Wicked Edge

“I figured.” There hadn’t been any activity in Yuri Demidov’s accounts for the last week, and considering his connection to the planekite mines, she’d figured the enforcers had taken him down. “Did you kill him?”

“No. Kellach did.” Daire leaned back. “So any connection Simone had with Demidov ended years ago, and she must’ve forgotten about the corporation.”

Felicity’s stomach cramped. “The corporation has gone through several restructurings, and one time, Simone was even out of the documents. But she joined back in about five years ago and has been an integral part of moving property.” She swallowed. “The connection of Triad to the planekite mines was difficult to find, but I’ve had years to plan and study Bychkov. He’s in bed with a witch, and they’re going after the Coven Nine, I believe.”

Daire shook his head. “Simone wouldn’t ever do that.”

Felicity sighed. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” His face darkened. “For years, she got involved with one bad choice after another, but that’s over.”

No, it wasn’t. Ivan was handsome and charming, and even though Simone was a tough bitch, Felicity had studied her from afar. The woman had a gooey center and was looking for love. “You might be blind where family is concerned.”

“I am not.” He crossed his arms, muscles flexing. “Simone doesn’t know anything about Triad, and her involvement stopped when Trevan Demidov died.”

Felicity twirled the laptop so he could see the screen. “Simone made a series of bank transfers a week ago, and here’s her signature.”

Daire leaned over, his expression revealing nothing. Yet his jaw clenched. “That’s her signature, but it was just to transfer money.”

Felicity swallowed, trying not to throw up as she reclaimed the laptop and typed in keys. “And here?”

He crossed around to read over her shoulder. “Aye. That’s her signature.”

“This was on a shipping manifest from Russia to Seattle that should arrive any day.” Keys clacked as she typed in an order, and the manifest came up in full view. “This is one of the five shipments from planekite mines, and the manifest states that it is mining materials and minerals to be studied at the University of Washington.”

Daire moved away, taking his heat with him. A clank of crystal on crystal echoed behind her. “Tell me you didn’t drug all of the cognac,” he muttered.

She stiffened. “No. Just your glass.”

“Good.” Swirling a snifter, he prowled toward the fireplace. “Simone would never bring planekite into the country, and she’d never betray her family or her people. There’s no reason.”

An extremely strong urge to bang her head on the table made Felicity clench her teeth. “There’s a movement, a strong one, to remove Simone from the Coven Nine.”

The line of Daire’s back tensed. “Bullshit.”

“I’m sorry,” Felicity whispered. “Simone has been in the States for too long and has made it apparent she doesn’t want to return to Dublin. She has a history of affairs with bad men, enemies of the Coven Nine, and she no longer is representative of the mild council. You know they’re trying to redo their image into wholesome and kind.”

He jerked around. “Simone is both wholesome and kind.”

“Simone is perceived as a wild woman with terrible taste in men. There’s a demon in her past, and while I think that should be a mark in her favor, apparently it is not with your people.” Felicity sat back, wanting to offer comfort but knowing better.

Daire growled. “Simone’s affair with Nicholai Veis happened a century ago.”

“Right. Then she took up with a few renegades, a couple of mercenaries, and finally Trevan Demidov, the guy who wanted to take down the Realm.” Felicity winced. “I believe she also dated Dage Kayrs, the king of the Realm?”

Anger flushed across Daire’s rugged face. “So?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books