martyred sigh.


“Oh, that’s always a problem when I’m anywhere near you,” Raoul replied, feeling his cock stirring again, even in the cold water, simply because he was holding her in his arms. “But this is way more serious.”


She flexed her brows. “More serious than sex? I know my memory’s not all it could be, but I seem to recall that nothing was more serious for you guys than getting it on.”


“Ah, but darlin’, you insulted my manhood. That wasn’t nice.”


“I did?” She opened her eyes very wide—all wet lashes and feigned innocence. “What did I do?”


Zeke’s amused chuckle rang out. “She didn’t find anything to insult about mine.”


“Did you have something to say about someone being a wuss?” Raoul asked, ignoring Zeke’s banter.


Before she could answer, he tossed her in the air and let her fall back into the water. She squealed with laughter, swam over to Zeke, and whispered protractedly in his ear. Her eyes danced as she glanced back at Raoul. With a squeal of laughter she swam over to him and splashed him from behind. Before he could retaliate, she set off for the other bank, as sleek and graceful through the water as an otter. Raoul matched her stroke for stroke, sending her an egregious grin as he plotted his next move.


“We all make our own choices in this world, sweetheart,” he said, wagging a finger at her when their feet hit the shallows on the side of the lake. The horses looked up to see what the commotion was about, then went back to their grazing.


Cantara was in an uninhibited mood, out to have fun. He expected a pithy retort but instead she stood stock still in the shallow water and gaped at him.


“What is it, babe?” Raoul rushed to her side, sensing a swift swing in her mood that bothered him.


“What did you just say?” she asked. Her eyes had lost their sparkle, and the haunted expression he’d hoped never to see again returned to her features.


“We all make our own choices.” Raoul shared a look with Zeke and shrugged, unable to figure out what had gotten to her. “It was just an off the cuff remark. I didn’t mean anything by it. I sure didn’t mean to upset you.”


“But you didn’t, you made me remember.”


“My comment made you remember.” Raoul was totally bewildered. “Made you remember what?”


“All of it.” She sucked in a shuddering breath, trembling from head to foot. “It was what Salim kept saying to me. The fog’s gone. I remember everything that happened to me after I was captured.”






Chapter Eleven