Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

Only one way to find out.

Putting my hands under her knees, I raise her legs and spread them wide. Her * literally blooms for me, right before my eyes. Cat reaches a hand out, grasps me by the base of my dick, and pulls me to her.

To fucking heaven, I groan internally as I sink inside of her.

“Mmmmmm,” she moans when my pelvis is pressed hard to hers.

“Goddamn,” I mutter as sweat beads on my forehead just from the overwhelming pleasure of her surrounding me. “Is it just me or does that feel fucking amazing?”

“Never felt anything like it,” she whispers. A shiver actually runs up my spine over the awe in her voice.

I’m a base creature. I like to fuck hard and fast, never really needing to prolong the rush to climax because I know there’s another one on the horizon waiting for me. But with Cat right now, legs spread wide and that * belonging solely to me in a way I’m betting it’s never belonged to another man before, I want this moment to last for-fucking-ever.

So I release my hold on her legs and urge her to wrap them around my waist. I lower myself over her body and press my elbows into the mattress at her ribs, lowering my mouth to hers.

And while we kiss without a care or rush in the world, I fuck her slowly and without needing anything more than this moment.

“We really should get some sleep,” Cat gasps as my finger lightly circles her sensitive clit. I’m kneeling between her legs again, having just eaten her * and given her an orgasm, but intent on giving her another. That sweet bundle of nerves is swollen and darkened pink with not only the rush of lust but also because I’ve been playing with it all night. It might even be a little painful. But she doesn’t push me away, even though she just suggested we get some sleep.

It’s late.

Or rather, early morning, and I have to open the tattoo shop in about six hours.

But fuck… I cannot stop touching her.

Making her come.

Slipping my cock in that piece of wet perfection that I think I might be slightly addicted to right now.

Filling her up with what may be buckets of my cum by now. Thank God, she’s on the pill because otherwise, she’d be so knocked up right now just by the sheer volume of sperm I’ve shot into her.

“You sore?” I ask as I dip my finger into her, pull out her juices and my sperm, and swirl it around her reddened clit again.

She moans with her eyes partially closed, her hips lifting a bit, even as she nods, “A little.”

“Hmm,” I muse as I study her *. I want back inside bad. You know, the addiction and all. But I don’t want to knock her out of commission either because I plan on a repeat of this tonight after work. In fact, I might just live my life working by day, and sweetly fucking Cat by night. We’ll eat, of course, for nourishment, but it sounds like a damn perfect life to me.

“Want me to stop?” I ask her, my eyes dragging up her body to her face.

Her lips tilt upward mischievously. “I can take whatever you got.”

This I know, I sourly think. I’ve watched her fuck multiple men in one session. Hardcore fucking where lots of lube was needed because a woman can only take so much.

But she didn’t need that lube tonight now, did she? This will be our fourth time and she’s still just as wet, slick, and inviting. We’re both a little raw, but we both have mileage in the tank. Of that, I’m sure.

Still, the thought of lube… has me thinking.

“Turn over,” I tell her suddenly, rolling over her to the side of the bed. As Cat moves to her stomach without question, I reach into the drawer of my nightstand and pull out a bottle of lube.

When I turn back to her, she has her cheek lying on my pillow, her eyes facing me. Her gaze travels back and forth from the lube to me before her tongue peeks out and swipes at her lower lip. “What are you going to do with that?”

“Going to give your * a break,” I tell her ominously as I flip the cap open.

Cat has a great ass. I’ve fucked it before, even once while her mouth and * were full of other guys’ cocks. My own cock starts dripping at the memory of that, and I crawl back over her body until I’m kneeling behind her.

She needs no encouragement because I know Cat loves anal as much as I do. Her ass goes up in the air and she spreads her legs to give me access.

While I’m horny enough I could happily drive into that snug hole, I take my time with her. I make excellent use of the lube, pressing my thumb in her ass while I stroke her clit softly with my other hand. By the time her body starts shaking with an orgasm, I’ve got three fingers in deep from behind and she couldn’t be more ready for me.