Wicked Edge

Grabbing the discs, she quickly placed them on several of the boxes. Daire overturned the table and grabbed her, covering her completely. “Sure you want to do this?” he asked.

She snuggled under him and reached for a detonator disguised as a shirt button. “Hell yeah.” She took a deep breath and pressed hard.

Chapter 19

The explosions rocked the room. Shards of metal flew hard and fast, embedding themselves in the floor and twanging an odd tune. Felicity shoved against Daire, her body vibrating with the air. Wow. She’d never set off a bomb in person before.

He lifted his head and glanced around. “Holy fuck.” Stretching to his feet, he pulled her with him, his hold firm.

Smoke filtered through the room, and outside, an alarm blared. Gunfire pinged as if a world away, and the grunts of men fighting hand-to-hand broke the patter of gunfire.

“Go,” Daire ordered, nudging her to the south wall. “If your tech guy is good, really good, he’ll be able to keep the vault open for less than a minute.”

If Eli wasn’t good, then they were screwed. Felicity gaped at the huge holes in the wall. Scorch marks scored down the steel to the floor, and smoke swirled through the air. “Only take from the boxes we discussed.” She had no intention of harming anybody other than Ivan and his crew.

Stepping gingerly over smoking metal, she reached the first box, shrugging out of her jacket to form another bag. “Ah. Diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. Oh my.” Feeling almost giddy, she tugged out the velvet-lined box and dumped the priceless gems into the bag, already reaching for a box full of cash, United States currency.

Daire looted the other side, and they hustled, meeting in the middle. One box held more files, including deeds and land trust documents.

“We have to go. Now.” Daire reached for her hand.

She slung the bag over her shoulder, blinking from the burning air. The alarm was suddenly cut off.

Daire growled. “Not good.” He shoved open the steel door.

The vault door was slowly closing. Shit. Daire barreled through, pulling her along. Her boot caught at the end, and he gave a hard jerk, taking her right out of the leather.

One of her men grappled with a shifter against the wall, the two throwing furious punches and kicks. She loped into a run behind Daire just as two guards, fully armed and bleeding, ran around the corner.

Daire instantly dropped into a slide, taking them both out like bowling pins. Without even a hitch, he rolled onto the first guy and punched him in the face several times, spraying blood. The guy roared and started to shift into what looked like some sort of feline. Daire shot a hard jab into his neck and then his left temple, knocking him out.

Felicity leaped forward and kicked the other guard under the chin. His head jerked back and hit the floor with a sickening thunk.

Yet he turned to get back to his feet.

Daire growled and leaped forward, taking the guard with him and slamming the guy’s head into the wall.

Felicity took the opportunity to kick out of the remaining boot. No way could she run with only one four-inch heel slowing her down. She was already in motion when Daire jumped up and ran for the end of the hallway? his boots smashing against the silver tiles.

Her earbud crackled to life. “Authorities are dealing with the road blocks right now. You have about two minutes to get free,” Adam said, tension riding his voice and hard.

She gulped, and the hazy bank reception area took on a surreal tinge. Time seemed to slow down. Patrons ran out the door, spilling over the luxurious chairs. The tellers had disappeared, as had the bank executives.

“Run,” Daire bellowed. He turned just in time to get plugged three times by a guard. Without missing a step, Daire lunged for the guy and ripped the gun from his hand before slamming it down on the guard’s neck. The guard, a huge guy with wolflike features, dropped to the ground like a stone, his body jerking.

Rebecca Zanetti's books