Worth It

But I locked my legs tighter. “Don’t you dare.”

He did move somewhat, shifting his hips off me and sliding his face down until his cheek was cushioned against my breasts, but otherwise, he held his arm firmly around my waist, letting me know he wasn’t going anywhere.

The occasional sniff and wetness on my chest told me he continued to cry. But he didn’t want me to see it just yet, so I let him have that privacy.

“Are you going to say I told you so?” he finally asked, no heat behind his voice, just curiosity.

“Mmm.” I closed my eyes, feeling languid and happy as I kept caressing my fingernails over his back. “Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow when I have some brain cells again.”

He let out a breath, then said, “City?”


“I really did miss you.”

I hugged my arms around his shoulders. “I missed you too.”

“Are you still going to be here in the morning? Or is this just a dream?”

“I’ll still be here.”

He sighed out his relief and relaxed against me fully. “Good.”

I swear, he fell asleep in that very instant. But that was fine with me because I wasn’t long to follow.

When I woke to daylight pressing at my closed window curtains, he was still there. I was still there, and we were still wrapped naked together.

We’d shifted position throughout the night until I was the one draped halfway on top of him, my leg thrown over his hip and my head resting on his heartbeat. I lifted my face to study his. He’d grown into a man, someone who barely looked like the boy I once knew, but I liked this version of him too. Even the scar gave him character.

I touched it softly, remembering how Mason had told me he’d gotten it. I hated knowing what had happened to him, hearing how he’d suffered and what he’d had to do to survive, but it made me feel closer to him. And I loved him even more.

I just wished last night had been enough to keep him from running again. If he pushed me away today, I wasn’t sure I could handle it. Leaning in, I kissed his facial scar in three different places.

I knew he was awake when his lips tightened into a smile.

“Do I sense the return of my princess charming?”

I grinned, delighted he remembered that. “I don’t know. Does my sleeping beauty require another true love’s kiss to awaken him?”

Keeping his eyes closed, he smiled broader. “Oh, I think he does.”

“Well then, a girl must do her duty properly.”

I slipped up onto his lap, straddling his morning wood until it slid right up against my slick folds. He arched up his hips and rumbled out a sound of approval. Once I was in position, I leaned down to kiss him. As soon as my lips touched his, I canted my hips and joined us together, urging his cock inside me.

He gasped, his eyes flying open as he pushed his hips up again, piercing me fully. “Oh, God. Shit.”

I straightened upright with a satisfied grin on my face before I lifted my bottom and came back down on him, riding slowly. He grabbed my waist, clutching me hard as he gaped up at me from dazed brown eyes.

“What is this?” he asked, nearly going cross-eyed as I increased the pace. “The dirty version of Sleeping Beauty?”

I smiled. “Why not? Someone once told me everything was better when it was dirty.”

“Jesus, I was a genius.” He grunted and reared up under me. “Can we wake up this way every day?”

Biting my lip, as I’m sure my face filled with smoky pleasure, I leaned over him to grasp his shoulders. “I think I can be persuaded to do this in one position or another each and every morning.”

“Good.” Gripping me harder, he flipped me over onto my back so he could come over me and sit up to look down before skimming his hands up over my breasts. “Because I’m pretty eager to try every position ever invented.”

He surged deeper, and I couldn’t hold back with his hands igniting my nipples and his cock burrowed to my core. I started to come.

He hissed out a breath. “Damn it, I can’t hold back when you do that.”

Linda Kage's books