Baby, Come Back

“Hmm,” Zeke said, his eyes shimmering with hot intentions as he held her at arm’s length and looked his fill. “Ain’t that just about the prettiest sight you ever did see?”



“No arguments this end,” Raoul agreed, lowering his head and planting a kiss on one of her buttocks.


Zeke released her, stood up, and shed his boots and jeans. He was rock hard, his pulsating cock jutting aggressively from the juncture of tapering hips and strong thighs.


“Get on your hands and knees for me, darlin’,” he said, a rough edge to his voice. “We need to play a bit more before we get it on.”


Cantara scurried into position, feeling as though she had done this before. A lot of times. It was so frustrating that she couldn’t remember when, but knew it must have been with the two of them. The cloying mist inside her head that shrouded her past cleared more frequently now, but never for long enough for her to be able to hold on to the memories that filtered through it. The guys said it didn’t matter, they could tell her whatever she needed to know. But they couldn’t. They had no idea what had happened to her during the three years she had been held captive by a man who was supposedly related to her by marriage, but of whom she had no recollection whatsoever.


Her mind was brought back to the here and now when she felt Zeke kneeling behind her. Her pulse quickened when he pulled her panties down and started to play with her *. She was embarrassed when she felt her juices trickling down the insides of her thighs, but Zeke laughed and seemed pleased that she’d started without him. He nudged her legs wider apart and lapped up the spill with the tip of his tongue. It was the most exquisite torture, especially when his lips latched onto her clit and sucked her entire nub into her mouth. She screamed and bucked her pelvis deeper into his mouth.


“Seems she likes what you’re doing to her, bud,” Raoul said, sounding amused. “But then she always did have the most sensitive clit in the universe.”


Cantara felt her entire body tremble when Raoul’s handsome face appeared sideways beneath her and he applied his tongue to her breasts. He used his fingers, too, sending spikes of lust dancing through her nervous system. She cried out when he bit down on a nipple, and then sucked it hard. Pain and pleasure chased one another through her bloodstream, intermingling until they were indistinguishable. She liked pain. The flash of memory was presumably ignited by the bite, because Cantara knew it was true. She instinctively controlled her breathing and the next time Raoul did an experimental bite she was ready to absorb the pain and allow it easier access to her pleasure phonemes.


Zeke rubbed his rigid cock between the crack in her butt while Raoul continued to work on her tits. She sensed some sort of message pass between them, after which Zeke brought his hand down lightly over her buttocks. She gasped, but again absorbed the tingling, every cell in her body aroused by it. Her heart kicked up another notch when, working in seamless tandem, Raoul bit lightly at her solidified nipples while Zeke lightly paddled her butt. It was the most exquisite torture. Cantara threw her head back and roared, feeling wanton, desirable and, most importantly of all, truly alive again.


“I’d sure like to fuck your ass, darlin’,” Zeke muttered in her ear. “Just the way you used to like it. You loved having one of our big cocks filling your backside. You couldn’t get enough of it. Problem is, I didn’t plan to do this to you out here. Course, you only have yourself to blame for that. You’re so fucking sexy that I walk around with a permanent hard-on. Still, I don’t have any lube and don’t wanna hurt you, so I guess I’m just gonna have to make the most of that hot little * of yours. Would you like that?”


“Yes! God, yes!”


Zeke chuckled. “Just checkin’.”


She felt his fingers part her folds and half expected him to delve inside with several digits. Instead she felt the head of his massive erection nudging against her entrance and pushed back to welcome him inside. The connection was made with smooth fluidity and he set up a hot, slick tempo as he filled her to capacity with his throbbing need.


“You okay, darlin’?” he asked, grabbing her hips and guiding himself deeper inside.


“Yes, it feels like heaven.”


“You got that part right.”


Raoul was now tugging at one of her nipples with his teeth, pulling it so far from her body that she thought he might tug it clean off. But he knew what he was doing. Just at the last possible moment, he released it, sending liquid desire rushing through her with the restoration of the blood flow. Helpless against the raging force of her need, she moved in sync with Zeke, aware of her orgasm building fast as tingling exhilaration afflicted her limbs, her psyche, every damned inch of her. The physical alchemy that existed between her and these two Greek gods whipped her into a vortex of need and she surrendered herself completely to their very capable hands.


Something was nagging at the back of her addled brain. Something about not climaxing without permission. No way! On sensory overload, passions stirred to the point of madness, there wasn’t a thing in the world she could have done to stop the onslaught, even if she’d wanted to, which she most emphatically did not. She had earned the right to have some fun.


“Zeke, fuck me harder!”


“You got it, darlin’.”


He slammed into her, his loaded balls slapping against her buttocks as he gave her what she so badly need. Passion tugged at her on a level over which she had no control when Raoul nipped harder than ever at her nipple. It was too much to endure. She clamped her sheath tight around Zeke’s cock, holding him captive deep inside her, and exploded.


“Yes!” She threw her head back and howled the word. “That’s what I need. Don’t stop, Zeke. I’m still coming.”