Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

She sighs deeply with pleasure when I sink my cock in her ass. I bite the inside of my cheek so that I focus on pain, and this is so I don’t blow a nut right then and there.

And Christ… I’m glad she just came because I’m not going to last long at all. The gentleman in me has to remind myself that she’s come numerous times tonight and it’s okay if I race quickly to the end this time. Besides… I know she needs sleep.

The first swivel of my hips against her has my balls already tingling. My hands go to her hips. Latching onto her hard, I start a rhythmic thrust. Cat groans and thrashes below me, which turns me on even more to know she loves my dick in her ass. I squeeze my eyes shut and pump in and out, not so hard I can hurt her, but quickly enough that my balls quickly pull up tight with an unbelievable need to explode.

And I do… quick and viciously inside of her, planting myself in deep so I can fill her up from this end too.

Suddenly, my body becomes utterly exhausted. The hours of fucking we’ve just done becoming almost unbearably too much to comprehend. Cat’s body sags underneath of me to the mattress, and I follow right along with her. I immediately roll us to the side and wrap my warms around her. She snuggles into me, wiggling her ass, which is still gripping my dick inside of her.

I’m content and well sated, and I wonder if when we both wake up tomorrow, we’ll still want each other this way.

I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that as far as I’m concerned, but I have no clue how Cat feels.

Chapter 6


Samuel’s heavily lined face leers at me, hovers over me so close I can smell his breath, which is sour from the rot of decaying teeth. His blue eyes have a milk-like glaze over them because he’s mostly blind, but they still see me clearly enough.

“It’s time to pay up, Catherine,” he sneers at me before letting out a demented cackle of a laugh.

I roll hard to my left, so fast that I dislodge something heavy lying across my stomach, but it does nothing to hold me back. My terror-filled need to get away from Samuel fuels me with a burst of adrenaline, and I launch myself right out of the bed.

Straight onto my knees… where they thud painfully, but then I’m standing up and looking to bolt to the nearest door.

“Cat… what’s wrong?” I hear from the bed. For a split instant, I think it’s Samuel.

But then just as quickly it registers… that rich, deep voice… the smell of sex heavy in the air that is definitely not Samuel’s rotten breath.

I spin back to the bed and see the outline of Rand’s body sitting up in the bed, then his legs are swinging over the edge. I can’t see what he does, but I hear the snick of the lamp switch as the room is bathed in a soft glow.

He stands, swiveling his face to look at me. It’s filled with concern, even as he’s walking around the bed to me as he repeats. “What’s wrong?”

My hand comes up, resting over my chest, and I can feel the mad pounding as I realize I must have been having a dream. I try to force myself to calm down, thinking of Samuel’s body lying in his casket so that I remember he’s dead and can’t hurt me anymore.

Rand’s large hands come to my shoulders, feeling steady and comfortable as they hold me. He’s completely naked, yet I don’t really see that right now. All I see are his blond lashes framing those green eyes, which are filled with worry for me.

For me.

I’m almost lost as to what to say to him because no one ever worries about me. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone in my life ask me “what’s wrong”. Maybe a teacher, but I really can’t recall a specific instance. Certainly not my mother. Don’t know my father. And definitely never Samuel.

No close friends who fretted over my feelings or safety.

Not even co-workers where I danced in Vegas had ever asked me if something was wrong.

Not one person in my life cared enough, and yet here Rand stands before me, holding me steady and asking me a very simple question.

What’s wrong?

“I had a nightmare about Samuel,” I say, my voice hoarse with sleep, but I’m pleased that it’s steady with the truth.

Rand’s eyes get soft with understanding. Before I know what’s happening, he’s picking me up in his arms, depositing me back into bed and crawling in behind me. We lay on our sides, facing each other, and he puts an arm around my waist to pull me in closer to him.

“Want to tell me about it?” he asks, his gentle voice putting me at ease.

“I think I do,” I murmur, tilting my head back so I can look at him.

He surprises me by giving me a kiss. Not a sexual kiss but just a sweet one that validates he’s here to listen and support me. “Lay it on me, Cat. I’ve got you.”

And he does. For the moment anyway. Eyes shining with support and a steady arm around my waist. This man who has been nothing in the past to me but a mindless fuck has very quickly become perhaps the nicest person I’ve ever encountered.