Wicked Edge

“Oh.” Kell backed away, and his face took shape. “What’s going on?”

Daire leaned in. “Somebody is going after Simone, and they’re in Dublin. While you’re there, I need you to investigate.”

Chapter 18

The plane bumped a couple of times as it flew through some turbulence. Felicity clasped her hands together in her lap, acutely aware of Adam Dunne’s probing eyes on her. When would Daire return from the cockpit? Finally, she couldn’t stand it any longer. “What?” she asked.

He lifted a shoulder. “Did Daire show you the marking on his palm?”

She blinked. Her siblings had been lunatics, so they’d pretty much stayed out of one another’s lives until her brother had tried to betroth her to an asshole. “Is that really your business?” she asked, curious.

He smiled. Adam Dunne had a shocking smile . . . slow and masculine. Intelligence sizzled in his eyes, and he definitely had been blessed with the Dunne good looks. “My brother is my business.”

She grinned. “That’s incredibly sweet.”

His chin lifted and he studied her. “You mean that.”

“I do.” How fortunate that Daire had a brother who cared. “Don’t worry. I’m sure your brother isn’t going to mate a demon.”

Adam chuckled. “Are you kidding? I hope Daire mates a demon, witch, or shifter. Somebody immortal with some power.”

She shifted on the seat. “I, ah, don’t have much power.”

“I’ve seen you kick, Cee Cee. You have training and power.” He rubbed his hands together. “I really like Alexandra, and I’m happy Kellach found a mate, but how terrible to worry all the time about a former human. Sure, she’ll be immortal, but she won’t really have power for a long time.”

“True.” Humans eventually gained powers from their mates, but it could take centuries. “So you’re not interested in Tori?”

He paused and rubbed his smooth chin. “God, no. She’s sweet and spunky, but she’s human.” He shook his head. “My mate, when I meet her in a few centuries, will have enough power of her own that I’ll gain from her as much as she gains from me.”

Felicity bit back a smile. “It sounds like you have your future all planned out.”

“I do find that having a plan takes care of the vagaries of fate.” He leaned back and stretched his neck. “Now, let’s talk about Simone and the evidence you’ve found.”

Daire pushed open the door. “Felicity’s files are up on the computer. Why don’t you study them, and then we can chat about your conclusions? I’d like fresh eyes on the documents.”

Adam stood. “Sounds good.” He moved by his brother. “Did Viv confirm?”

“Aye. The rumor mill is working overtime, which means that a challenge is probably coming. We don’t know from which direction, but I’m thinking the documents in the Cayman bank will provide a clue or two.” Daire brushed by his brother and headed straight for Cee Cee.

Her stomach clenched, and she instinctively pushed back in the chair. Adam disappeared into the other area and shut the door with a soft click.

Daire reached her, lifted her easily, and reversed their positions.

Her knees knocked the sides of the chair, her feet tucked behind her, her butt on his hard thighs as she faced him. “You sure like me on top.”

The lines at the sides of his eyes crinkled. “I surely do.”

She flattened her hands on his strong chest. “You have your serious face on.”

“Yes. I’d like your word that anything we find in the documents will remain confidential.”

Ah. He wanted to protect his cousin. Felicity rocked back. “Let’s make a deal.”

“I figured,” he said dryly.

“You let me handle Ivan, and I’ll stay as silent as you want about Simone’s extracurricular activities.” Truth be told, Felicity held no interest in Coven Nine politics.

Rebecca Zanetti's books