Worth It

“Sorry, not sorry.”

I relished watching his eyes go unfocused.

Then his mouth dropped open and he groaned through his release.

It didn’t take me long to realize he wasn’t lying about wanting to try sex in every position. I just wasn’t aware he meant all in one day. But as soon as I announced I was hungry, he pulled his T-shirt on me, dragged his boxers onto himself and carried me into the kitchen, where he sat me gently on the counter. Then, as I watched, he fixed my coffee for me just the way I liked it. Sipping, I watched him start breakfast, breaking eggs into the skillet. But as soon as they were finished and on a plate, he took one look at me still innocently drinking my coffee, and he shook his head, prowling my way.

“Why do you have to look so good, sitting there like that?” Skimming the shirt I wore up to the tops of my thighs, he stepped between my legs and gripped my hips to draw me to the edge of the counter. I suddenly realized why he hadn’t offered me panties—only a shirt—when he freed himself of his boxers and pushed inside me.

And God, the orgasm that followed, was...nice.

After that, he showered with me, where he took me against the wet tiled wall.

The cutest part was his critique following each round. They all had their own perks, he claimed, but he wasn’t a fan of banging his knee against the kitchen cabinets when he was about to come, he claimed shower water really wasn’t helpful with lubrication at all, and he didn’t like not being able to see my eyes when he bent me over the couch to take me from behind. I loved being a part of it as he experienced each position for the first time. And, yeah, I had to agree with him when he concluded the bed was the best place.

So we found ourselves back on the mattress in my room, where we took a nap for a while until I woke up in the late afternoon to him idly strumming his fingers down my back.

He must’ve sensed I was awake because he asked, “Do you have to work tonight?”

“Mmm.” I stretched and rolled his way. “No.”

“Good.” He settled onto his side so he could face me too. Propping his cheek on his hand, he watched me with the most tender expression, as if he couldn’t believe he was really here with me.

I couldn’t quite believe it myself, and I feared how temporary it might be. Reaching up, I traced his dark eyebrows with my fingers. “So I can’t help but notice you haven’t tried to push me away or keep me at a distance all day. Dare I hope this means...?” I lifted my eyebrows and sent him a grin.

He sighed and ran a hand up my thigh. “I’ve come to realize resisting you is futile.”

I scowled. “But you still think you’re a threat to me?”

He glanced up at the ceiling, looking torn. “I don’t know. You’ve seen the way I can destroy a room.”

“A room. Property,” I clarified. “Not people.”

He sent me a glance. “I gave Ten a black eye.”

I sniffed and waved a hand. “The way I hear it, all of his closest friends have given him a black eye at one point or another. I swear, it’s a rite of passage at Forbidden to jack Ten in the face.”

“It’s still a risk I don’t want to take with you. When I lose my temper, I can’t always control what I do.”

I held up a finger. “If I recall, I’ve pushed you to the limit of your temper pretty much every time we’ve talked since you were released. And you never once physically hurt me.”

“That’s true,” he conceded with a thoughtful frown.

“And the only thing you did when I pushed you too far was kiss the shit out of me against the break room wall. Ooh, and last night, you fucked my brains out.” I shivered and crawled my fingers down his abdomen. “That one was my favorite. In fact, I’m feeling the need to incite your rage all over again in the hopes you’ll do something even more delicious the next time.”

Linda Kage's books