Wicked Edge

He stalked behind her, rolling his shoulders forward and trying to appear shorter than he was. He followed her, noting how her ass swung with every step. Damn it. Now wasn’t the time to admire her ass.

He swung his gaze around, trying to look like a hired bodyguard and not an enforcer. All he needed was the shifter nation to know a Coven Nine enforcer had tried to rob them. Either there’d be instant war, or his people would have to give up something big to avoid bloodshed. Tourists in loud flowered shirts milled around, and several people licked rapidly melting ice cream cones. Tourist shops with sparkling jewels and oil paintings lined the way.

The heels of Felicity’s boots clicked as she sauntered into the air-conditioned bank.

He breathed out as the cool air smoothed over his skin.

A wide counter to the left held five tellers, all handling customers. Three desks with bank executives lined the windows on the right, and they all had patrons before them.

The place felt like money and smelled like the ocean.

Felicity moved instantly toward a desk at the back as if she had every right to do so, her heels clomping on the silver tiles. The woman had some serious style.

A guy dressed in pure silk sat behind the desk. Tall, broad, and in fighting shape, he had eyes that sparkled with intelligence. Wolf shifter. He smiled. “Can I help you?”

“I’m Simone Brightston,” Felicity said, her voice higher than normal. “I called earlier.”

“Of course, Miss Brightston. Do you have identification?” the shifter asked, standing.

Felicity handed over the identification she’d stolen from Simone’s apartment the first night. It had been altered a bit.

Daire stood with his arms crossed, discreetly scoping out the cameras. There were a lot of them. He could make out seven guards within yelling distance.

Finally, the guy led them through a long hallway lined with pretty oil paintings to a massive steel vault flanked by two fully armed guards. “I am Anton, and I’m here to assist you in any way you need.” He turned and apologized. “I’m so sorry, but we must follow formalities first.”

Felicity nodded and held out her arms to be frisked.

Possessiveness rose in Daire so quickly his chest heated.

When the guard had finished with her, he turned and patted Daire down with much less finesse.

Anton smiled and yanked out a palm reader. “Very good. Hand, please.”

Daire held his breath. Felicity had somehow obtained a full hand print from Simone’s apartment and then had some pretty dicey vampires create a fleshlike print to coat her fingertips. She clicked over and flattened her palm over the scanner. It quickly scanned, and a green light flickered.

Daire breathed out. God, she was amazing. If they survived the robbery, she should plan another one. By the delight all but wafting from her, she’d be just fine with that. What in the hell had he gotten involved with?

A retina scan was next, and by this time, he was confident Felicity had it all figured out. Yep. The scan went off without a hitch.

The vault opened, and Anton swung open another steel door before preceding them inside to box 1287. Felicity shoved in Simone’s key, and Anton did the same before pulling out a long box to place on the center table. “Let me know if you need anything else,” he said, moving toward the steel door and discreetly shutting it.

Hopefully he wouldn’t close the outside door and lock them in the vault.

Felicity smiled and flipped open the box to reveal several manila files.

Daire shrugged out of his jacket and reshaped it into a pack by drawing out hidden ties. He fought the urge to read the files and instead shoved them inside the pack.

Felicity was already moving toward the other boxes. She leaned down and kicked off the wedge part of both boots. Small discs fell out.

Daire winced. “Be careful.”

She laughed then—low and throaty.

His mouth gaped open. Even in disguise, her beauty shone through as she exuded such delight.

Rebecca Zanetti's books