Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

“I am if you are,” she murmurs.

I totally am. I’m so fucking okay with it and how amazing that just felt, that if she gives me just a few moments and wiggles her hips just right, I’ll be good to go for round two without ever pulling out of her.

But then I pull a dick male move and speak without thinking, totally ruining the moment. “But let’s agree… we fuck anyone else, we still wear protection, okay?”

I know it’s a mistake even before she stiffens in my arms. I know the words were wrong the minute they left my lips. It wasn’t that I was thinking about screwing anyone else, or that I wanted anyone else. I just wanted her to know that she was different, and I meant that in a good way. But she clearly didn’t take it like I meant it, and I know this for sure the minute she literally pushes out of my embrace and drops her feet to the floor. My dick slides out, and I almost curse over the loss of her warmth around it.

Cat’s head drops and her hair falls forward so I can’t see her expression, but I watch, mesmerized, as she takes her panties and swipes them between her legs, cleaning my semen away. When she straightens back up, she shoves the panties toward me and my hand automatically goes out to grab them. I note the wetness against my palm and watch as she pushes the hem of her dress down her thighs.

When she finally looks at me, she levels me not with anger but with a brilliant smile. She even reaches out and pats me on the chest. “Well, that was fun, Rand. Thanks a bunch. Now I think I’ll head back into the main room and see what other fun there is to be had.”

I have no clue if she’s mad at me or serious about wanting to go back in there and fuck another man, but some sort of caveman-like DNA inside of me becomes active and my free hand shoots out to grab her by her upper arm as she turns to walk away. “You are not going in there to fuck someone else.”

I cannot believe I actually just said that to her.

Even as I cannot believe I actually said those words of possession, my grip tightens on her arm. She looks over her shoulder at me with wide eyes as her lips part in surprise. “But you just said—”

“I know what I said,” I snap at her, angry with myself for even saying something so insensitive, and angry with her for even thinking of fucking someone else even though I apparently gave her carte blanche to do so. Taking a deep breath, I tug on her arm so she turns to fully look at me. I let it out slowly and try to explain myself. “Cat… let’s go back to my place.”

“Why?” she asks, her tone heavy with suspicion. I know it’s because I’ve confused her. But fuck… I’m confused myself.

“Because I am not done with you by a long shot,” I say without further explanation.

“You can have me here,” she counters.

“I don’t want you here,” I tell her, deciding to go with brutal honesty. I don’t know the reason why, but I can’t stomach the thought of us fucking out there for everyone to see. More than that, I really want her spread-eagled on my bed.

Her eyes flick back and forth between mine for a moment before she gives me a tiny nod of acquiescence. She merely whispers, “Okay,” and nothing has ever sounded sweeter to me before.

There are a million different things I want to do to Cat in this moment. I knew she’d look lovely naked on my bed, her arms raised above her head and her legs spread wide for me. Gorgeous breasts that are full and heavy looking with dark brown nipples and that pretty * trimmed tight and drenched inside with my jizz from our fucking at The Silo not but an hour ago.

Million things to choose from… suck on those nipples, finger her ass, or suck on her clit until she screams. And yet I’m obsessing about my cock in her cunt, bare, with no walls between us.

Like I really can’t let the thought go.

I followed her to my apartment from The Silo, focusing on the taillights of her Mercedes as we drove the thirty-odd miles in the dark, but all I could think about was every glide of our flesh against each other. It vaguely reminds me of the first time I ever fucked a woman… fifteen years old and the giddy rush of feeling the ultimate pleasure for the first time. But that was a horny kid who took almost a full five minutes to put on a rubber and almost came the moment I sank into Beverly Bay’s non-virgin but not well used seventeen-year-old *.

But fucking Cat bare was infinitely better. It was wondrous, new, and I’m not sure can be replicated, but I’m obsessing about it, so I’m pretty sure her clit, nipples, and ass are going to get ignored right now. I’ll give them attention later.

As I kneel on the bed between her knees, my dick hard as fucking concrete and throbbing to get into her, I can’t help but wonder at the look on her face right now. It’s guarded, for sure. Her eyes are heavy with lust, but there’s a touch of skepticism there too. Perhaps like me, she’s wondering if what we had in the back hall of The Silo was a fluke or not.