Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Nana?” she asked. “I’ve been thinking about her too. She’s an amazing person.”

It gave me a jolt. Nana was the person I should have been thinking about. Shit. Or baseball. My career. Getting to the series. Giving the MLB my best before taking over the family business.

Not Eliana. Not how she felt in my arms.

I kissed her forehead and lied. “Yeah. Nana. I thought she looked really tired yesterday.”

Her face grew sad. “She did. I think the trip here and now planning for the wedding is filling her with life and sucking it from her simultaneously.”

Here was my opening. “Do you think we’re making a mistake? The wedding, I mean.”

She blinked and pressed her face to my chest again. “I don’t know. It’s the kindest thing we can do for her. She clearly adores you and can now die peacefully knowing that you are settled, which does indeed seem to be one of her greatest wishes.”

I scoffed. “Then come back and haunt me when we divorce.” Eliana shuddered, and I pulled her closer. “You okay?”

She blew out a long breath. “That’s the downside… divorce. Alize has been married so many times, I always promised myself that I wouldn’t walk that plank until I was one hundred percent sure that it would last.”

“You’re nothing like your mother,” I said sternly, needing her to believe it. “Besides, how can anyone know one hundred percent? Don’t you think just about every couple wholeheartedly believes that they’ve found their soulmate when they tie the knot?”

I felt her nod. “I suppose.”

“We like each other, right?”

She squeezed harder. “Very much.”

“We laugh and have fun. Only fake bicker so far, and the sex is a-fucking-mazing.”

Eliana laughed. “True, true and true!”

And I’m starting to fall for you — hard.

Those were the words I so badly wanted to say to her, but my mouth became dry as cotton, and my throat refused to work. It was like my body had a stranglehold on my heart.

There was so much I wanted to say, was afraid to say, but my phone vibrated, and the moment was gone.

I glanced at the screen. Coach Griffin. I wondered what he wanted.

Then I remembered.

Adrenaline dumped into my system, and I lunged for the phone. Glancing at the clock, I tapped the green button as I flew down the hall. I was late. I was never late. Never!

“On my way, Coach.”

“You better be. The ‘Bat with a Beast’ event started five minutes ago.”

Shit, the kids’ event. I had totally forgotten. “Sorry, Coach. I’m on my way. Be there in fifteen.”

“Make it ten. We’ll talk about the fine later.”

Shoving my feet in some shoes, I pulled a hoodie on simultaneously, grabbing my keys and a cap from the dresser, praying the traffic wouldn’t be too bad.

Eliana was in the hallway, a small bag in her hand. “Granola bar and water,” she said, shoving the bag at me.

I didn’t have time for a kiss and just shouted as I grabbed the bag, “Thanks.”

Then I was out the door, cursing myself for forgetting, for losing focus.

For fucking instead of following my dream.


Two hours later, I was still pissed at myself. Sure, I made certain the kids had fun and smiled wide for all the pictures.

But I was pissed.

I’d been careless, and I was never careless.

First, I’d nearly forgotten the damn condom, and I no-way-in-hell ever forgot those. Dammit, I was so paranoid about using them that I only ever strapped on the ones I personally purchased. With my family’s wealth, and now my fame, it was hard to trust that a woman wasn’t looking for a baby daddy. One needle through the foil packet was all it would take to strap me down to a gold digger for eighteen years. No little Kane Juniors on my watch. At least not until I was ready.

And then I forgot the kid’s event. I woke up and showered thinking I had a few hours to spend with Eliana before heading to the stadium for pregame practice. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t been reminded a hundred times yesterday. It’s just that I saw her in my Beasts shirt and panties, and my memory banks were wiped.

During pregame, I forced myself to focus. I needed to get Eliana out of my head. Jogging back to the dugout for some water, I heard someone calling my name. I looked up, and some groupie chick flashed her tits.

She was hot. Like the “Baywatch” kind of hot that used to get me off. I thought I even recognized the girl. Hell, I might have fucked her already.

She pulled her shirt back down just enough to cover her nipples but left the underside bare. “Want to get a drink tonight?” she yelled, flashing brilliant white teeth.

I didn’t. I wasn’t even remotely interested. Actually, I was more than a little disgusted, by her and by myself.

Not long ago, I would have signaled for her to come closer. I would have flirted back, maybe gotten her phone number so I could screw her brains out after the game.

Now, there was nothing.

Not a single thing stirred in me, even though she was crazy beautiful, with a body that could cause men to have wet dreams.

She didn’t have strawberry hair, and there wasn’t a freckle in sight. Instead of blushing, she was brazen… and it turned me off.

I raised my left hand, giving her the classic “I’m married” finger wave. Of course, there wasn’t a ring on that hand yet, but there would be soon.

The groupie shrugged and smiled wider. The shrug caused the tiny shirt to ride higher, showing more tit. Of course it didn’t matter to her. Riding the cock of a “somebody” she could brag about to her friends was the one thing women like that cared about.

Truly disgusted now, I tossed down my water bottle and turned away.

“I’ll save you,” Luke said, his shit-eating grin in place. “I love all you guys getting hitched cause it just leaves more pussy for me.”

He crooked his finger to the girl, and she didn’t even hesitate. She was at the fence, showing Luke her tits this time. He could have her. In fact, he could have them all.

I had Eliana.

Knowing it made me smile.


Hand over my heart, I stared at the flag as the national anthem played, then took my position at first base. Over the catcher’s head, I had a clear view of Eliana in the stands, Zoe on one side of her, Mom and Nana on the other. I squinted, looking closer. Sure enough, Nana had gotten the Beasts logo on her t-shirt bedazzled. Knowing Nana, the shirt was probably covered with real emeralds and diamonds. I might need to hire a bodyguard just to protect her shirt.

The first batter walked up to the plate, and I pulled my shit together, focusing on nothing but our pitcher winding up. I didn’t know Chuck very well, but he had been doing a good job and finding more time on the mound.

Wind up. Pitch. Strike. Whoa damn, that sucker was ninety-seven miles an hour. Glad Chuck wasn’t tossing that shit at me. And I hoped he could keep that speed up.

Alice Ward's books