Worth It

He grunted and seized that hand too, but he couldn’t seem to remove my grip from him. Instead, he groaned and pressed my hand in, forcing my palm to grind against his straining cock with more force.

“I’m in bed with a woman I find attractive,” he grated out. “Of course I’m hard.”

I kept working him through his jeans. “Oh really? So I’m just like any other woman to you right now, huh?” With a sniff, I continued, “Sorry, but I don’t buy that. In fact, I bet you couldn’t fuck me like a stranger. I bet the second you filled me, you’d put your entire heart into it. Because we belong together. We love each other.”

He growled and caught my wrist when I went for his zipper. “Really? Now you’re trying to convince me sex is going to fix this. I’ll go back to being the old Knox, and all this shit that keeps haunting me will just...go away.”

“I don’t know,” I said, “but I’m willing to try.”

“Yeah, whatever. You only want an orgasm.”

“Actually, yes, I’d take one of those too. You’re the best I ever had.”

I could feel his surprise as he froze. A second later, he said, “Fine.”

As he leapt off the bed, I sat up, confused. “What? Where’re you going?”

“I’m turning on the light. If I’m going to fuck you, I want to see how much you’ve grown up.”

The light flipped on and I blinked against the sudden brightness until my eyes adjusted. Knox remained at the doorway, watching me.

“Take off your clothes,” he said.

Heat zapped through me at Knox’s command, the muscles deep in my stomach clenching hard as moisture welled between my legs.

He was going to attempt it. He was going to try sex with me without any emotion, like some kind of stranger.

My body surged with pleasure at the challenge because I felt confident I would win this round.

Game on, handsome.

But either way, I couldn’t lose, because this was going to feel really good.

Grasping the edge of my shirt, I kept eye contact as I slowly peeled it up and off, over my head. His brown eyes glittered with a primal kind of arousal.

He was going to fuck me. Hard.

God, I almost came just anticipating it.

When I started to undo my pants, his own hand went to his zipper. We watched each other undress, him standing by the light switch, me kneeling on the bed. Once he was naked and I was naked, he said, “Now lie back and open your legs.”

I did, and I’d never felt so exposed before, probably because I wasn’t just baring my body to him, but my soul as well. I was his completely for the taking.

He stalked toward the bed, a predatory gleam on his face. “Wider,” he ordered.

Gulping, I split my legs open as wide as I could get them to go.

“Touch yourself.”

With a whimper, I followed his command, slipping my hand down my body until my fingers were on my clit, slipping over wet, sensitive muscles that made me jump and my nipples harden.

As he watched me work myself, he took his cock into his hand and knelt on the bed between my spread thighs.

“I’m on the pill,” I said. I don’t know why I blurted that. Maybe because I wanted to feel him bare inside me, give him something new I’d never given any man.

He nodded. “I know. I’ve seen them in the medicine cabinet next to my razor.”

“And you...” I bit my lip, dreading the answer. “You haven’t been with anyone since you got out?”

He shook his head. “There’s only ever been you.”

Shivering and so turned on I feared I may come before he entered me, I blew out a breath and lowered my attention to a droplet of precum beading out the end of his cock. God, I couldn’t wait.

“Then I guess there’s really no need for a condom,” I said.

“I guess not.” He glanced up at me again, his eyes glittering as if ready for me to change my mind. But I only smiled.

Linda Kage's books