Where Lightning Strikes (Bleeding Stars #3)

Aggression curled through my muscles, twisting and twisting until I was wound tight. That old feeling I hadn’t felt in so damned long took me over. Something powerful and big. Bigger than life. Heart pounding wild, heavy in my hands and heavy in my fists.

Ash was suddenly a sensation in my periphery, everything else zeroed in on Adrian. His words just barely cut through the violence skimming beneath my skin. “Go home, Lyrik. You’ve got a baby coming. This night wasn’t supposed to go down this way. You know you don’t want this.”



Thoughts of them tried to break through to my rationale. Screaming at me to step back. But Adrian smirked, a looked so self-satisfied, nausea curled in my stomach. “Heard you knocked up that Sunder slut.”

The scowl screwing up my face was almost painful, and I edged forward, pushing off Ash who tried to get in my way. “What did you say?”

Adrian laughed. “What…tell me you all didn’t pass her around first. Bet you all still are. We all know how things roll with girls like that.”

He smirked a little wider. “Know what…forget what you owe me…I’ll head over to your place and collect from her.”

It was like getting struck by an inciting fire, a bolt of energy that snapped you in half.

Because that’s exactly what I did.

I snapped.

I had the bastard by the throat, pinned against the wall, squeezing like I didn’t give two shits about his no-good life.


Sounded about right to me.

He was gasping, writhing at the wall, tips of his toes barely brushing the floor.

Sebastian landed three quick punches to his side.

I could feel the muscles in his neck rippling as he tried to catch a breath through the pain.

Ash got between us and pushed me back.

Scumbag slid to the floor, and Sebastian was on him, patting him down, pulling the bags filled with powder from his jacket pockets.

Figured it wouldn’t hurt to grab a couple myself. I shoved three in my front pocket, shot the bastard my own smug grin. “You can count that as my payment. Think you’re gonna say something about my girl? Think again.”

I slanted one last kick to his stomach. A gurgled moan wept from his mouth, dude a balled-up sack on the grimy floor.

“Goddamn it.” Ash dragged both his hands through his hair, eyes completely wild, rolling with fear as he looked at the crowd who’d gathered.

It was just then I noticed the entire room was watching us in horror. Like they’d just gotten a front-row seat to the freak show.

What have you done?

A voice pushed into my racing mind as my high started to ebb. I took a single step back with the shot of anxiety that hit me. Sebastian squeezed my shoulder. “Let’s get out of here.”

We started for the side door. Something like remorse and regret tickled through my senses, the bags in my pocket burning like guilt. The mistakes I’d been making all night long started to run through my mind as if on a reel. Mistakes I’d been making since the second I’d agreed to coming tonight.

What have you done?

A voice shouted out behind us, and I froze at the words, choppy as he coughed, but clear as day. “You better run, assholes, because you aren’t getting away with this. You fucked with the wrong guy.”

For a beat, I mashed my eyes closed, before Ash grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out, swearing under his breath. We stumbled into the late, late night. Cool air flashed against my sweat-slicked skin.


A waking slap to the face.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ash demanded as he shoved me away from him. He paced, huffed, brow curled up when he looked between me and Baz. “Taking his shit? You got some kind of death wish? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

Sebastian threw out a sound of scorn. “Guy’s nothin’ but a *. He’s not going to do anything.”

“Yeah,” Ash shot back, “what about Benny? You really think he’s just gonna sit tight after you ripped him off? This is stupid, man. Don’t act like it wasn’t. And in front of all those agents. I’m done with this bullshit.”

Ash was done?

Agitation was setting in, and I dragged my hands over my head. “Gonna go get Kenz. Take her to her parents’ for the night.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I walked a couple circles as reality came sinking in. Was that what I was really going to do? Drag my pregnant girl out in the middle of the night?

“Said he’s just a *, man,” Sebastian tossed out, all nonchalant, leaning back on my car and shoving his hands in his pockets like he didn’t have a damned care in the world.

“Not taking that chance with her.”

“Go with him, Baz.” Ash gestured to my car. “I’m gonna take Mark home. Dude can barely stand.”

Sebastian shrugged. “All right then.”

He climbed into my car and I sped the short distance back to my apartment building. Dread sloshed through me, sure and thick.


What have you done?

I hopped out and bounded upstairs, let myself into the quiet darkness of the apartment. This tiny home we had made that was supposed to be protected. Safe.

I slipped into our room and stuffed a couple things into a bag. Kenzie was asleep on her side, and I nudged her hip. “Kenz, baby, wake up.”

A.L. Jackson's books