Wicked Edge

Cee Cee flew into motion, kicking a female guard out of the way as she went. Her men fought hard around them, and in the distance, sirens trilled through the sunshine.

Daire motioned her forward, and she ran toward him at the front door. Blood flowed from his chest.

Sudden shooting pain ripped into her shoulder, and she tripped, falling flat on her face. Pain bloomed across her forehead. Blood spurted from her arm, and darkness covered her vision.

Rough hands grabbed her up, and her stomach hit a hard male shoulder. Her fake hair flipped down Daire’s long length. Hopefully the attachments she’d used for the wig would hold while she was upside down. Her entire right side went numb, and bile rose in her stomach to be quickly swallowed. Every running step he took bounced her against his shoulder, and she had to concentrate not to vomit.

Heat blasted her as he ran outside, his boots clomping on the hot concrete.

Sirens rose in pitch, obviously coming nearer.

A car door opened and Daire jumped inside, twirling her around to land on his lap. “Go,” he ordered.

Adam pulled away from the curb and into traffic, driving with speed and contained recklessness. “I can’t believe you just fucking robbed a bank,” he yelled.

Felicity blinked. So Adam Dunne could get emotional. Fascinating. Darkness covered her vision again, and she swayed. Daire yanked her shirtsleeve down and poked at her arm. Red hot agony sliced along her nerve endings, and she cried out, trying to jerk free.

“Hold still,” he commanded, peering closer. “It’s a through and through, but you need to heal yourself. Now.”

Tears fill her eyes and she nodded, letting a couple loose. Then she sucked in air, trapped it in her lungs, and concentrated. Her nerves tingled and then sparked as healing cells swam toward the injury. Healing an injury internally was much like an external surgery without anesthetic. Her body shuddered with the pain, but the wounds slowly closed. By the time she was finished, she was panting and sweating against Daire.

His eyes remained closed, and slowly, the wounds on his chest closed. Man, he could heal fast.

Adam drove into a parking area. “Take the white Buick to the helicopter, and I’ll ditch this car and then head to Dublin.”

Daire set Felicity next to him and quickly threw all the bags into the adjoining car.

Felicity yanked out the earbud, which Daire quickly crushed with his.

“Call me when you reach safety,” Daire ordered, slipping from the car and taking Felicity with him.

She allowed him to lead as she tried to regain some energy. The second she sat in the passenger seat, she reached for the bag already there and started changing her clothing. Her scalp burned when she ripped off the wig.

“Go easy,” Daire said, shrugging out of his suit and tugging off the fake beard. He already wore jeans and a T-shirt underneath, so he deposited the clothing in her empty bag before igniting the engine. “We can’t face any more fights. One of the bullets pinged my heart, and I need rest and protein to get back to full strength.”

She swallowed. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Just not strong enough to fight anybody right now.” He continued driving.

The bullet had hit his heart? Talk about tough.

Felicity finished wiping the blood off her neck just as they reached the helicopter waiting for them. The pilot was a demon mercenary, and she’d already paid him a small fortune to be there. He’d get the other half as soon as he dropped them in Jamaica, where they were to meet a private plane and head to Miami and then Seattle.

They didn’t exchange words and were soon flying low, really low, over the ocean. At least it was warm this time if they crashed.

Rebecca Zanetti's books