Worth It

“I am so eager to feel you inside me again.”

Uncertainty flittered across his face. He wasn’t sure if he could hold his emotions at bay. But he was going to try. After his throat worked through a particularly difficult swallow, he set a hand on the mattress next to my face to brace himself; then, still holding himself by the base, he lined up the head of his cock with my opening.

He was going to touch me as little as possible, I realized. He thought that would help him win. But I didn’t care, this was still the hottest experience of my life, and I knew something he didn’t. It wasn’t possible to keep our hearts out of anything we did together. They’d been united six years ago at our trouble tree.

I swear he didn’t breathe as he looked at the place we were about to join. I could almost read every thought in his head: should he slam into me, prove he had no care for my feelings, or go slow and torture me by resisting and withdrawing before I could come?

I guess he wanted it slow and maddening, because after he barely pushed forward, just fitting the crown into me, he stopped. We both sucked in a breath.

“Oh God,” I moaned, my inner muscles already contracting around the head of him. Needing more, I squirmed and grabbed my breasts, squeezing my own nipples.

“Fuck,” he grunted and shoved the rest of the way in.

The mere stretch of his invasion made me come. Hard.

I lit up, gasping and writhing. It felt so good to be filled with Knox, I rode the high, milking his thick girth until I was left wrung out and deflated.

When I finally found the wherewithal to flutter my lashes open and smile up at the man above me, I discovered a total mess. He’d squeezed his eyes closed and his face was so red it was almost purple, as if he were holding his breath. His arms trembled with effort as he continued to brace them on either side of me and keep himself at a distance.

He was about to snap.

“Knox?” I reached up and touched his cheek.

He opened his eyes, and tears dripped from his lashes, splashing onto my cheeks. “I can’t do it,” he rasped, hissing out a great heaving breath from his lungs. “You were right. I can’t shut it off. I can’t stop loving you.”

“I know, baby. I know.” Cupping both my palms around his face, I wiped more tears off his cheeks with my thumbs.

He sobbed out his distress as he leaned down onto me fully and pressed his forehead to mine. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.” When I wrapped my legs around his waist, he surged deeper within me and gripped my bottom to bind us together as tightly as possible, until we were as close to becoming one body as two people could get.

His mouth mashed against mine. It was carnal and sweet and about the best, most revitalizing kiss of my life. With one hand in my hair and the other on my ass to keep me where he wanted me, he thrust hard. Then his tongue tangled with mine, and he fucked me with a new purpose.

I arched up, absorbing it all, my body igniting all over again as he drove deep, hitting a bundle of nerves that just couldn’t withstand the impact without contracting and sending me off into another orgasm.

Clenching around him tight, I screamed my way through this one, clutching him and listening to him grunt as he ground hard against my clit and emptied himself.

“God,” I gasped, petting the back of his shoulder as I tried to come back down from that high, but it left me too dazed to do much past keeping my legs securely locked around him so he could never leave me.

He collapsed on me, full weight, and I loved it. Stroking his back and hoping to entice him to stay, I used my nails to occasionally scrape over bare flesh. He moaned his pleasure and I preened happily.

“I should get off you,” he eventually mumbled into my hair.

Linda Kage's books